I am a Masters student at Colorado School of Mines studying Hydrogeophysics. My research interests are in Antarctic glaciology (movement of glaciers / instability) and paleoglaciology (cosmogenic nuclides). I earned my B.S. at Oregon State University in Earth Sciences with a focus on Climate Science. Feel free to get in touch with me over social media.



Colorado School of Mines August 2023 - May 2025

Oregon State University September 2018 - September 2022

Communication and outreach

Glaciers & Whatnot

Glaciers and What not is my newsletter where I write about the cryosphere and paleoclimate. Scan the QR code or click the link in the header of this page to read it. It is completely free to read! You can support my work by subscribing (also free) and sharing.

Bluesky Feeds

Projects & research

Python Exposure Age Repository for Paleoglaciology (paleoPEAR) May 2024 -  Ongoing

I am currently in the process of developing a suite of tools for calculating and analyzing the exposure ages of glacial erratic rocks. The exposure age of a glacial erratic is how long ago retreating ice exposed the rock to cosmic radiation. Such ages can be calculated by first measuring the concentration of certain nuclides (beryllium-10, aluminum-26, or carbon-14) on the surface of rocks, which get produced when cosmic radiation reacts with oxygen atoms in the rock and accumulate over time. Then, those concentrations are input into an exposure age calculator (like paleoPEAR), which uses scaling schemes and nuclide production rates to calculate when the rock was exposed.

[Github link coming soon]

1-Dimensional Numerical Ice Sheet Model

In my last year of undergraduate school, I programmed a 1-dimensional ice sheet model based on the one described in Oerlemans (1981). This model considers a height and latitude-dependent mass balance, an (optionally) varying "climate point" (i.e. where the equilibrium line is at 0 meters above sea level), and an adjustable bed to account for GIA feedbacks.


Hydrologic Science and Engineering (HSE) Club