A gacha game (Japanese:  , Hepburn: gacha gmu) is a video game that implements the gacha (toy vending machine) mechanic. Similar to loot boxes, gacha games entice players to spend in-game currency to receive a random in-game item. Some in-game currency generally can be gained through game play, and some by purchasing it from the game publisher using real-world funds.

The gacha game model began to be widely used in the early 2010s, particularly in Japan.[1][2] Gacha mechanics have become an integral part of Japanese mobile game culture.[3] The game mechanism is also increasingly used in Chinese and Korean games, as well as European and American games.[3][4][5][6]

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A marketing practice where deals of a product are shown to the consumer so they perceive what they are buying as a good deal. This is used in gacha as extra roll deals and virtual currency deals to get the consumer to buy more. Studies show that consumers buy on the basis of the price of a single product and not all of the products prices combined which entrepreneurs take advantage of. Customers only look at the price at hand of a product and compare that to the deal and not the sub charges of the product. In mobile games this is used by a cheap product to set the anchor then the more expensive ones that shows deals making the player feel better for a purchase because they have more value.[7]

Makes the player more engaged by giving the player rewards intermediately throughout the game so that the player will work for these rewards in order to get what they desire. Making the player either have to play to get these rewards or paying to get an advantage and getting the rewards without having to play. An example of this is getting a free gacha pull by doing certain tasks in game.[7]

Showing the player rare items that they want, so whenever the player does a gacha pull and does not get the desired item, they would then want to spend more to obtain this item because they feel that they were close to getting it, and that the next roll will get their targeted item. When the player starts a roll it passes by the items in that banner then stops on the item the player obtained while teasing what items were next to or close to the item they got making the player feel as if they have missed the desired item.[7]

Some items are only available for a limited amount of time, incentivizing players to directly purchase or otherwise obtain the item for an in-game power advantage or bragging rights. Limited time events can also condition players to consistently play the game out of fear missing an event or specific item. Daily login rewards can encourage players to open the game each day in order to collect a specific daily reward.[8]

A gacha game will have collectable characters, cards, or other items. Many of them are obtainable only through a "gacha" mechanic,[3] wherein the player exchanges in-game currency for "pulls" or "spins", each pull yielding a random collectable "drop". The "pulls" are analogous to spins on a slot machine or roulette wheel.

Some of the "drops" drop less frequently than others. As such, drops can often be categorized into rarity "tiers". Historically, gacha games did not always share their droprates. Those that did so were called "open gacha" and those that did not were "closed gacha". In many jurisdictions it is now legally required for the item rarities to be public information. As such, virtually all contemporary gacha games share this information.

Some gacha models use an "eventually guaranteed drop" mechanic called "pity" or "spark": the player will be guaranteed a given drop after pulling for it a large number of times without success. This mechanic by itself does not start at the beginning but rather at a fixed point. Pity mechanics can be "soft" or "hard". Depending on the game, these mechanics usually start at a designated pull count and at the very end for that matter. "Soft" pity increases the probability slightly of getting a rare item with every pull, counting up and recalculating the probability until the rare item is received, while "hard" pity uses a counter to keep track of the number of pulls and automatically dispense or allow the item to be purchasable with in game currency after reaching a preset number of rolls.

Gacha games often feature several in-game currencies with intricate conversion methods, obscuring the actual value of non-premium currencies. While players can earn the "premium" currency during gameplay, it is available in strictly limited amounts.

In many games, gacha rewards are essential for players to make progress in the game.[6] Players are generally given free or discounted gachas in low amounts on a regular schedule, in exchange for logging in or doing in-game tasks.

Banners are "pools" of available items (characters, loot, cards, etc) that players can "roll" on. Offered banners can be perpetually available or can have a limited duration. Games generally have some of both, with player retention efforts and in-game advertising emphasizing the limited availability of some or all of the items in the latter.

Stamina is a resource that is required for, and consumed by, core in-game actions such as (in a fighting-oriented game) beginning combat encounters. It regenerates over time, often only up to a cap. It can typically be regenerated or gained instantly through some form of microtransaction or premium currency spending. The name for this resource is usually different on a per-game basis, but stamina is typically the general term used for this type of currency in general across games.

In this scheme, there are desirable items. The desirable item cannot be rolled for directly. The player must collect (that is, pull) a specific set of other items, and upon completion they unlock the desirable item.

The first few items in a set can be rapidly acquired but as the number of missing items decreases it becomes increasingly unlikely that redeeming a loot box will complete the set (see coupon collector's problem) since eventually one single, specific item is required.[10]

Game developers have praised gacha as a free-to-play monetization strategy.[15][6] Most developers that work primarily with free-to-play games recommend it be incorporated into the game starting with the concept for maximum monetization potential.[6]

It has been debated what makes gacha so addictive to so many players. Proposed mechanisms include playing on the hunter-gatherer instinct to collect items, as well as the desire to complete a set,[6] effective use of the "fear of missing out", or, simply the same mechanisms that drive gambling.[15]

An aspect of monetization commonly found in the financing of gacha games involves a model where a large part of the game's revenue comes from a very small proportion of players who spend an unusually large amount of money on gacha rolls, essentially to subsidize the game for other players who may spend smaller amounts of money, or even free-to-play players that spend no money at all. The high-spending players are often colloquially referred to as "whales". A player who is called a dolphin spends a moderate amount of money on microtransactions in mobile games. A player who is called a minnow spends little to no money on microtransactions in mobile games.[14][16]

Studies done in Europe and the United States show that more than half juveniles who participate in gacha around 5 percent of them developed bad gambling habits and 10 percent were starting habits [clarification needed]. The gacha industry invokes gambling addiction and 30 percent are students who spends 256 to 1280 dollars of which these students have no steady income [clarification needed].[7][citation needed] As of 2020, the EU Parliament has regulated a form of gacha on the basis of consumer protection due to exploitation by the industry. Parliament sought an alternative basis for player protection with hopes of finding a better solution.[17] This has been considered for regulations many times by many countries but only a few of them have actively taken action against gacha. Belgium has banned loot boxes, China has made a requirement on showing chances of obtaining a particular item, UK has adapted to a wait and watch. As of 2019 55 percent of the highest income in UK games are loot boxes and gacha on mobile and 36 percent on pc.[18] Players with already set gambling problems are a lot more susceptible to spending more money on loot box and gacha games. This is largely because there is no committed limit for how much the person will spend on pullls or opens spending more because of it. 30 percent of the revenue from gacha and loot boxes are players who are moderately at risk for gambling addiction.[19] UK does not consider loot boxes and gacha gambling because the virtual item have no real monetary value outside of the game. As studies show the brain likes randomness and surprises which gacha is a surprise in a way that what the player might get will be amazing or poor. this is because the brain likes to predict what reward they will get from the pull and makes the player excited at the possibility of getting something that they desire. just like cards the buyer will always get something just maybe not what [20] the consumer wants to get unlike gambling.[21] Gacha games go by the philosophy of all or nothing when pulling the player either pulls till they get the desired item or they stop half way getting nothing of value. Gacha games are not inherently bad it is based upon the developer of the game making the gacha a requirement to continue the game or if the items are just to help the player continue the story or main quest. Pay to win is also dependent on the game itself as not all gacha games are pay to win but most gacha games let the player buy advantages to help them in the game.[22] ESRB (Entertainment Software Rating Board) does not consider gacha gambling because the player is guaranteed to earn some sort of prize which gambling does not. "The Netherlands Gambling Authority" has stated that gacha violates "the Betting and Gaming Act" and "the Belgium Gaming Commission" states that is it gambling because of its random chance. Illegal third party sites make it so players can sell virtual items for real money making it closer to gambling because at that point it deals with outside game currency.[23] Gacha items has rarity which means by proxy it has a value which therefore can be sold on third party sites for real life money depending on rarity. Similarities can be drawn from crypto games because of the breeding method turning two crypto games into a new one by a set random chance just like the random chance of gacha.[24] One big criticism is pay to win give an advantage to players with more money and gacha is one that has been criticized for pay to win. From a survey they used 46000 users and out of them 586 where pay to win and has purchased loot boxes or gacha to gain an advantage. 50% of those users where high risk gamblers and low level education. [25] Gacha is one of the highest grossing in the industry acquiring $6379756 a year making it one of the most lucrative. 152ee80cbc

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