Upvoting this! Being able to filter emails based on the sender from name and sender from address. Roles change over time, so it would be super helpful to be able to identify all of the emails currently sending from a specific email address if that person leaves or roles change. I have a client right now who is changing their domain, so we're trying to hunt down specific emails that will need to be changed. It's all coming from memory right now when it seems like we should be able to easily segment emails by the send details. Hopefully HubSpot is able to move this forward!

Upvoting this! We recently changed sending domains and this feature would've been so helpful when trying to check how many emails had gone out with our old domain. In addition to that, it would be great to be able to easily find emails sent from specific addresses to analyze performance between senders and over time.

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This would be extremely valuable especially when offboarding team members. I.e., being able to quickly identify what automated emails should have their email senders updated would be great opposed to needing to click into each email individually.

I sat up an email automation with Airtable. It works well and sends the emails, but I can't find a way to customize the sender name. I'd like to have the company's name as sender name instead of "Airtable Automations". Do you know how I can solve this? I have the Airtable Pro account.

I created a sheet for my whole team and gave them all editing rights so we can use it and interact. but in the automated emails, any time they make a change it says my name as the sender. How can I get it to use the name of the person making the changes?


I use Outlook.com on a range of browsers (as well as Outlook for Android) and I keep getting a specific spam message from the same Sender NAME (in my case the name "Ether"), however the sender address constantly changes to completely different domain addresses.

I have looked up other help threads with this issue and see a direction to this support help page for this issue -


The problem with this solution is that it only offers the choice to block a sender where the "sender ADDRESS includes" or where the "message header includes" (in my case there is no message header) and there is currently NO OPTION to filter out messages sent from a specific NAME.

The guidelines in this article can help you successfully send and deliver email to personal Gmail accounts. Starting in 2024, email senders must meet the requirements described here to send email to Gmail personal accounts. A personal Gmail account is an account that ends in @gmail.com or @googlemail.com.

Google Workspace senders: If you use Google Workspace to send large volumes of email, review the Spam and abuse policy in Gmail. The policy is part of the Google Workspace Acceptable Use Policy.

Starting February 1, 2024, all email senders who send email to Gmail accounts must meet the requirements in this section.


 Important: If you send more than 5,000 messages per day to Gmail accounts, follow the Requirements for sending 5,000 or more messages per day.

SPF prevents spammers from sending unauthorized messages that appear to be from your domain. Set up SPF by publishing an SPF record at your domain. The SPF record for your domain should include all email senders for your domain. If your third-party senders aren't included in your SPF record, messages from these senders are more likely to be marked as spam. Learn how to define your SPF record and add it to your domain.

We recommend you set up DMARC reports so you can monitor email sent from your domain, or appears to have been sent from your domain. DMARC reports help you identify senders that may be impersonating your domain. Learn more about DMARC reports.

A shared IP address is an IP address used by more than one email sender. The activity of any senders using a shared IP address affects the reputation of all senders for that shared IP address. A negative reputation can impact your delivery rate.

I linked the notifications to my CRM, so having the email address of the respondent as the sender, would help me to link directly his answers to the form to its contact detail if he already exists in our base.

When I write public events for my business objects, I've adapted the habit of always passing the instance as "sender as Object", in addition to additional specific parameters. I just asked myself now why am I not specifying the class?

Don't be extreme. EventHandler(object sender, EventArgs e) has an object sender so that we can use it in many circumstances. But it doesn't mean a strongly-typed sender is evil. A strongly-typed sender is useful when this delegate is not going to be widely used(like EventHandler) e.g.

It is good practice to use the object sender, EventArgs e signature, as the method can handle any events of that signature. For example, in a project using a charting control, there are several types of MouseOver events - from a DataSeries, from the Legend, from the whole Canvas.

Eventually, it comes down to preference. In most cases, you'd like your event handlers to be bound to a particular type of class so making the sender an object and then casting back to the class in order to get access to its properties might not go down well with you [it doesn't go down well for me either].

This is on a system I walked into. No changes made that I am aware of. Everything appears to be working fine. Avg scan time on controller is 6msec with a max of 30msec (there is some modbus comms so I can see the 30msec occasionally). Anywho, no much info I can find on overload sender alarms. Am curious how I can inspect these connection ID's 16#3 & 16#4. Is there someplace I can see these connections and what they are used for? Not seeing any such reference in netpro. Wondering if anyone has any insight on possible causes of these alarms. Have tried bumping the scan cycle load from 20% to 30% with no improvement. Thank you for any thoughts/ideas!

I tried deleting all the profibus and ethernet connections for the afflicted controller, compiling then re-adding those connections. But that did not seem to help any. These overload sender alarms are over running our alarm and journal screens. I hate to just disable the message, something is going on. I may try replacing the controller just to rule out any hardware issue.

Thank you for this answer. Just to clarify: in my case, anytime a certain company, with their own email domain (not google/microsoft 365 etc.), sends emails to my gmail account, and the subject line has [sender not verified] that this is an issue on their end, not a setting on mine? AKA can I add their email domain (ex: @exampledomain.com) to an approved sender list in my gmail settings?

When I wrote to him, a week or two later, my letter came back with a stamp from the post office on the front of the envelope: Refused, return to sender. My response to the words was visceral; I felt they were stamped on my face, burning a little there, like a slap or the sensation of rushing air when a door slams in your face.

I tried again, with the same result, and then I didn't try anymore. I didn't want to keep knocking at that door. And I began to feel, justified or no, melodramatic or not, that Refused, return to sender was in fact a motto I could have worn on my skin my whole life; it was, in some unspoken way, inscribed upon my childhood, and the ink had never really faded.

We've already setup the protected domains (bar.com) as per the initial config guide. When sending an external mail to internal user, we get a bounce back error (Error: 550 Domain foo.com is not a protected domain). It seems that FML is checking the sender domain in the protected domains list, did I miss some configuration settings?

However the rule runs but nothing happens, it seems to me it does not recognize the sender in my inbox. In the rule the sender is listed as "No Reply", which I believe is taken from my global address book, as that is how that particular email is listed there (First Name = "No" and Last Name = "Reply").

I have other rules about moving emails from certain senders and they all work fine and do not display the sender's email address in the rule manager as their First and Last name from my global address book but rather they display it as the proper email address (if this matters, at all).

Instead of using the "from sender" option use "with specified words in sender's address" option. Paste the sender's email address eg. [email protected] into the "specific words" field. Then apply the rule and run.

Sender reputation is provided by the Protocol Analysis agent. Sender reputation blocks messages according to various characteristics of the sender. Sender reputation relies on persisted data about the sender to determine what action, if any, to take on an inbound message.

By default, sender reputation is enabled for external messages, and disabled for internal messages. A message is considered external if it comes from an unauthenticated connection that's external to your Exchange organization. A message is considered internal if it comes from authenticated connection, and the sender's domain is configured as an authoritative domain in your Exchange organization.

You may need to perform additional steps to allow sender reputation to traverse any firewalls that are between the Internet and the Exchange server that's running the Protocol Analysis agent. The following table lists the outbound ports that are required for sender reputation.

Thanks! That's the setting I'm looking at - specifically the part of changing how a conversation appears to be sent from a teammate to users. Right now we have the default sender address for each teammate set to name@company.com (the option below what you have above), but we're looking at switching to firstname.lastname@company-1234.intercom-mail.com (the option you have selected). I'm looking for any thoughts, insights, benefits of either sender address - the settings page recommends using the name@company.com email instead of using the Intercom email address but we're looking to help mask teammates' full names and email addresses. Have you used both and prefer your current setting over each teammate's account email address? Any downsides to the option you have on now? 0852c4b9a8

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