Bowen Lake

The construction of Boyd Parkway is mentioned in many of the articles in Washington Rewind. It is arguably the most important thing to happen to the development of Washington in the last fifty years. One of the many byproducts of Boyd Parkway was the construction of Bowen Lake.

The borrow pit where Bowen Lake now sits was dug by the Illinois Department of Transportation in construction of Boyd Parkway, along with several others along the path of the bypass from Washington to Eureka

The Washington Park District headed by Ron Gregg approached IDOT about acquiring the piece of land for public use as a natural habitat. This was somewhat unchartered territory for the Park District as they were not presiding over any other water features of this magnitude.

IDOT gave their approval, and even prepared the land for this type of use. The George Bowen family donated three acres and sold an additional eleven to the Washington Park District, and Washington had its lake.

Development of the lake began in September 1992.

In the fall of 1992 the lake was stocked with fish for the first time with help from the Illinois Department of Conservation. That stock included 570 Catfish, 3,900 Bluegill, and 1,700 Redear Sunfish, with Largemouth Bass slated for a Spring 1993 release.

Development of the lake continued through 1993 and into 1994, with local civic groups helping make the location a special place for all.

The lake was officially open to the public in October 1994, with fishing allowed in the Spring 1995. Below you see a fish count being conducted shortly before the opening.