Sponsored Research Project


Development of AI Powered Multipurpose Intelligent Security and Surveillance System (TIH, Roorkee; Rs. 1,00,00,000)

Hardware Implementation of Artificial Intelligence based Object and Motion Detection (DRDO; Rs. 9,65,000)


Transient Absorption, Time Resolved Fluorescence and Sum Frequency Generation Spectroscopy (SMILE, IIT Roorkee; Rs. 5,61,60000)

Spintronics Based In-Memory Computing for Neuromorphic Applications (SPARC, MHRD; Rs. 73,38,843)

Massive Parallel Interconnect Architectures for Vision SoC: Exploiting Graphene Nanophotonic Tech. (DSD-DAAD; Rs. 37,27,750)

Spin Orbit Coupling based IntelligencE TechnologY (SOCIETY) (National Research Foundation, PMO, Singapore; Rs. 30,00,00,000)

Performance Analysis of Optical Interconnect (TARE, SERB, DST; Rs. 18,30,000)

Radiation Hardened Memory and Logic Design using Hybrid Spintronic-CMOS Devices (CRG, SERB, DST; Rs. 42,17,664)


Development of Low Cost Indigenous Earthquake Early Warning System (IMPRINT-2, SERB, DST; Rs. 158,00,000)

Design and Analysis of Spintronics Based Devices to Systems (Shastri Research Grant (SRG)- Shastri Indo Canadian Institute (SICI); Rs. 373,353.5)

Modeling and Design of All-Optical Switching Devices for DWDM System and Sensors for Health Monitor (TARE, SERB, DST; Rs. 21,80,000)

Brain Computer Interface for Neuro and Cognitive Research (SMILE, IIT Roorkee; Rs. 75,00,000)

Analysis and Performance Enhancement of Graphene Plasmonic Antennas (SAC, ISRO; Rs. 30,34,000)

From 2001-2017

Thermal Imager and Its Calibrator for Bad Weather and Night Vision (SMILE, IITR; Rs. 43,00,000)

Development and Real-Time Implementation of Filters to Remove Noise and Blur Effect (DRDO; Rs. 18,50,000)

Development of Restoration Techniques for Weather Degraded Images (DRDO; Rs. 9,70,000)

Study of Heat Shimmer Removal Techniques for Long Range Imaging Systems (DRDO; Rs. 8,98,000)

Modeling and Simulation of Novel Structures of OTFTs and OLEDs and their Application in VLSI Circuit (FIG-IITR)

Strengthening of Digital Signal Processing Laboratory (AICTE (MODROBS); Rs. 10,00,000)