Boxted Link Trainer

at Boxted Airfield Museum

A small team of volunteers are working on preserving an example of a Link Trainer, an early form of aircraft simulator

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Introduction to the Boxted Link Trainer

'The whole principle of it is for someone to sit safely, not leave the ground, but experience the primary motions of flying.'

Modern-day comparisons

'Since the introduction of the link trainer, there are many modern-day versions of sophisticated flight simulators; a pilot can now sit in a simulator which feels almost the same as actually sitting in a real aeroplane. It has all the instruments he would normally see and use. It has a wrap-around screen, which simulates the visuals, and all of the in-flight conditions can also be fully and accurately simulated. However, when you think about the cost of the old link trainer in a four-figure sum compared to today's flight simulators, which is a seven-figure sum!

What was its role?

'Going back to the 1930s, The Link Trainer was able to recreate the basic in-flight motions of the aircraft but today we obviously can replicate everything in detail even including weather conditions;

Demo of the Link trainer working 

'In order to demonstrate, we have our own sophisticated vacuum system. So if I put it on, and if I operate this control you'll see that fuselage moving. So that demonstrates that movement of the fuselage.'

How does it work?

'The start of using the link Trainer Part of the reason that the Link Trainer was created was that pilots had not received instrument training, hence flying, especially at night. So they have no visual awareness at all. So they have to follow their instruments, which can be really difficult for a new pilot. The Link Trainer helped build understanding and experience.'

How do the controls work?

'In order to demonstrate the actual movements that we talked about, pitch, roll, et cetera, with the vacuum system. Now, because we're in a container, we could not mount this fuselage onto another device. So we have invented our own vacuum system, connected that to the bellows'

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Visit the Boxted Airfield Museum every last Sunday of the month until October and see the Link Trainer in action