Rig Pack - Update

One of our largest rig pack updates is finally here! This includes many new features, all listed on the download page


Animations! - Update

Piggy Industries episode 3 is complete and 4 has begun production. A trailer will soon be released, and the release date for episode 2 will be October 9th.


Animations! - Update

Two episodes for both series -Piggy Industries and The LABS- are complete. While the release dates for both series are expected to be sometime this year, it is yet undecided exactly when.

In the meantime, the rigpack for Minecraft 1.14 mobs and models is a work in progress.

Rig Pack Changes!

Boxscape will be going back in time and updating all of the original content of the rig pack! This includes mob rigs and old items. Make sure to send us bug reports so that we can squash them as soon as possible!

Christmas Boxscape Pack!

New Christmas rig pack! Use these rigs in your animations themed around the holiday season!


Blender 2.79 and 2.8 Updates + Boxscape

Along with the recent Blender updates of 2.79 and 2.8, Boxscape Studios is planning to design the easiest solutions for their products. Although the current Boxscape rig is reported with a lot of bugs and errors, improvements and fixes that correspond to the new versions of blender will be made. For security issues, all our current project files and production files are designed for Blender 2.79, with an update for both starters and advanced users & low end computer users and powerful computer owners. By emphasizing the great use of wide color spaces and the new denoising feature, Boxscape will make animation creation accessible to the latter.


Boxscape is currently planning out and making animations series'! Mainstream Animation Titles being The LABS by HP Feathersen, Piggy Industries by DerpyDuck and additionally, Land of Kings by Enchanted Animations