
At Xiamen University (2017-):

Graduate course:  Complex Analysis.  It is a qual-level course for first year graduate students.

                            The topics are changed year by year, accmulatively it covers:

                            (1) Estimates and constructions of holomorphic function, such as Hadamard, Jensen, Weierstrass, Mittag-Leffler, and else.

                            (2) Special functions, including Gamma and zeta. 

                            (3) Proof of Riemann Mapping Theorem.

                            (4) Examples of conformal mappings, including Schwarz-Christoffel formula and hypergeometric functions.

                            (5) Ahlfors-Schwarz lemma and its application to Picard's theorems.

                            (6) d-bar equations in complex dimesion one.

                            Lecture notes are under constant revision, and hopefully will be posted soon.

                            Complex manifolds. It is a topic course which covers basic results on complex differential geometry.

Undergraduate course:  Complex Variables. 

                                      Differential Geometry (curves and surfaces).