Seiji Takasugi obtained a jewel called "Aurin" which is the earth's alter ego and it has elected him to be the commander of eight brave robots. The Brave robots are sleeping in many parts of the world as "Brave Stones". However, they become super robots by fusing with modern people and machines once Seiji awakens them and they soon follow his instructions. Their enemy is Lord Oh-Boss who is an invader who aims at stealing the planet's energy with the aid of his subordinates that Da-Garn and the other brave robots must stop in order to save the world.

The group of Brave fighters that can fly. As Sky Saber, Jet Saber, Shuttle Saber and Jumbo Saber were killed by Seven Changer, but were revived by Hawk Saber. During the final battle, the Sabers went back to sleep as Brave Stones. Being fliers, the Sabers all have fighter jet pilot-like visors and speak in Air Force manners, referring Seiji as "Captain".

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The group of Brave fighters that are on the ground. Like the Sabers, the Landers sacrificed their strength to Great Da Garn GX before going back to sleep. Being all land vehicles, the Landers speak with a cocky street gang-ish manner, referring Seiji as "Boss".

This green-eyed warrior hails from Emraline Island. Jade is a beautiful and brave fighter whose broadsword works together with her mystical insights to defeat practically any enemy. But, even with the power of her Secret Jewels, can this trusted Gemstone Guardian stand against the forces of Dragon Queen?

A new dungeon called KOF Arena will be opened during the event. Players can select different paths as they complete the dungeon and battle their way to victory against the best fighters to obtain limited Items, including KOF Spheres, Materials, and Gems.

The fighter will remind you of 2 things. Bruce Lee, and Street Fighter. Bruce Lee because of the way he fights, his combo punches and kicks, that will have Bruce Lee sounds ringing in your head. Street Fighter because of the different Combos that you can perform. From Chun Li Kicks, to Hadokens.

When you first use the fighter in normal PVP, you may get over excited by the high DPS it does, and how much faster you are able to kill enemies. However, you will also find out sooner or later that the Fighter's HP can go down very fast too.

We suggest to stick to the same Equipment stats because Equipment Stats are not like Core Gems and Skills that we can change in and out easily. So for Equipment, its best to focus on the 6 Core stats as much as you can. Then, whether you want to be a Tank or DPS character, augment it by Core Gems. For example, you can go 9 Fire gems for DPS, or 9 Earth gems for tank, or even 9 Water Gems if you want to focus on cooldowns and CC.

I still remember many hours spent with my Japanese roommates burying each other in gems during rounds of Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo or cackling at the hilarious animations of Super Gem Fighter. Then there were the times we would fire up our Japanese Sega Saturn with the RAM expansion pack so we could play the best home console versions of Darkstalkers and other Capcom games, which just trumped the PlayStation versions of those games.

Even with 85Mb only, the graphics in Brave Fighter: Dragon Battle are excellent. The graphics make the game visually appealing and easy to follow, even for those who are not familiar with fighter games. The characters look realistic and well-designed, and the backgrounds and scenery are beautiful and vibrant. The stages are also well-done, with realistic looking environments that capture the feeling of each location convincingly. The overall graphical presentation is top notch and makes for an enjoyable experience.

But the Air Force feared sending B-36s into combat without fighter protection. And no fighter then in development could keep up with the giant bomber on their staggeringly long flights across oceans and continents. This was, after all, before aerial refueling became standard practice.

The B-36 was still in development and none were ready for testing when McDonnell finished the two XF-85 prototypes and the Air Force accepted them for trials in the summer of 1948, so the testers modified a B-29 to serve as a B-36 surrogate, fitting the wartime bomber with an extendable trapeze that cradled, launched and retrieved the parasite fighter.

The story of Yhei and the Ysei crystal spread far and wide. It became a beloved tale among the villagers about the brave samurai, the quirky monkey, and the understanding between humans and the forest spirits.

According to Pearl and Vidalia, Steven takes after his parents. He is relatively short with a thick, stocky build. He has fair skin, curly dark brown hair, dark brown eyebrows, and full black irises which can sometimes have stars as pupils when he gets excited or optimistic. He wears a salmon-pink T-shirt with a gold star in the center. He also wears cuffed blue jeans and salmon-pink flip-flop sandals. His gemstone, a pink diamond he inherited from his mother is where his navel should be. As revealed in "Steven's Birthday", while he is fourteen years of age his half-Gem physiology affects his rate of aging and he appears younger.

At the end of "Everything's Fine" and during "I Am My Monster", he transforms into a giant Kaiju-sized monster after coming to the conclusion that he is one. He is massive in size, towering over the Crystal Temple and completely dwarfing the Diamonds, though he noticeably decreases in size over time, becoming only a few meters taller than his fellow Diamonds. His posture is heavily hunched over and his anatomy is disproportionate, with a potbelly, a long heavy neck ending in a small head, a short tail, long powerful arms, and relatively short legs. His body is covered head to toe in hot pink tuberculate scales that are hexagonal in shape, and his back is protected by a thick armored carapace. He has numerous pinkish off-white thorn-like spines running down the length of his back and forearms, starting at his forehead and ending halfway down his tail. He retains his human form's facial profile and nose, though his eyes have gained black sclera and glowing pink pupils, and his mouth is now filled with sharp teeth. On the sides of his head are a pair of long, angular horns that point upwards, as well as a similar-looking pair of short, curved tusks on the sides of his lower jaw. His forearms are thick and powerful, bearing large human-like hands with four fingers and a thumb each, all five digits bearing sharp, dark pink claws. His legs are digitigrade in posture and his feet bear five claw-tipped toes each. His gemstone is still located where his navel would be, though it appears much smaller due to his massive size in this state.

In "Fragments", Steven's insecurities about himself, his life, and his powers finally lead to him breaking away from his family and running away to the one he feels can understand him: Jasper. This also displays a ruthless and darker Steven as he hones the destructive side of his powers with Jasper's training. He also becomes arrogant about his newfound abilities as seen when he kisses his bicep, something even Jasper is annoyed by. As a result, he decides to no longer hold back, enjoying the thrill of fighting and the freedom of using his full power which culminates in him gleefully massively attacking Jasper in a rematch of their fight from "Little Homeschool", causing, unintentionally and to his great horror, her shattering. Immediately after, Steven retains his kind and remorseful attributes as shown when he brings Jasper's gemstone shards home after calming down from his battle high and uses his and the Diamonds' essences to restore it. Unfortunately, when Jasper addresses him as "my Diamond" after reforming Steven is left reeling with horror as he realizes that by shattering Jasper out of aggression, he has broken his principles and seemingly become the one person he fought against being compared to for so long: his mother.

"Fragments" and "Homeworld Bound" reveal that Steven harbors a suppressed desire for vengeance against all who willingly wronged him, especially the Diamonds and others from Homeworld; he is irritated by them and Spinel acting friendly after everything they had done to hurt him and his loved ones, and having a strong intrusive thought about shattering White Diamond's gemstone when given control of her body.

As a human/Gem hybrid, Steven possesses unique physiology, resembling a fusion of a Gem and a human. He is capable of using Gem magic, though it is unknown if he possesses all the abilities of a pure Gem, such as retreating to their gemstone when taking fatal damage. As associated with his gemstone, Steven's powers are maternal and the control of his gemstone is based on emotional clarity.

Steven has shown to have some abilities of a regular Gem, but sometimes has little control over them due to not receiving enough training. He can warp using the Warp Pads and bubble objects and gemstones to be teleported to the Temple with seemingly full control. He is not strictly oxygen-dependent and is vacuum-resistant as shown in "Ocean Gem" and "Space Race". He also shows that he can fuse, as he can fuse with Connie to form Stevonnie. While in the beginning, they tend to fuse spontaneously when they dance and while thinking about each other, by "Beach City Drift" they fuse and re-fuse into Stevonnie at will. Furthermore, he has also been shown to be able to fuse with other Gems as well, as he first fused with Amethyst to form Smoky Quartz in "Earthlings". However, this ability to fuse is only possible through his gem and training, and once his gemstone was affected by Spinel's rejuvenator, fusing with his father proved to be extremely exhausting for Steven and severely weakened him since he lost the power and focus he originally had.

When Steven's gemstone is removed from his body, he splits into two entities: one fully human, the other fully Gem. The two Stevens can refuse to recreate Steven's hybrid self. If the Stevens were kept apart each would be focused only on seeking their other half and becoming whole again.[5] 2351a5e196

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