Box Bomber Privacy Policy & Contact Info

Contact information

If you'd like to contact us about the below privacy policy, or if you need technical support with Box Bomber, please email us at :

Privacy Policy

What we collect

Box Bomber (from now on, referred to as "BB") doesn't explicitly collect information about you (i.e, the user). BB, however, does have third-party software that does collect data, both personally identifiable (like emails and passwords) and non-personally identifiable (such as location and time). Here's a list of the third party software (called "APIs") that BB uses:

Some of these services do not collect personally identifiable information, but Facebook, Google Play Services and Game Center do, since they require the user to log in with emails and passwords to function fully.

What we use it for

BB uses these APIs to track it's performance on the mobile app market and provide the user with extended game feature, such as gameplay recordings and leaderboards. The APIs themselves (and their creators) may use the data for other purposes, which can be found from their privacy policies linked above. The APIs that collect the data are responsible for the data's level of protection and security. BB doesn't uses any of the personally identifiable information explicitly - it's storage and processing is handled by the individual APIs and their privacy policies and terms and services. BB only uses the data and APIs in an anonymous fashion to grant the extended gameplay features.

Note that is is possible that some of the APIs may cache their gathered information locally on the user's device. The longevity of the caches is not managed by BB, but the APIs that cached them. BB also does not explicitly share any of the data gathered to third-party organizations, but the creators of the APIs in BB may have enabled their APIs to do so in the background. Once again, this would be specified in their respective Privacy Policies.

The GDPR 8 rights, and other such rights

If you wish to be able to see how the creators of the APIs used in BB treat your rights to the personally identifiable information used, please do check their respective Privacy Policies.