MS Office apps recently not functioning properly. Most noticeable is in Excel when I try to place the cursor inside an already typed sentence in order to edit some text, the cursor automatically goes to the end of the sentence. I have to back space to get to the part of the text that I want to change. Also, I cannot highlight text to edit the text. If I save the document then attempt to edit, it works only once and then does not work again. Also noticed the same thing in Outlook just started to happen. It does not happen in other non-MS apps i.e. I can use my Google Chrome browser with no issues when editing and highlighting text so it must be just a MS Office issue. Any suggestions?

@MWessel I am having the same issue in Microsoft Word (but I'm using the software that came with the laptop, not the 365 app). It is so frustrating (and maddening) to highlight a word or sentence (in order to cut, paste, or delete) and then NOT have it stay highlighted to execute the task. I can't figure out what the problem is or why it's happening. Having to use the arrow key, delete key, or backspace for everything is ridiculous and such a waste of time. Unfortunately, I didn't see a reply to your call for help - we can't possibly be the only people on the planet having this issue. I hope someone can provide some insight!

The Text Suggestions Update For This Keyboard Didn 39;t Download Successfully

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@Caralina I noticed that the text is not displayed correctly. So when you click (or doubleclick) on a displayed word, some other point gets the click. This point can be about 6 to 10 lines higher than where you clicked. If you scroll all the way up to the top of your document, you will notice that the first few lines are missing. This is clearly an embarrassing bug.

If the above description matches your predicament, one way to force Word to correct the display is to scroll to almost the top of your doc, then use the scroll bar HARD to move all the way up. Smash the scroll bar to the top with all your pent up frustrations. The missing text will appear and your mouse will be synched with the text. It works for me.

I have no idea what is causing this problem but it is relatively recent with me and highly annoying and inconvenient! I tried updating Office, I tried the other things suggested online. Nothing works. I assume this problem has been caused by some software update that Microsoft passed along to my computer, because there has been no other change to my computer.

@Eaton10 Experiencing the same problem for the last 2 or 3 days after a Windows update.

Whenever My mouse is hovering a text area of any software, cur cursor becomes inaccurate (off on the right). 

I wonder if there's a solution that doesn't involve uninstalling an app because i don't want to uninstall Visual studio, Word, etc, basically all my software.

I, too, was extremely annoyed by this issue and I think I figured it out. Settings > Accessibility. Under "Physical and Motor," choose "Switch Control." Under "Keyboard," toggle off "Extended Predictions." This seems to remove the in-line predictions yet still gives you the three word options/emojis under the text.

It's fixed! To confirm what lfwyn said - iOS 17.2 now has a feature to discretely manage inline predictive text and the predictive text above the keyboard. Go to settings > general > keyboards and deselect Show Predictions Inline. As long as you are on 17.2 you should have this option.

I just realized why I hate this so much. You know when you're having a conversation with someone and they keep trying to finish your words? That's what this is! Whether it's correct or not is not the point. It's super distracting and annoying.

The space bar is to add a space to a sentence, not type a [d]ucking word. If you want to use inline predictions, then they should be tapped just the same as the text panel is to accept a predicted text.

I am having the same issue. I want to keep the suggested text but want to get rid of the inline predicted text. I HATE autocorrect and this is worse because now in order to get rid of it i have to disable a feature that I actually want just to get rid of the stupid new "update".

No the answer to their question was not provided. Everyone wants to know how to turn off the in-line predictive text but KEEP the suggest text boxes. The in-line predictive text is basically autocorrect and should be disabled when i disable auto-correct but unfortunately i have to disable a feature I actually liked in order to get rid on the "in-line predictive text" aka the unwanted autocorrect that no one asked for.

I thought bchuras's answer worked, but it was fleeting. The inline predictive text definitely needs to be separated from the predictive keyboard. I also hate the grammar corrections (blue underlines) that are almost always incorrect.

bchuras, I have never created a post on this website, nor did I ever expect to, but I need to reply with the biggest, most meaningful "THANK YOU!!" I've ever felt like giving. This by far is the most annoying Apple feature that's come to play, and not knowing how to turn it off but keep the 3 recommendations was quite literally driving me insane. I'd give you a gift card if I knew you in person. Thank you so much

I have installed the latest tumbleweed (24092015) as a clean install (kde) but the keyboard settings seem stuck as American - the @ key is above the 2 rather than two along from the L. I did select English GB on installation. I have tried a new user and as a test switched the keyboard settings in yast to Spanish but no success. Any suggestions? Thanks.

Probably related to this bug report:


If I understand it correctly, this needs a systemd update to be fixed (already submitted, but not accepted to Factory yet because of problems).

Same issue for me - some of my normal PS key commands suddenly don't work mid-job. Also had the cloning stamp cursor change to an arrow and wouldn't function. In all cases I flip to another app using Cmd tab, then come back to PS using the same keys and the problems have gone away, but nonetheless annoying. This might have also been triggered after recently uninstalling most of my CS4 apps using the uninstaller, including PS. Will re-install and see if that helps.

This is interesting - I have a similar situation, except in my case, Photoshop is behaving as though I have the Option key held down on my keyboard. If I draw a selection with the Marquee tool, or make a shape with one of the Shape tools, it draws from the center. If I try to drag a guide from the rulers on the sides, it swaps the orientation of my guide to the opposite of what I'm trying to do.

I tried some troubleshooting stuff, like resetting my Photoshop prefs, disconnecting/reconnecting my keyboard, and logging out/restarting my iMac. Then I tried PSCS5 on my laptop, and since I got the same deal on both machines, I'm thinking it might have something to do with the latest OS update that just came out. The fact that you're using 10.6.5 as well could be further evidence of that theory. Anyone else?

Which mouse and what mouse options do you have in you user account Mouse Preferences? Especially I'm interested in how you have configured the 'right click' (assuming you have the latest Apple mouse ...

I actually have the same problem in CS4. Keyboard shortcuts work for a short time after launching Photoshop, but then stop responding. The Quit menu item is also greyed out, so I have to 'force quit' Photoshop to relaunch it. I've reinstalled Photoshop twice, and the problem is still not resolved. Photoshop is the only program that's doing this, all other CS4 apps are fine. I'm running OSX 10.6.6.

I'm having the same problem... at first everything was fine, then one day I was not able to hold the shift key down and draw a perfect circle/square, etc.. I couldn't hit the space bar to initiate the hand tool, I couldn't zoom with the space+alt key... so I decided that I would uninstall CS5 and reinstall it and then everything seemed to work fine.

OK I just ran some Adobe Software updates since I reinstalled CS5... and then I rebooted... and then I re-opened photoshop and the shortcuts began working again. I'm pretty sure it was the reboot that did it, but... I don't know. I'll re-post if I find any more quirks to talk about that might help other users investigate or trouble shoot their problems with it.

When the program would start, I would get an unknown error message while fonts were loading. I tried trashing my AIprefs file first, by renaming it Aiprefs.old, that didn't work. I tried holding down CTRL + SHIFT + ALT while restarting the program, that didn't work.

When you are in Photoshop and editing text, try pressing Mac-command key and space-bar at the same time. These keys are shortcut keys for both Phostoshop and OS X operating system. Somehow if you press them when editing text in Photoshop, the default input device is also changed on operating system. This is why keyboard does not work properly with Photoshop anyore, at least it was like this in our case and as i said, you can change this back to normal by pressing Mac-command key and space-bar when working with Phostohop.

P.S. It seems to me in case of Photoshop the problem has something to do with PS's Workspaces. When I switch Workspaces the problem sometimes vanishes away. And I defined a lot of workspaces these days (that don't redefine keyboard though).

Basically I lose keyboard focus after I've clicked in a HTML panel and then switch application back and forth. It can be temporarily resolved by clicking the panel again. But switching application back and forth once more will trigger the bug once more as well. 152ee80cbc

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