(90) Superadiabatic dynamical density functional theory for colloidal suspensions under homogeneous steady-shear

S. M. Tschopp and J. M. Brader

J.Chem.Phys. 160 214124 (2024) Link 

(89) Multiscale-multiphysics model for optimization of novel ceramic MIEC solid oxide fuel cell electrodes 

 P. Marmet, L. Holzer, T. Hocker, G. K. Boiger, H. Bausinger, J. G. Grolig, A. Mai and J. M. Brader

The International Journal of Multiphysics (In Press)


(88) Standardized microstructure characterization of SOC electrodes as a key element for Digital Materials Design 

P. Marmet, L. Holzer, T. Hocker, G. K. Boiger, H. Bausinger, A. Mai, M. Fingerle, S. Reeb, D. Michel and J. M. Brader

Energy Adv. 2 980 (2023) Link 

(87) Stochastic microstructure modeling of SOC electrodes based on a pluri-Gaussian method 

P. Marmet, L. Holzer, T. Hocker, V. Muser, G. K. Boiger, M. Fingerle, S. Reeb, D. Michel and J. M. Brader

Energy Adv. 2 1942 (2023) Link 

(86) Superadiabatic dynamical study of Brownian hard-spheres in time-dependent external potentials 

S. M. Tschopp, H. D. Vuijk and J. M. Brader

J.Chem.Phys. 158 234904 (2023) Link 


(85) First-principles superadiabatic theory for the dynamics of inhomogeneous fluids 

S. M. Tschopp and J. M. Brader

J.Chem.Phys. 157 234108 (2022) Link 

(84) Tunable Brownian magneto heat pump

I. Abdoli, R. Wittmann, J.M. Brader, J.-U. Sommer, H. Löwen and A. Sharma

Scientific Reports 12 13405 (2022) Link 

(83) Force density functional theory in- and out-of-equilibrium 

S.M. Tschopp, F. Sammüller, S. Hermann, M. Schmidt and  J.M. Brader

Phys. Rev. E 106 014115 (2022) Link 


(82) Modeling the impedance response and steady-state behaviour of porous CGO-based MIEC anodes 

P. Marmet, L. Holzer, J.G. Grolig, H. Bausinger, A. Mai, J.M. Brader and T. Hocker

PCCP (advanced online article) (2021) Link  

(81) Order preserving dynamics in one dimension - single-file diffusion and caging from the perspective of dynamical density functional theory

R. Wittmann, H. Löwen and J.M. Brader

Molecular Physics 119 e1867250 (2021) Link  

(80) Fundamental measure theory of inhomogeneous two-body correlation functions

S.M. Tschopp and J.M. Brader

Phys. Rev. E 103 042103 (2021) Link  


(79) Mean-field theory of inhomogeneous fluids

S.M. Tschopp, H.D. Vuijk, A. Sharma and J.M. Brader

Phys. Rev. E 102 042140 (2020) Link 

(78) Correlations in multithermostat Brownian systems with Lorentz force

I. Abdoli, E. Kalz, H.D. Vuijk, R. Wittmann, J.U. Sommer, J.M. Brader and A. Sharma

New Journal of Physics 22 093057 (2020) Link

(77) Stationary state in Brownian systems with Lorentz force

I. Abdoli, H.D. Vuijk, R. Wittmann, J.U. Sommer, J.M. Brader and A. Sharma

Phys.Rev.Research 2 023381 (2020) Link

(76) Lorentz force induces inhomogeneity and flux in active systems

H.D. Vuijk, J.U. Sommer, R. Merlitz, J.M. Brader and A. Sharma

Phys.Rev.Research 2 013320 (2020) Link

(75) Nondiffusive fluxes in a Brownian system with Lorentz force

I. Abdoli, H.D. Vuijk, J.U. Sommer, J.M. Brader and A. Sharma

Phys.Rev.E 101 012120 (2020) Link


(74) Escape rate of transiently active Brownian particle in one dimension

A. Scacchi, J.M. Brader and A. Sharma

Phys. Rev. E 100, 012601 (2019) Link

(73) Anomalous fluxes in overdamped Brownian dynamics with Lorentz force

H.D. Vuijk, J.M. Brader and A. Sharma

J.Stat.Mech.: Theory and Experiment 063203 (2019) Link

(72) Pressure, surface tension and curvature in active systems: a touch of equilibrium

R. Wittmann, F. Smallenburg and J.M. Brader

J.Chem.Phys. 150 174908 (2019) Link

(71) Particle conserving dynamics on the single-particle level

T. Schindler, R. Wittmann and J.M. Brader

Phys.Rev.E 99 012605 (2019) Link

(70) Effect of anisotropic diffusion on spinodal decomposition

H.D. Vuijk, J.M. Brader and A. Sharma

Soft Matter 15 1319 (2019) Link


(69) Fluid demixing kinetics on spherical geometry: Power spectrum and Minkowski functional analysis

A. Böbel, M. Bott, H. Modest, J.M. Brader and C. Räth

New Journal of Physics (2018) Link

(68) Linear response approach to active Brownian particles in time-varying activity fields

H. Merlitz, H. Vuijk, J.M. Brader, A. Sharma and J.-U. Sommer

J. Chem. Phys. 148 194116 (2018) Link

(67) Isotropic-nematic transition of self-propelled rods in three dimensions

M.C. Bott, F. Winterhalter, M. Marechal, A. Sharma, J.M. Brader and R. Wittmann

Phys. Rev. E  98  012601 (2018) Link

(66) Flow induced crystallization of penetrable particles

A. Scacchi and J.M. Brader

J. Phys.: Condens. Matt.  30  095102 (2018) Link 

(65) Effective equilibrium states in mixtures of active particles driven by colored noise

R. Wittmann, J.M. Brader, A. Sharma and U.M.B. Marconi 

Phys. Rev. E  97  012601 (2018) Link

(64) Local phase transitions in driven colloidal suspensions

A. Scacchi and J.M. Brader

Molecular Physics 116  378 (2018) Link


(63) Dynamical density functional theory analysis of the laning instability in sheared soft matter

A. Scacchi, A.J. Archer and J.M. Brader

Phys. Rev. E  96  062616 (2017) Link 

(PRE Editor's suggestion)

(62) Effective equilibrium states in the colored-noise model for active matter II. A unified framework for phase equilibria, structure and mechanical properties

R. Wittmann, U.M.B. Marconi, C. Maggi and J.M. Brader

J. Stat. Mech.: Theory and Experiment 113208 (2017) Link

(61) Effective equilibrium states in the colored-noise model for active matter I. Pairwise forces in the Fox and unified colored noise approximations

R. Wittmann, C. Maggi, A. Sharma, A. Scacchi, J.M. Brader and U.M.B. Marconi

J. Stat. Mech.: Theory and Experiment 113207 (2017) Link

(60) Brownian systems with spatially inhomogeneous activity

A. Sharma and J.M. Brader

Phys. Rev. E  96  032604 (2017) Link

(59) Escape rate of active particles in the effective equilibrium approach

A. Sharma and J.M. Brader

Phys. Rev. E  95  012115 (2017) Link

(58) Shear induced migration in colloidal  suspensions

P. Marmet, A Scacchi and J.M. Brader

Molecular Physics 115 1691 (2017) Link


(57) Non-equilibrium phase behavior from minimization of free power dissipation

P.  Krinninger, M. Schmidt and J.M. Brader

Phys. Rev. Lett.  119  029902 (2016) Link

(56) Green-Kubo approach to the average swim speed in active Brownian systems

A. Sharma and J.M. Brader 

J. Chem. Phys. 145 161101 (2016) Link

(55) Phase separation on the sphere: Patchy particles and self-assembly

M.C. Bott and J.M. Brader 

Phys. Rev. E  94  012603 (2016) Link

(54) Active Brownian particles at interfaces: an effective equilibrium approach

R. Wittmann and J.M. Brader

EPL 114 68004 (2016)  Link

(53) Driven colloidal fluids: construction of dynamical density functional theories from exactly solvable limits

A. Scacchi, M. Krüger and J.M. Brader

J. Phys.:Condens. Matter 28 244023 (2016) Link

(52) Particle conservation in dynamical density functional theory

D. de las Heras, J.M. Brader, A. Fortini and M. Schmidt 

J. Phys.:Condens. Matter 28 244024 (2016) Link


(51) Effective interactions in active Brownian suspensions

T.F.F. Farage, P. Krinninger and J.M. Brader 

Phys. Rev. E 91 042310 (2015) Link

(50) Free power dissipation from functional line integration

J.M. Brader and M. Schmidt

Mol. Phys. 113 2873 (2015) Link

(49) Power functional theory for the dynamic test particle limit

J.M. Brader and M. Schmidt

J.Phys.:Condens.Matter 27 194106 (2015) Link


(48) Superadiabatic forces in Brownian many-body dynamics

A. Fortini, D. de las Heras, J.M. Brader and M. Schmidt

Phys.Rev.Lett 113 167801 (2014) Link

(47) Microrheology close to an equilibrium phase transition 

J. Reinhardt, A. Scacchi and J.M. Brader

J.Chem.Phys. 140 144901 (2014) Link

(46) Dynamic correlations in Brownian many-body systems

J.M. Brader and M. Schmidt

J.Chem.Phys. 140 034104 (2014) Link


(45) Normal-stress coefficients and rod-climbing in colloidal dispersions

T.F.F. Farage, J.Reinhardt and J.M. Brader

Phys.Rev.E 88 042303 (2013) Link

(44) Nonequilibrium Ornstein-Zernike relation for Brownian dynamics

J.M. Brader and M. Schmidt 

J.Chem.Phys. 139 104108 (2013) Link

(43) Phase behaviour of colloids with short-range repulsions plus nonadsorbing polymer chains

K. van Gruijthuijsen, R. Tuinier, J.M. Brader and A Stradner 

Soft Matter 8 9977 (2013) Link

(42) Power functional theory for Brownian dynamics

M. Schmidt and J.M. Brader

J.Chem.Phys. 138 214101 (2013) Link

(41) Residual stresses in glasses

M. Ballauff, J.M. Brader, S.U. Egelhaaf, M. Fuchs, J. Horbach, N. Koumakis, M. Krüger, M. Laurati, K. J. Mutch, G. Petekidis, M. Siebenbürger, Th. Voigtmann and J. Zausch 

Phys.Rev.Lett. 110 215701 (2013) Link

(Selected as a PRL Focus article

(40) Density functional approach to nonlinear rheology

J. Reinhardt and J.M. Brader 

EPL 102 28011 (2013) Link


(39) First-Principles Constitutive Equation for Suspension Rheology

J.M. Brader, M.E. Cates and M. Fuchs

Phys.Rev.E, 86 021403 (2012) Link

(38) Schematic Mode Coupling Theory of Glass Rheology: Single and Double Step Strains

Th. Voigtmann, J.M. Brader, M. Fuchs and M.E. Cates 

Soft Matter 8 4244 (2012) Link

(37) Dynamics of localized particles from density functional theory

J. Reinhardt and J.M. Brader 

Phys.Rev.E 85 011404 (2012) Link

(36) Three Dimensional Flow of Colloidal Glasses

T.F.F. Farage and J.M. Brader 

J.Rheol. 56 259 (2012) Link


(35) Controlling colloidal sedimentation using time dependent shear

M. Krüger and J.M. Brader 

EPL 96 68006 (2011) Link

(34) Density profiles of a colloidal liquid at a wall under shear flow 

J.M. Brader and M. Krüger 

Mol.Phys.109 1029 (2011) Link


(33) Nonlinear response of dense colloidal suspensions under oscillatory shear: Mode-coupling theory and FT-rheology experiments 

J.M. Brader, M. Siebenbuerger, M. Ballauff, K. Reinheimer, M. Wilhelm, S.J. Frey, F. Weysser and M. Fuchs

Phys.Rev.E 82 061401 (2010) Link

(32) Nonlinear rheology of colloidal dispersions (Review article) 

J.M. Brader

J.Phys.:Condens.Matter 22 363101 (2010) Link


(31) Effect of mixing and spatial dimension on the glass transition

D. Hajnal, J.M. Brader and R. Schilling

Phys.Rev.E 80 021503 (2009) 

(30) Glass Rheology: From mode-coupling theory to a dynamical yield criterion

J.M. Brader, Th. Voigtmann, M. Fuchs, R.G. Larson and M.E. Cates

Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA, 106 15186 (2009) Link

(29) Nonlocal effects in nonisothermal hydrodynamics from the perspective of beyond-equilibrium thermodynamics

M. Hütter and J.M. Brader

J.Chem.Phys. 130 214908 (2009) 

(28) Rheology, Structure and Dynamics of Colloid-Polymer Mixtures: from Liquids to Gels

M. Laurati, G. Petekidis, N. Koumakis, F. Cardinaux, A.B. Schofield, J.M. Brader, M. Fuchs and S.U. Egelhaaf

J.Chem.Phys. 130 134907 (2009) 


(27) First-Principles Constitutive Equation for Suspension Rheology

J.M. Brader, M.E. Cates and M. Fuchs

Phys.Rev.Lett. 101 138301 (2008)

(Selected as a PRL viewpoint article

(26) From Equilibrium to Steady State: The Transient Dynamics of Colloidal Liquids under Shear 

J. Zausch, J. Horbach, M. Laurati, S. Egelhaaf, J. M. Brader, Th. Voigtmann and M. Fuchs

J.Phys.Cond.Mat. 20 404210 (2008) 

(25) Structural precursor to freezing: An integral equation study

J.M. Brader

J.Chem.Phys. 128 104503 (2008) 


(24) Dynamic glass transition in two dimensions

M. Bayer, J.M. Brader, F. Ebert, E. Lange, M. Fuchs, G. Maret, R. Schilling, M. Sperl and J.P. Wittmer

Phys. Rev. E 76 011508 (2007) 

(23) Dense colloidal suspensions under time-dependent shear

J.M. Brader, Th. Voigtmann, M.E. Cates and M. Fuchs

Phys.Rev.Lett. 98 058301 (2007) 

(22) Structure and phase equilibria of the Widom-Rowlinson model

J.M. Brader and R.L.C. Vink

J.Phys.Cond.Mat. 19 036101 (2007) 

(21) Learning real world stimuli in a network with spike driven synaptic dynamics

J.M. Brader, W. Senn and S. Fusi

Neural Computation 19 2881 (2007) 


(20) Solution of the Ornstein-Zernike equation in the critical region

J.M. Brader

International Journal of Thermophysics 27 394 (2006) 


(19) Multiple views of the response of an ensemble of spectro-temporal features. 

M. Coath, J.M. Brader, S. Fusi and S.L. Denham

Network: Computation in Neural Systems. 16 285 (2005) 

(18) Entropic interfaces in hard core model amphiphilic mixtures

J.M. Brader and M. Schmidt

J.Colloid.Interface.Sci. 281 495 (2005) 


(17) Statistical mechanics of inhomogeneous model colloid-polymer Mixtures

J.M. Brader, R. Evans and M. Schmidt

Mol.Phys. 101, 3349 (2003) 

(16) Simulation and theory of fluid-fluid interfaces in binary mixtures of hard spheres and hard rods 

P.G. Bolhuis, J.M. Brader and M. Schmidt

J. Phys.: Condens. Matt. 15 S3421 (2003) 

(15) Entropic wetting of a colloidal rod-sphere mixture

R. Roth, J.M.Brader and M. Schmidt

Europhys.Lett. 63 549 (2003) 

(14) Hard sphere fluids in random fiber networks

M. Schmidt and J.M. Brader

J.Chem.Phys. 119 3495 (2003) 

(13) Hard body amphiphiles at a hard wall

J.M. Brader, C. von Ferber and M. Schmidt

Mol.Phys. 101 2225 (2003) 

(12) Laser-induced condensation in colloid-polymer mixtures

I.O. Götze, J.M. Brader, M. Schmidt and H. Löwen

Mol.Phys. 101 1651 (2003) 

(11) Fluid demixing in colloid-polymer mixtures: Influence of polymer interactions

M. Schmidt, A. R. Denton and J.M. Brader

J. Chem. Phys. 118 1541 (2003) 


(10) Colloidal rod-sphere mixtures: Fluid-fluid interfaces and onsager limit

J.M. Brader, A. Esztermann and M. Schmidt

Phys. Rev. E 66 031401 (2002) 

(9) Entropic wetting and the fluid-fluid interface of a model colloid-polymer mixture

J.M. Brader, R. Evans, M. Schmidt and H. Löwen

J.Phys.Cond.Mat. 14 L1 (2002) 

(8) Density functional theory for a model colloid-polymer mixture: bulk fluid phases

M. Schmidt, H. Löwen, J.M. Brader and R. Evans

J.Phys.Cond.Mat. 14 9353 (2002) 

(7) An exactly solvable model for a colloid-polymer mixture in one-dimension

J.M. Brader and R. Evans

Physica A 306 287 (2002) 


(6) Interfacial properties of model colloid-polymer mixtures

R. Evans, J.M. Brader, R. Roth, M. Dijkstra, M. Schmidt and H. Löwen

Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 359 961 (2001) 

(5) Inhomogeneous model colloid-polymer mixtures: adsorption at a hard wall

J.M. Brader, M. Dijkstra and R. Evans

Phys Rev.E. 63 041405 (2001) 


(4) Density functional for a model colloid-polymer mixture

M. Schmidt, H. Löwen, J.M. Brader and R. Evans

Phys.Rev.Lett. 85 1934 (2000) 

(3) The fluid-fluid interface of a model colloid-polymer mixture

J.M. Brader and R. Evans

Europhys.lett. 49 (5), 678 (2000) 


(2) Phase behaviour and structure of model colloid-polymer mixtures

M. Dijkstra, J.M. Brader and R. Evans

J.Phys.Cond.Mat. 11, 10079 (1999) 


(1) Fermi surface callipering of chromium alloys

H.M. Fretwell, S.B. Dugdale, R.J. Hughes, J.M. Brader, M.A. Alam and A. Rodriguez-Gonzalez

J.Phys.Cond.Mat. 10, 10375 (1998)