Junior Academy

Junior Academy is a Spring program open to 1st and 2nd graders in Braintree.

Cost for the program is $85

  The Junior Academy is a skills-oriented development program for first and second grade players wishing to hone their skills in preparation for future competitive play in the Braintree Travel Soccer program. The season begins at the end of March, with weekly outdoor training sessions/practices on Wednesday/Thursday evenings and continue with games on Sunday mornings starting in April and ending in June with a “WORLD CUP CELEBRATION”

Teams are comprised of 1st & 2nd graders, and games take place on Sunday mornings at East Middle School.  The program is run through Braintree Travel Soccer, but NO travel soccer exists at this age. There are no tryouts for this division, as everyone is placed on a team as long as they are registered.

 Registration for the junior academy will be online only!

 For the low registration fee of $85.00, players receive a full uniform, outdoor training sessions led by professional trainers, 9 weeks of outdoor practices and games, followed by a “World Cup Celebration” consisting of multiple games, a parade of all teams, and a pizza party.

*There is no sibling discount option available for this program.

Any questions can be emailed to braintreeyouthsoccer@gmail.com