Newcomers Guide

New to Juggling Festivals? This is the guide for you!

We know it can be intimidating to come to a Juggling Festival for the first time! If you are interested in coming, but aren't quite sure what you are getting yourself into, here are some resources to get you started. 

What is a juggling or flow arts festival?

Juggling and flow arts festivals, in my experience, are some of the happiest place on earth! They are typically annual events where hobbyists of all kinds of object manipulation from club/ring/ball juggling to staff/poi/hoop spinning to unicycling (and more!) gather to share their skills, connect with community, observe the hard work, dedication, and expression of the special guests in the public show, and generally experience joy and silliness. These festivals are a global phenomenon. You will find large, world wide events such as the European Juggling Convention and the International Jugglers' Association Festival and small local events such as the Boulder Juggling Festival, Mondo Juggling and Unicycle Arts Festival in Minneapolis, MN, and Game of Throws in Palo Alto, CA.

What normally happens at a juggling festival?

Most juggling and flow festivals have a similiar format. They are usually 3-4 days long with workshops and an open gym (or outdoor) space running all day, an evening show or shows and either a competition or a juggling games event at some point during the week(end).

Workshops include everything from "learning to juggle a 3 ball cascade" to "how to grow the juggling community," and there are usually workshops for all skill levels and a variety of props. 

The shows will feature both local talent and special guests from all over the world and will showcase acts from various disciplines. 

The games and competitions are a space to play goofy prop manipulation games such as "juggling wheel barrow races" or show off skills you have been working on all year in events such as "5 ball endurance." 

In the open gym space you will find jugglers sharing skills with each other, passing juggling clubs, catching up with old friends, meeting new people, training their favorite skill, and more! 

What if I don't have my own Props?

How do I meet new people?

Is the space accessible?




Renegade Show