Part I


I am currently in my tenth year of teaching, fifth teaching third grade. Prior to this assignment I taught five years at Helena Middle School where I taught Health, English, History, Spanish and Math. I received my undergraduate education at Montana State University and hold degrees in Elementary Teaching and Spanish Teaching K-12. My master’s degree was obtained from the University of Montana in Educational Leadership.

Helena Public Schools

  • My school is part of a large urban district with an enrollment of approximately 8,000.

  • The district has eleven elementary schools serving students K-5, seven of them are title schools.

  • These elementary schools feed into two middle schools and two high schools.

  • My current placement began as a very rural school and one of the smallest in the district. Due to growth in the Helena Valley it is now one of the largest at 460 students and is operating in the 4-3 model at full capacity. A beautiful new school was constructed for our growing population last year and I now have the opportunity to teach in a huge brand new building which utilizes the most current technology and flexible seating as well as flexible grouping of students. We strive however to keep the rural feel, traditions, and family atmosphere of a small school. Due to the fact that we are farther from town and most families own their own home. We have a comparatively higher socioeconomic status. In addition we have an incredibly supporting school community and families who are very involved with the school and the learning of their children.


Through my graduate education and natural tendency to lead, I have been able to immerse myself in leadership opportunities throughout my career. Currently I fill in as administrator when my building principal cannot be present, and I serve on numerous building level and district level committees including a team of professionals who are planning for the uncertainties of the 2020-2021 school year. I am passionate about grant writing not only to gain access for much needed materials, but for the positive attention it brings to the school and opportunities to foster collaboration between educators.

Continuing my leadership journey by becoming National Board certified (Evidence to support developing for Interpersonal Effectiveness)

Grant for materials to differentiate instruction with manipulatives in Math (Evidence to support developing in Explore and Challenge Inequities)

2020 Planning committee (Evidence to support developing in emerging in Reflective Practices)

Grant to connect with kids through Lego club (Evidence to support developing in Explore and Challenge Inequities)

Coverage schedule for when my building principal is out of the building. (Evidence to support developing for Interpersonal Effectiveness)