Brescia Winter School on Reaction Diffusion PDE's and Optimization

January 13 - 15, 2020

Organizers: Marco Degiovanni (Unicatt), Dario Mazzoleni (Unicatt), Benedetta Pellacci (Unicampania), Gianmaria Verzini (Polimi)

Sponsors: Dipartimento di Matematica e Fisica N. Tartaglia, Univ. Cattolica (Brescia), INdAM-GNAMPA

Here you can download the poster of the school.


François Hamel (Marseille): 'Reaction-diffusion equations: persistence, invasion, spreading and related optimization problems'

Alessandro Zilio (Paris): 'Predator-prey model with competition, the emergence of territoriality'

(Here you can find the slides of the first lecture.)


Claudia Bucur (Milano) : 'Symmetry in R^2 of global minimisers of a general type of nonlocal energy'

Riccarda Rossi (Brescia): 'Singular perturbations of generalized gradient systems'

Berardo Ruffini (Bologna and Montpellier): 'Perimeter vs capacity'

Davide Zucco (Torino): 'Optimal conductivities in symmetric domains '

NEW: Here you can find the booklet of abstracts

Here you can find the timetable

Here you can find some pictures (thanks to Alfredo Marzocchi)

To register, it is enough to send an email to: dariocesare.mazzoleni <at>

(write @ instead of <at>!)