Before Getting Started

Bounty Program is open until the end of ICO, October 2018

MDsquare is warming up its platform by offering a Bounty Program to those who wish to get in on the action. MDsquare is allocating 1% (40,000,000 TMED) of our total TMED tokens for the Bounty Program. To help motivate the bounty hunters and get the MDsquare name out there, we will introduce a second tier if conditions are met by the community.

The MDsquare Bounty Program consists of 4 categories:

1. Bitcointalk Signature (14,000,000 TMED)

2. Social Media (12,000,000 TMED)

3. Content Creation (10,000,000 TMED)

4. Translation (4,000,000 TMED)

After you choose the bounty program you’d like to participate in, make sure the fill out the appropriate form.

All bounty participants must join our official ICO Telegram Group.

Disclaimers for all Bounties

We will work hard with the bounty community to make sure everyone gets the rewards that they deserve, like making sure you’ve filled out the appropriate forms or give feedback.

But, MDsquare has the sole discretion to determine whether or not the criteria to qualifications for a Bounty allocation are fulfilled (example: whether or not a blog post is appropriate for MDsquare).

Bounty distribution may be withheld at the discretion of the MDsquare. For example, if you’ve failed to complete Bounty condition requirements such as filling out forms, copied and pasted the contents, or never joined the Telegram channels.

If you are deemed to be breaking any of the rules, you will be automatically removed from all bounty programs and can not be disputed.

Questions? Contact our Bounty Manager or join our Telegram Group!