Its a bug for the chrome remote desktop installer not creating its own config folder. So simply create it via mkdir ~/.config/chrome-remote-desktop, refresh your chrome, and the "turn on" section will show up.

Enable remote desktop connections by opening the Chrome remote desktop extension and clicking Turn on. If the button is not visible, create the Chrome remote desktop configuration directory:

mkdir ~/.config/chrome-remote-desktop. Then reopen the remote desktop extension.

Chrome Remote Desktop Download For Ubuntu

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There have been some reports of issues with audio performance or other apps after installing Chrome Remote Desktop on a Linux Ubuntu box. If you experience problems and want to remove the app from your system, use the following comman: sudo apt-get remove chrome-remote-desktop. Then restart Ubuntu. This will remove the extension from your system and should enable your other apps to perform as expected.

Yes, Ubuntu provides remote desktop capability with the installed Remmina remote desktop client which supports the VNC and RDP protocols. Since the Chrome web browser is also supported by Ubuntu, you can run the Chrome Remote Desktop client as an alternative method of providing access to remote computers.

The chrome-remote-desktop application works just fine with linux generally and Ubuntu specifically. It however does NOT play nice with LightDM and Unity. Ubuntu Bug #1274013, and the related bug in comment #3 shed some light on this: gnome-session is broken without 3d acceleration.

I've only ever used it for that use case - to connect to OSX / Windows boxes from my Ubuntu work laptop. In those instances, the viewer is just accessed by installing via the chrome extension located here: -remote-desktop/gbchcmhmhahfdphkhkmpfmihenigjmpp?hl=en

EDIT: Since the remote-desktop host feature is currently in beta, it's not accessible in the chrome-stable installation, which is why I've not seen it listed and there is no option to enable remote connections in the stable installation, as far as I can tell.

Create a file called .chrome-remote-desktop-session in your home directory. This should be a shell script that starts your preferred desktop environment. Find the correct command to start the desktop by looking in /usr/share/xsessions/ for the desktop entry.

I'm trying to start running Screaming Frog in the Google Cloud Platform console using the steps on the ScreamingFrog website but I'm having trouble getting the Remote Desktop to run in SSH. Every time I enter DISPLAY= /opt/google/chrome-remote-desktop/start-host --code="4/0AZEOvhVqPx3gYL01LCIWIK8idzut9v47hRYwL5QWi4EOhDt_JJaO0ZrPLMCs_EiMNacfCQ" --redirect-url=" _/oauthredirect" --name=$(hostname)

I believe you're doing everything right and Google has pushed a faulty package here. Chrome remote desktop used to work for me before but when I updated the Debian package recently this error started to appear. From the looks of it it's a faulty python script.

I finally figured out that the modern system for services is called systemd and is operated with the systemctl command. Using systemctl status I got a list of every running service. From there, it was easy to identify that the service I was looking for was chrome-remote-desktop@myusername.

The Linux version of chrome remote desktop (henceforth, CRD) doesn'tallow clients to connect and control an existing X session; rather,there is a dedicated X session specific to CRD. This is similar to theclassic vncserver mechanic. When you connect, a session is started ifone is not already running. If it is running, you are connected to thein-progress session.

I tried to install the google remote desktop on the jetson nano and xavier. [url] [/url] Was someone successful with this? I can control my Win10 machine with the nano, but cant install/download the packages.

3. Here comes the problem. I tried to go to the root in the remote desktop, but VM asked for a password. I have no idea what this password comes from, and I tried the instance id and my gmail password, not working. (figure shows the remote desktop)

This was a problem on Ubuntu 18.04.2 with Brave . I had chrome-remote-desktop installed, as well as the remote desktop extension installed

I followed this guide to debug an issue about remote-desktop showing an empty, black screen.

Ā Configuring Chrome Remote Desktop with Ubuntu Gnome 14.04 remote-desktop, google-chrome-extensions answered by MDMower on 11:01AM - 09 Dec 14 UTC

After the installation, you should be able to see the Chrome remote desktop icon just beside your search address bar on the right.Install Chrome Remote Desktop PackageNext, install Chrome remote desktop package which provides the required host components;wget -remote-desktop_current_amd64.deb -P /tmpapt install /tmp/chrome-remote-desktop_current_amd64.debYou can as well navigate to the download folder, /tmp, in this case, and run the command;

To allow remote access to your Ubuntu 20.04 via Chrome remote desktop tool, you need to enable this by opening the Chrome remote desktop extension or just using the remote desktop access address, and clicking TURN ON as shown in the screenshot below;

If you do not see the TURN ON button, simply create the Chrome remote desktop configuration directory on your home directory;mkdir ~/.config/chrome-remote-desktopOnce you create the directory, reload the access URL above.

If prompted for authentication to run Chrome remote desktop, authenticate and proceed.Chrome Remote Desktop is now up and running on your Ubuntu 20.04.Accessing Ubuntu 20.04 through Chrome Remote DesktopTo be able to access your Ubuntu 20.04 remotely via Chrome remote desktop, you need to have Chrome remote desktop installed on that system and signed into Google account using the same gmail address.

For example, in our demo, Ubuntu 20.04 is our remote desktop to be accessed from an Ubuntu 16.04 desktop system. Since both systems have the tool installed and signed in using the same gmail id, then, we should be able to see our remote desktop, Ubuntu 20.04 in this case, right on Remote Access page.

LXDE remote desktop.You have successfully connected to your Ubuntu 20.04 desktop via Chrome Remote Desktop tool.That brings us to the end of our guide on how to install and and setup Chrome Remote Desktop on Ubuntu 20.04. Enjoy.

@alexdelprete suggestion worked perfectly for remoting using Chrome Remote Desktop -- I now have Ubuntu 20.04 MATE serving an old Acer chromebook client. The latter is using the Chrome remote desktop browser extension. The change solved two problems I was having. The DBUS error is gone, and my session is automatically scaled to the display resolution of the chromebook. Thank you!

Should you be interested in other remote desktop technologies for Ubuntu, we also have written detailed tutorials for VNC, Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP via a software called xRDP), NX (via a software called X2Go), or Xpra. They all have similar goals; however, their methods for achieving them differ.

i have ubuntu 22 desktop i skipped the gui setting up part but everything else worked. but when i logged into the computer remotely it asked what gui i wanted to use it had gnome classic and like 5 other choices. i chose gnome-classic and now when i log in i get a dark screen with an x how can i change the desktop choice again?

Of course, because installing the pakage [chrome-remote-desktop_current_amd64.deb] is only the first part of the install procedure for Chrome Desktop. That group does not exist yet. The rest of the procedure is explained here:Ā 

I believe EdXD forgot that he already did the installation once.

I use Chrome Remote Desktop as a convenient way to access my desktop while traveling. From time to time it will have issues that require restarting the PC remotely. However, Chrome Remote Desktop will not start automatically after rebooting. Thankfully I can SSH into the PC and start it manually with CRD --restart but I would like to avoid that process as it depends on a VPN connection and a few extra steps.

I also removed the connection and tried to set the connection multiple times but did not work. I can, however, remotely access my Windows computer from my Ubuntu computer without any problem.I have seen that some people had this problem too but the questions are mostly addressed to Windows machines and I cannot find much information about using this tool in Linux (or Windows - Linux in my case)( -remote-desktop-is-showing-our-workstations-as-offline-but-they-aren-t-please-help?hl=en).

Teamviewer is the primary choice of cross-platform remote desktop software for Windows, Mac, and Linux systems. It is quite often that universities and institutes have a secured network, therefore traditional VNC connect fails to receive incoming packets via listening ports. The Teamviewer allows PC connections beyond private networks, that are blocked by firewalls or router settings. It is also easy to set up, as it installs its host and client at one time. It is wonderful to remotely access your desktop at any time and anywhere. Teamviewer is awesome and free for personal, non-commercial use.

Chrome Remote Desktop is a free product provided by Google. It is the only remote desktop software that can access PCs in secured networks as well as the Teamviewer among a bundle of similar software. If you install the Chrome Remote Desktop on Windows or Mac, there should be no big issues. But if you want to set up it on Linux, you may encounter many troubles. You must correctly install and setup the configurations for the host component on Linux.

I am looking into supporting CRD for GNOME/wayland. CRD would be leveraging remote desktop APIs (along with screencast) as exposed by xdg-desktop-portal{,-gnome}. While experimenting with remote desktop APIs, I see that for enhanced security, an interactive dialog (relevant code: -desktop-portal-gnome/-/blob/main/src/screencast.c#L345-349) is always presented to the user to select sources/devices they want to allow to be remote controlled. Though this workflow would make perfect sense when a user is directly connected to the machine and is allowing someone remote to take control (e.g. to get help from IT) but it is less than ideal for a user who is trying to access their own machine remotely (e.g. accessing their work computer from home). ff782bc1db

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