Fichier recup.bpmn (948 Bytes)

My computer shut down by mistake. But I had already made a BPMN diagram and saved it when I created it.

After restarting, the diagram is displayed but an error log message. Is it possible to recover all my work? I put you the txt file of the error messages?

I would like to extend bpmn-js-properties-panel with not just custom properties but adding additional child node to a scriptTask. To make my intentions clearer, at the moment a scriptask when exported will look like the following:



So what you want to achieve is adding custom element attributes to a ServiceTask, right? Therefore you can have a look inside -io/bpmn-js-custom-elements-example, and also -io/bpmn-js-examples/tree/master/properties-panel-extension to get a guideline how to add custom attributes and extensions for the properties panel.

Did you already start to write some code to achieve what you want to? Can you provide us some of this code? E.g. a custom properties provider, which do you have to build for creating properties panel extensions (like its mentioned in the second example repo above).

I guess our custom-element-example also explains how to deal with moddle extensions. I think best practice would be to implement them as ExtensionElement (as the example reveals), with which your extension will fit the bpmn specification.

import is supporting standard bpmn symbols only as I know. All signavio specific extensions and elements will be ignored. Could you list things that you expect to be imported, but were not included in result?

Your bpmn xml contains two processes, a process for Messtechniker and a process that contains the other activities (like Project anlegen etc.). As a consequence, you modeled a collaboration, whereby only the Messtechnicker process is part of the collaboration.

you have two processes in your bpmn file.

In the Camunda modeler only one process will be shown.

I moved them into one process and the modeler showed me the following process model:

Projektabwicklung.png1148690 20.2 KB

Projektabwicklung.bpmn (37.5 KB)

For collaborative modeling with the ability to organize, save and invite teammates to collaborate, sign-up for a free Camunda account. Built with open-source software bpmn-js is built with the help of a number of open-source libraries:

I create a subprocess by dragging the Subprocess Activity node from the palette to the drawing panel. With F2 or by going to the properties, tab "General", I describe the process. The process appears in the Structure view as a folder with the just entered description.

When I click the '+' sign, the node "opens" and the text disappears. I understand the node is now a mini-screen, but the description in the Structure view disappears.

By default, yEd supports different descriptions for opened and closed group nodes. If you do not want that, but require the same description for both states, go to "File" -> "Preferences", tab "Editor" and activate "Synchronize Open and Closed Group Label".

Now I find it a bit clumsy to drag nodes from the palette into the expanded subprocess node. Most of the time I have already drawn part of the process and just want to drag it into the expanded node. Which doesn't work; someone else already brought this up -using-yed-3-with-bpmn-how-do-include-things-in-a-sub-process

You are wrong. It is possible to drag existing elements into an opened group node. To do that, press and hold SHIFT then press and hold the left mouse button and drag the selected elements over the open group. When SHIFT dragging elements over an open group, yEd will display a visual indicator if releasing the mouse will assign the moved nodes to the group in question:

I suspect the disappearing and reappearing of the description has to do with having a different label. Does this also serve a functional purpose, like is there a reasone one would name the collapsed subprocess differently than an expanded one in the Structure view?

I'd like to add: when collapsing the nodes within the nodes, the parent node adjusts its size to meet the needs of the subprocess. But when collapsing to go up in the schema, the parent node keeps taking up the space and the edges are not the same anymore either. I find this very annoying as I'd have to re-layout after a collapse to keep a compact overview. Is it possible to skip the collapsing and go straight to the full screen view?

Too bad I can only give one vote on the answer, thank you very much for these elaborated answers!

As for the last issue: I think I've misused the word "collapsing" for "expanding".... To make things clear, I've made a few screenshots, I hope they are explanatory:

To improve existing business process, you always start with analyzing the current one. If you do not have an existing process, then you can draw one that does the job. You can always model your business process as a BPMN 2.0 model which is required to conduct a simulation. You can use any tool that can generate standard BPMN 2.0 diagram, for example

The results include resource utilization, costs, waiting times, cycle times and many more key performance indicators. Analyze the results and if you are not satisfied, then make changes in the BPMN model and/or scenario and simulate again. Once you have the business process model that works in all required scenarios, then proceed with implementing the model in the real world and benefit from the changes!

The downside of a standard, however, is the fact that it is always the result of many discussions and compromises between different companies (and often visions). As a developer reading the BPMN 2.0 XML of a process definition, sometimes it feels like certain constructs or ways to do things are very cumbersome. As Flowable puts ease of development as a top-priority, we introduced something called the 'Flowable BPMN extensions'. These 'extensions' are new constructs or ways to simplify certain constructs that are not part of the BPMN 2.0 specification.

When using a custom extension, it is always clearly indicated by giving the new XML element, attribute, and so on, the flowable: namespace prefix. Note that the Flowable engine also supports the activiti: namespace prefix.

Whether you want to use a custom extension or not is completely up to you. Several factors will influence this decision (graphical editor usage, company policy, and so on). We only provide them as we believe that some points in the standard can be done in a simpler or more efficient way. Feel free to give us (positive or negative) feedback on our extensions, or to post new ideas for custom extensions. Who knows, some day your idea might pop up in the specification!

Events are used to model something that happens during the lifetime of a process. Events are always visualized as a circle. In BPMN 2.0, there exist two main event categories: catching and throwing events.

Throwing: when process execution arrives at the event, a trigger is fired. The type of trigger is defined by the inner icon or the type declaration in the XML. Throwing events are visually differentiated from a catching event by the inner icon that is filled with black.

Event definitions define the semantics of an event. Without an event definition, an event "does nothing special". For instance, a start event without an event definition has nothing to specify what exactly starts the process. If we add an event definition to the start event (for example, a timer event definition), we declare what "type" of event starts the process (in the case of a timer event definition, the fact that a certain point in time is reached).

Timer events are events that are triggered by a defined timer. They can be used as start event, intermediate event or boundary event. The behavior of the time event depends on the business calendar used. Every timer event has a default business calendar, but the business calendar can also be given as part of the timer event definition.

The recurring time duration is better suited for handling relative timers, which are calculated with respect to some particular point in time (for example, the time when a user task was started), while cron expressions can handle absolute timers, which is particularly useful for timer start events.

You can use expressions for timer event definitions, and by doing so, you can influence the timer definitionbased on process variables. The process variables must contain the ISO 8601 (or cron for cycle type) string for appropriate timer type.Additionally, for durations variables of type or expressions that return java.time.Duration can be used.

Important note: a BPMN error is NOT the same as a Java exception. In fact, the two have nothing in common. BPMN error events are a way of modeling business exceptions. Java exceptions are handled in their own specific way.

Signal events are events that reference a named signal. A signal is an event of global scope (broadcast semantics) and is delivered to all active handlers (waiting process instances/catching signal events).

A signal event definition is declared using the signalEventDefinition element. The attribute signalRef references a signal element declared as a child element of the definitions root element. The following is an excerpt of a process where a signal event is thrown and caught by intermediate events.

A signal can either be thrown by a process instance using a BPMN construct or programmatically using the Java API. The following methods on the org.flowable.engine.RuntimeService can be used to throw a signal programmatically:

The difference between signalEventReceived(String signalName) and signalEventReceived(String signalName, String executionId) is that the first method throws the signal globally to all subscribed handlers (broadcast semantics) and the second method delivers the signal to a specific execution only.

By default, signals are broadcast process engine wide. This means that you can throw a signal event in a process instance, and other process instances with different process definitions can react on the occurrence of this event. 152ee80cbc

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