Group  PI

Boyang Chen

Associate Professor

Department of Aerospace Structures and Materials

Faculty of Aerospace Engineering, Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) 


Links to other profiles: Google Scholar, Scopus, ResearchGate, LinkedIn

PhD candidates

Xiaopeng Ai

Topic: C1 Floating Node Method

CSC Scholar, formerly a master student in Northwestern Polytechnical University, China

Giorgio Tosti Balducci

Topic: Quantum machine learning

Formerly a MSc student of the group

MSc thesis: C1 cohesive element model for 3D delamination

Laurens Jonkheijm

Topic: crushing simulation of composites

Formerly a MSc student of the group

MSc thesis: Impact analysis of drone against helicopter

Links: LinkedIn


MSc thesis students

Former members

Matteo Rebosolan

Topic: damage/fatigue modelling of solder joints in semiconductor packaging (in collaboration with NXP)