When you think about exercising your dog you probably think about activities like walks, trail hikes, and games of fetch, but it may come as a surprise to discover that your dog needs brain exercise as well.

With brain training the goal is to encourage your dog to think creatively, problem solve, and have fun. Steve Dale, certified animal behavior consultant, pet radio host, and co-editor of Decoding Your Dog (authored by members of the American College of Veterinary Behaviorists), suggests that brain training has numerous benefits, including:

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It helps to use a clicker to teach this behavior since the initial steps move quickly. To begin simply toss a treat on the ground near your dog and after she eats it and looks up at you hoping for another one, click her for her attention then then throw another treat. Repeat this process, always using the clicker to mark the moment your dog turns to look at you.

Healthy brain function comes from a healthy lifestyle, and diet is a big part of the equation. Feeding your pup a premium dog food with real meats as the primary ingredients and no filler or additives contributes to overall wellness from the inside out.

For the second week of April, we are exploring the many benefits of playtime for dogs. Just like us, dogs should be engaging in activities that challenge them mentally as well as physically, and brain games for dogs are a great way to do this!

Providing your dog with mental stimulation can be as easy as giving them plenty of opportunities to sniff and explore while out on walks. However, if you want to take this one step further, you can play lots of different brain games for dogs.

Teaching your dog a new trick requires a lot of concentration on their part, which is why tricks make for a challenging brain workout! By teaching new tricks with positive, rewards-based training, you can help to boost your dog's confidence and happiness. Just remember to provide lots of praise and enthusiasm!

While we're on the topic of feeding, food puzzles also make for an extremely popular type of dog brain game, as they too challenge your dog to work for food. There are lots of dog food puzzles available to buy online, or you can do it yourself and make a food puzzle at home!

These puzzles benefit both memory and problem solving skills, while also decreasing stress and improving a dog's digestion. With a puzzle game, the speed at which a dog eats is slower, as they have to successfully work out how to manoeuvre the puzzle to fully access the food beneath each hole.

For dogs that have already learnt the 'drop it' or 'give it' command, you can enhance this skill further by teaching your dog to drop its toys back into the toy box, basket or container after playtime has finished.

This brain game caters to a dog's natural aptitude to fetch and retrieve. Not only is it a great way to start winding down and signify to your dog that playtime is over, it can also help to provide independence and give you one less thing to have to worry about cleaning up!

You can utilise household objects like chairs, bed sheets, mops or brooms to make a fun obstacle course in the house or garden, or you can sign your dog up for agility training classes in the local area. Either way - your dog is bound to love burning off excess energy passing through a variety of obstacles.

Absolutely! Chewing requires concentration and focus, which is why dog toys provide such a great outlet for mental stimulation. A durable dog toy can be used for both independent play, and to encourage social play with other dogs.

On the days that you are physically unable to walk the dog and no-one can help, brain training is an excellent way to exhaust them as they are having to use their brain, 20 minutes brain training can be the equivalent of an hours walk in the same way that training does, then they just need out to toilet. However this should not be done instead of a walk if you can manage it, as they still need to sniff and roam around, they are not indoor animals, so if you can walk them then you should. These games are also good for rainy days, if your dogs hate rain like my 2 do.

Hi, we have a Schnauzer that barks at everything, animals in the yard, wind blowing leaves, doorbells, etc. We taught him speak when he was just a puppy. So he does that already on command. How would we do quiet now? Also how do you break marking, perhaps you can write an article about it. We have tried everything. He is 9 years old now.

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My dog has been attacked by two other dogs in the neighborhood while on our daily walks. One of the dogs greeted him the doggie way, sniffed him nose to nose and bit him in the face. The other dog went into a submissive pose on the sidewalk when he saw my dog coming, when Boomer got up to the dog the dog attached him, Another time this same dog got out of his collar and ran down the block to battle my dog. He is now 6 and is a very social Cocker Spaniel. However since the attacks having him on a leash around other dogs is a nightmare, he wants to go to battle. The odd thing is I send him to doggie daycare and he is fine around other dogs. I have tried standing in front of him so he cannot see the other dog and hold his face up to look at me while the other dog is in the area and tried treating, no luck. If these other dogs walk by the house and he is inside he just goes insane runs back and forth to the window and barks like crazy. I know he is feeling trapped on the leash now I just do not know how to help him be more comfortable around the other dogs. Do you have any tips? Thanks Carol

Hi, I have a chihuahua , sheis 2 1/2 years. she does the following, sit stay come( heel when we are walking,) go to place , play dead , sit pretty, she always wants to learn. she does not pull on the leash with the exception of when she encounters another dog, she wants to kill yes kill and barks with her high pitch voice. I work at a pet store ( we do not sell any animals and I bring her. she is behind the counter and when someone approaches the counter it is crazy she wants to kill. please help me I do believe that she is anxious and i do not know how to handle. I sometimes go to dog training classes to socialize her and it does not work however if i leave her loose all is good. I know that she is territorial and wants to protect me( my fault I held her too high) can you give me suggestion i am the type that practices and works very hard to help her. thank you

We have a 9 year old papillon who barks at approaching dogs on walks. She not a much of a barker in the house or yard but I cannot make her stop barking at other dogs the minute she sees them on walks. Please help.

Does your dog still show unwanted behaviors? Behavior problems can be frustrating to a dog owner but with proper education, dedication, and a bit of guidance you can learn the most effective ways to clicker train and brain train your dog.

Brain training for a dog requires some equipment and a bit of patience. Some items are free to find in our homes; be sure to have a leash, a clicker for clicker training, and small treats. There will be little to no cost to begin with, its good to start small and work your way up. In the rewards model food can be different from other forms. Kibbles are one thing and delicious chicken dinners are another.

A big difference exist between smaller quick food treats and large meals as a reward. Both of them are crucial and our professional dog trainer will explain the best way. There are others including clickable devices or maybe using verbal markers instead of clicking. I trained clickers first, then verbally. Give yourself the opportunity to click and do what works best for you and your dog.

Do dogs get trained properly, well brain games might be the answer. Getting the dog accustomed to socializing is one of the fundamental requirements of any breed. It is very important to get the dogs trained quickly to avoid leash pulling, behavioral problems, or excessive barking. Obviously this is not a simple and easy thing to learn, a dog learns at its own pace and some dog training might take months to work. We provide an online course to show you the methods that work.

During training, dogs can seem overwhelming, particularly when it comes to introducing new tricks to them. In reality, training dogs can be a huge task. If you follow this guide, it should not be difficult. Tell me the first step in getting started:

Brain Training for Dogs is an online program where the dog training can be done in your own house. There are also 2 eBooks, 21 short activities videos with over 300 articles written by Adrienne Farricelli.

Yes! Brain training of four dogs is absolutely safe. It is a scientific training philosophy that enables your dog to follow commands. Force-based, also called positive reinforcement / learning, is a technique that encourages positive behavior through reward. Adrienne will show you the perfect technique. Many veterinarians say reward-based training can be regarded as the best method to train the dog. Good news: training dog starts a new friendship and connection that was not there before.

How do we fix bad behaviour? You may already know about neuroplasticity. It is a widely accepted idea researched in Harvard and elsewhere in the world. Our brain is like a soft plastic that can mold and change to learn new habits and actions. Its brains have the same structures and functions as dogs do.

When your dog is trained to learn something new, its brain is more receptive to it. Your dog will learn from your advice. Dog training utilizes their ability to pick up on verbal cues while many dogs react positively with our step by step guides. 152ee80cbc

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