Brand Vue

Privacy Policy


Welcome to Brand Vue. Your privacy is paramount to us. This policy outlines the data we collect, its use, and your associated rights.

Information We Collect

a. Personal Data: Includes details like Name, Email Address, Company Name, and Contact Number.

b. Usage Data: Tracks user behaviors within our app, such as pages visited and features used.

c. Location Data: With your permission, we collect and store location information to enhance app functionalities.

d. Bluetooth Data: With consent, we use your device's Bluetooth to monitor impressions and provide specific features within our app.

How We Use Your Data

a. Service Delivery: To maintain and improve Brand Vue functionalities.

b. Personalization: Tailoring the user experience based on behaviors and preferences.

c. Communication: For updates, security alerts, and user support.

d. Brand Impact Reporting: We analyze the collected data to provide insights and reports on brand impact from out-of-home advertising.

Data Sharing & Disclosure

a. Third-party Service Providers: We may use third-party companies to facilitate our service. They can access your data solely for tasks on our behalf and are committed against unauthorized disclosure.

b. Legal Obligation: We may disclose your data if mandated by law or upon valid requests by public authorities.


Data security is our priority. We employ encryption, secure servers, and best practices to guard against unauthorized access or breaches.

Cookies & Tracking

Brand Vue uses cookies and tracking technologies to monitor app activity. Users can accept or decline cookies.

Your Data Rights

a. Access: Right to view personal data we retain about you.

b. Correction: Seek corrections for any incomplete or inaccurate data.

c. Deletion: Request data deletion, under certain conditions.

d. Opt-out: Rights to unsubscribe from marketing communications we send.

Changes to This Privacy Policy

Occasionally, we update our Privacy Policy. Changes will be communicated via email or a notable in-app notice.

Contact Us

For any privacy policy or data-related queries, reach out to [].