One space for all things BDS.
▪️Buy local
▪️Make shopping lists for each trip to the store
▪️Scan these boycott lists/ apps to find products to exclude just before going to the store (It becomes habitual to avoid e.g. Nescafe, Always menstrual pads or Nestle products etc)
▪️Inform your local shops (email, call) that you won't buy Israeli products
🇮🇱Barcode 729❌
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Call to Action
We, the global community, call upon Apple to approve the 'No Thanks' app for inclusion in the App Store. This app, which enables users to make informed decisions by simply scanning a product's barcode to understand its ethical implications, is not just an application but a movement towards responsible consumerism.
Explore Google trends
Explore current boycott movements supporting Palestine, as revealed by Google Trends. Stay informed and join the global effort for justice and human rights.