BrainROS Beta Testing

BrainROS is a hardware add-on for software development of the VEX V5 Brain. BrainROS enables real-time odometry by sending debug messages from the VEX Brain to a wireless console while the robot is in motion. 

If you are interested to be part of the BrainROS beta test, contact

BrainROS Features

No External Power Supply Needed - BrainROS is powered by the V5 battery through an RJ11 connection to the VEX Brain V5 microcontroller. 

Usable in All Environments - BrainROS can act as an Access Point (AP) as well as a WiFi client. The AP feature allows the identical debugging and troubleshooting environment at competition venues. When the BrainROS is used in a school or home environment, users can configure it to be a client connected to the school or home AP respectively.

Print Messages to Console - This is useful for developing autonomous and skills routines, as you can print out debugging and status messages to gain more information about your run.

Wireless - Print messages without needing to maintain a wired connection to the V5 brain.

Time Stamps + Odometry - Messages are printed with time stamps, as well as an optional readout of the robot’s X and Y position, as well as yaw heading.

Driver Practice in a Virtual Environment - BrainROS can publish the VEX field map and the robot odometry data to the Robotic Operating System (ROS). Using the RViz application that is included in ROS, the user can control the movement of their robot in the virtual VEX field using their VEX Controller. 

Demonstration Videos


BrainROS Auton Demo


BrainROS Example Setup


BrainROS Odom Plotting


BrainROS Visualize Robot Movement