New Information

Drivr3Joe Releases Interview with Creator of CLub PEnguin!

Drivr3joe , releases an interview with Rocket Snail giving the Box Critter's community a sneak peak at various things to come in the future of Box Critters and Box Critters Beta Testing (2/9/19).

New Critter, Sneak Peak!

Take a Peek at The New Critter Style, released by Rocket Snail! Drivr3joe Shows us an Early Look at a New Upcoming Critter, The Raccoon (2/9/19).

Experiment 1 - Hamsters!

Rocket Snail has Finally Released the Pre-Beta Testing for the New Upcoming Game, Box Critters! You Can't do All That Much as of Now, But, you can Log in, Chat, and Walk Around as a Pirate Hamster! ARGHHH!! (2/8/19).