Boundaries of Random Walks

and Applications

Bowdoin College, Brunswick, ME

June 4-6, 2019

Invited Speakers :

  • Harry Bray, University of Michigan
  • Talia Fernos, UNC Greensboro
  • Ilya Gekhtman, University of Toronto
  • Joshua Frisch, Caltech
  • Yair Hartman, Ben-Gurion University
  • Vadim Kaimanovich, University of Ottawa
  • Ilya Kapovich, CUNY Hunter College
  • Joseph Maher, CUNY College of Staten Island
  • Leonid Potyagailo, Université de Lille
  • Yulan Qing, University of Toronto
  • Anja Randecker, University of Toronto
  • Kasra Rafi, University of Toronto
  • Anush Tserunyan, UI Urbana-Champaign



This conference is generously supported by NSF grant DMS-1901147. We are committed to the strengthening and enrichment of the mathematics personnel base, and to the development of the local region. Students, junior mathematicians, mathematicians from underrepresented groups, and researchers from the local region, are encouraged to apply for support.

We ask that all participants (including invited speakers) fill out the registration form. There is no registration fee for the conference. The deadline for funding request is May 3, 2019.

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