Black Panther Party of Boston Teaching Materials (2023)

BPP in Boston Gallery Walk

BPP in Boston Gallery Walk (1).pdf

Black Panther Party Veterans Speak!  (coming soon)

Jabir Pope.mp4

Jabir Pope

'Cappy' Pinderhughes

Edith Bazile.mp4

Edith Bazile

BPP in Boston Speaker Videos at 375 Blue Hill Ave


The Fight to Preserve Africana Studies

UMass Boston Professor of Africana Studies, Tony Van Der Meer, speaks on the attacks on his department at Boston's public university


Why Ethnic Studies Matters

BTU Ethnic Studies Now committee member Andrea speaks about what Ethnic Studies means to her and why critical education matters!

Standing Against Right Wing Attacks

BTU Ethnic Studies Now committee member Amrita speaks about why and how we must stand against right wing attacks on education!

Teach Truth: Educators Stand Up!

Breakfast in Honor of the BPP's Free Breakfast Program for Children