Split Body Breathing

Instructions for Nadi Shodhana Pranayama, “Split Body Breathing”

Now you will engage in a practice called “Split Body Breathing" or "Nadi Shodhana Pranayama".

Sit, stand or lie down in a comfortable position. Release tension from jaws and eyelids as you follow the steps below. As you learn to do this practice, perform the practice with closed eyes gazing inward. If you wish to print these instructions, you can download them from the linked document above.

STEP 1: Bring your attention to the sensation of air flowing in and out of both nostrils as the body spontaneously breathes in and out… feeling the difference in sensation on the in-breath compared to the out-breath.

STEP 2: Gently bring attention to the left nostril. Feel the air entering and leaving the left nostril… You are breathing through both nostrils, but the focused entirely on the left nostril.

STEP 3: Now, bring attention to the right nostril. You are breathing through both nostrils, but you are absorbed in sensation in the right nostril. Feel the air moving in and out.

STEP 4: Now, move attention back to the left nostril, feeling air flowing in and out of the left nostril and feeding the entire left side of the body with breath energy…and expand your attention so that you are aware of the entire left side of your body… sensation that is the left side of the body from head to fingertips and toes… front and backside… inside and outside… Sensing and exploring the breath energy flowing through the left side of the body while breathing through the left nostril.

STEP 5: Now shift your attention over to the right nostril, feeling the air flowing in and out… and expand your attention so that you are aware of the air flowing in through the right nostril and feeding the entire right side of the body… sensation that is the right side of the body from head to fingertips to toes… front and backside… inside and outside… Sensing and exploring the breath energy flowing through the right side of the body while breathing through the right nostril.

STEP 6: Begin to alternate your attention from one nostril and one side of the body… to the opposite nostril and the opposite side of the body…. At the top of each inhalation, while gently retaining the breath, allow all of the sensations to shift over into the opposite nostril and opposite side of the body…. And then as you exhale, sense this new nostril and side of the body… going back and forth at your own breathing speed… simply noting sensation first in one nostril and side of the body, then in the other nostril and side of the body.

STEP 7: Repeat the steps above 5 to 7 times.

STEP 8: When you are ready, after inhaling, retain the breath and shift your attention into both nostrils and sense the entire body simultaneously. Feel what this does to the body and mind.

STEP 9: As you return to eyes open and alert, see if you can take the feeling of Breath Energy Awareness back with you into the activities of the rest of your day.