Bouchard LS, Chemical Energetics and Change (2018) Download
Bouchard LS, Data, Uncertainty and Error Analysis (2018) Download
Bouchard LS, Topics in Physical Chemistry (2023) Download
112. Hasani-Sadrabadi MM, Majedi FS, Zarubova J, Thauland TJ, Arumugaswami V, Hsiai TK, Bouchard LS, Butte MJ, Li S, Harnessing Biomaterials to Amplify Immunity in Aged Mice through T Memory Stem Cells, ACS Nano 18, 6908-6926 (2024) Download
111. Mboning L, Rubbi L, Thompson M, Bouchard LS, Pellegrini M, BayesAge: A maximum likelihood algorithm to predict epigenetic age, Front. Bioinform. 4, 1329144 (2024) Download
110. Williams K, Bouchard LS, Quantification of Robustness, Leakage, and Seepage for Composite and Adiabatic Gates on Modern NISQ Systems, Intell. Comput. 3, 0069 (2024) Download
109. Chowdhury MFF, Niknam M, Rajib MM, Bouchard LS, Atulasimha J, Proximal quantum control of spin and spin ensemble with highly localized control field from skyrmions, Phys. Rev. Applied. 22, 064077 (2024) Download
108. Yuan C, Guo Q, Zeng Q, Yuan Y, Jiang W, Yang Y, Bouchard LS, Ye C, Zhou X, Dual-Signal Chemical Exchange Saturation Transfer (Dusi-CEST): An Efficient Strategy for Visualizing Drug Delivery Monitoring in Living Cells, Analytical Chemistry 96, 1436-1443 (2024) Download
107. Jang EJ, Patel R, Sankpal NV, Bouchard LS, Patel M, Alginate, hyaluronic acid, and chitosan-based 3D printing hydrogel for cartilage tissue regeneration, European Polymer Journal 202, 112651 (2023) Download
106. Yi H, Patel R, Patel KD., Bouchard LS, Jha A, Perriman AW, Patel M, Conducting polymer-based scaffolds for neuronal tissue engineering, Journal of Materials Chemistry B 11, 11006-11023 (2023) Download
105. Niknam M, Bouchard LS, Nuclear Induction Lineshape: Non-Markovian Diffusion with Boundaries, J. Chem. Phys. 160, 024305 (2024) Download
104. Holur P, Enevoldsen KC, Mboning L, Georgiou T, Bouchard LS, Pellegrini M, Roychowdhury V, Embed-Search-Align: DNA Sequence Alignment using Transformer Models, arXiv:2309.11087 [q-bio.GN] (2023) Download
103. Mizohata T, Kobayashi TJ, Bouchard LS, Miyahara H, Information geometric bound on general chemical reaction networks, Phys. Rev. E (accepted - in press) arXiv:2309.10334 [physics.chem-ph] (2023) Download
102. Koumoulis D, Scheifers JP, Fokwa BPT, Bouchard LS, A Direct View on Ni Substitution in Sc2Ir6-xNixB as probed by NMR, Materials Research Bulletin 167, 112375 (2023) Download
101. Ren Y, Selco C, Kawashiri D, Coumans M, Fortman B, Bouchard LS, Holczer K, Takahashi S, Investigation of intrinsic linewidths in NV-detected 13C NMR at 4.2 Tesla, Phys. Rev. B 108, 045421 (2023) Download arXiv:2303.00740 (2023) [cond-mat.mes-hall] Download
100. Niknam M, Bouchard LS, Nuclear Induction Lineshape Modeling via Hybrid SDE and MD Approach, J. Chem. Phys. 159, 124201 (2023) Download arXiv:2210.14542 [physics.chem-ph] Download
99. Cokic I, Chan SF, Guan X, Nair A, Yang H-J, Liu T, Chen Y, Hernando D, Sykes J, Tang R, Butler J, Dohnalkova A, Kali A, Kovarik L, Finney R, Sharif B, Bouchard LS, Gupta R, Krishnam M, Vora K, Tamarappoo B, Howarth A, Kumar A, Francis J, Reeder S, Wood J, Prato F, Dharmakumar R, Intramyocardial Hemorrhage Drives Fatty Degeneration of Infarcted Myocardium, Nat. Commun. 13, 6394 (2022) Download
98. Majedi FS, Hasani-Sadrabadi MM, Thauland TJ, Keswani SG, Li S, Bouchard LS, Butte MJ, Systemic enhancement of antitumour immunity by peritumourally implanted immunomodulatory macroporous scaffolds. Nat. Biomed. Eng. 7, 56-71 (2023) Download
97. Chen Y, Miyahara H, Bouchard LS, Roychowdhury W, Quantum Approximation of Normalized Schatten Norms and Applications to Learning. Phys. Rev. A 106, 052409 (2022) Download arXiv:2206.11506 [quant-ph] Download
96. Koumoulis D, Ishikawa R, Akiyama R, Zhang P, Morris GD, Chasapis TC, Chatzichristos A, McFadden RML, Karner VL, Murata K, Ertas YN, Yue O, Leung B, Springholz G, Fiete GA, Wang KL, Kanatzidis M, Kuroda S, Bouchard LS, Nanoscale Spin Dynamics of SnTe, a Topological Crystalline Insulator (TCI), and (Pb0.5Sn0.5)0.8In0.2Te, a Superconducting TCI (submitted)
95. Niknam M, Schwartz RN, Bouchard LS, Quantum Gates Between Mesoscopic Spin Ensembles, Phys. Rev. A 107, 032601 (2023) Download
94. Miyahara H, Chen Y, Roychowdhury V, Bouchard LS, Decoherence Mitigation by Embedding a Logical Qubit in a Qudit, Quantum Information Processing 22, 278 (2023) Download arXiv:2205.00418v1 [quant-ph] Download
93. Niknam M, Chowdhury MFF, Rajib MM, Misba WA, Schwartz RN, Wang KL, Atulasimha J, Bouchard LS, Quantum Control of Spin Qubits Using Nanomagnets, Commun. Phys. 5, 284 (2022) Download
92. Youssef K, Shao K, Moon S, Bouchard LS, Landslide Susceptibility Modeling by Interpretable Neural Network, Comm. Earth & Environ. 4, 162 (2023) Download arXiv:2201.06837 [cs.LG] (2022) Download
91. Zeng Q, Guo Q, Yuan Y, Wang B, Sui M, Lou X, Bouchard LS, Zhou X, Ultrasensitive molecular building block for biothiol NMR detection at picomolar concentrations, iScience 24, 103515 (2021) Download
90. Archer BJ, Mack JJ, Acosta S, Nakasone R, Dahoud F, Youssef K, Goldstein A, Goldsman A, Held MC, Wiese M, Blümich B, Wessling M, Emondts M, Klankermayer J, Iruela-Arispe ML, Bouchard LS, Mapping Cell Viability Quantitatively and Independently From Cell Density in 3D Gels Noninvasively, IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng. 68, 2940-2947 (2021) Download
89. Li H, Zhao X, Wang Y, Lou X, Chen S, Deng E, Shi L, Xie J, Tang D, Zhao J, Bouchard LS, Xia L, Zhou X, Damaged lung gas-exchange function of discharged COVID-19 patients detected by hyperpolarized 129Xe MRI, Science Advances 20 Nov 2020: eabc8180 Download
88. Hasani-Sadrabadi MM, Majedi FS, Miller ML, Thauland TJ, Bouchard LS, Li S and Butte MJ, Augmenting T-cell responses to tumors by in situ nanomanufacturing, Materials Horizons 7, 3028-3033 (2020) Download
87. Kaltschnee L, Jagtap AP, McCormick J, Wagner S, Bouchard LS, Utz M, Griesinger C, Glöggler S, Hyperpolarization of Amino Acids in Water Utilizing Parahydrogen on a Rhodium Nanocatalyst, Chemistry: A Europeau Journal 25, 11031-11035 (2019) Download
86. Youssef K, Cai Y, Schuette G, Zhang D, Huang Y, Rahmat-Samii Y, Bouchard LS, Scalable Undersized Dataset RF Classification Using Convolutional Multistage Training, IEEE Antenna Magazine 65, 34-47 (2023) Download arXiv:2104.12103 [eess.SP] Download
85. Koumoulis D, Fang L, Chung DY, Kanatzidis MG, Bouchard LS, Evolution of nontrivial Fermi surface features in the band structures of the homologous members Pb5Bi6Se14 and Pb5Bi12Se23, Phys. Rev. B. 101, 115309 (2020) Download
84. Zheng Q, Guo Q, Yuan Y, Zhang X, Jiang W, Xiao S, Zhang B, Lou X, Ye C, Liu M, Bouchard LS, Zhou X, A Small Molecule Multifunctional Tool for pH Detection, Fluorescence Imaging and Photodynamic Therapy, ACS Appl. Bio Mater. 3, 1779-1786 (2020) Download
83. Majedi FS, Hasani-Sadrabadi MM, Thauland TJ, Li S, Bouchard LS, Butte MJ, T-cell activation is modulated by the 3D mechanical microenvironment, Biomaterials 252, 120058 (2020) Download bioRxiv:580886 (2019) Download
82. Majedi FS, Hasani-Sadrabadi MM, Thauland TJ, Li S, Bouchard LS, Butte MJ, Augmentation of T-Cell Activation by Oscillatory Forces and Engineered Antigen-Presenting Cells, Nano Letters 19, 6945-6954 (2019) Download
81. Yang S, McCormick J, Mamone S, Bouchard LS, Gloggler S, Nuclear Spin Singlet States in Photoactive Molecules: From Fluorescence/NMR Bimodality to a Bimolecular Switch for Spin Singlet States, Angewandte Chemie 58, 2879-2883 (2019) Download
80. Youssef K, Bouchard LS, Haigh KZ, Krovi H, Silovsky J, Vander Valk CP, Machine learning approach to RF transmitter identification, IEEE Journal of Radio Frequency Identification 2, 197-205 (2018) Download
79. Acosta VM, Bouchard LS, Budker D, Folman R, Lenz T, Maletinsky P, Rohner D, Schlussel Y, Thiel L, Color centers in diamond as novel probes of superconductivity, Journal of Superconductivity and Novel Magnetism 32, 85-95 (2019) Download
78. Archer BJ, Überrück T, Mack JJ, Youssef K, Jarenwattananon NN, Rall D, Wypysek D, Wiese M, Blümich B, Wessling M, Iruela-Arispe ML, Bouchard LS, Non-invasive quantification of cell density in 3D gels by MRI, IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng. 66, 821-830 (2019) Download
77. McCormick J, Korchak S, Mamone S, Ertas Y, Liu Z, Verlinsky L, Wagner S, Glöggler S, Bouchard LS, Over 12% polarization and 20 minute lifetime of 15N on choline derivative utilizing parahydrogen and Rh nanocatalyst in water, Angew. Chem. 57, 1-6 (2018) Download
76. Hasani-Sadrabadi MM, Majedi FS, Bensinger SJ, Wu BM, Bouchard LS, Weiss PS, Moshaverinia A, Mechanobiological mimicry of helper T lymphocytes to evaluate cell-biomaterials crosstalk, Adv. Mater. 30, 1706780 (2018) Download
75. Majedi FS, Hasani-Sadrabadi MM, Kidani Y, Thauland TJ, Moshaverinia A, Butte MJ, Bensinger SJ, Bouchard LS, Cytokine secreting microparticles engineer the fate and the effector functions of T cells, Adv. Mater. 30, 1703178 (2018) Download
74. Jarenwattananon NN, Bouchard LS, Breakdown of Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill spin echoes in inhomogeneous fields, J. Chem. Phys. 149, 084304 (2018) Download
73. Koumoulis D, Kupers M, Touzani R, Zhang Y, Fokwa BPT, Bouchard LS, Cr3 triangles induced competing magnetic interactions in the new material boride TiCr2B2: An NMR and DFT study, Mater. Res. Bull. 100, 91-96 (2017) Download
72. Mack JJ, Mosqueiro TS, Archer BJ, Jones WM, Sunshine H, Faas GC, Briot A, Aragón RL, Su T, Romay MC, McDonald AI, Kuo CH, Lizama CO, Lane TF, Zovein AC, Fang Y, Tarling EJ, de Aguiar Vallim TQ, Navab M, Fogelman AM, Bouchard LS, Iruela-Arispe ML, NOTCH1 is a mechanosensor in adult arteries, Nat. Commun. 8, 1620 (2017) Download
71. Koumoulis D, Taylor RE, McCormick J, Ertas YN, Pan L, Che X, Wang KL, Bouchard LS, Effects of Cd vacancies and unconventional spin dynamics in the Dirac semimetal Cd3As2, J. Chem. Phys. 147, 084706 (2017) Download
70. Yang Y, Chen S, Liu L, Li S, Zeng Q, Zhao X, Li H, Zhang Z, Bouchard LS, Liu M, Zhou X, Increasing cancer therapy efficiency through targeting and localized light activation, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces 9, 23400-08 (2017) Download
69. Lake M, Bouchard LS, Targeted nanodiamonds for identification of subcellular protein assemblies in mammalian cells, PLOS ONE 12, e0179295 (2017) Download
68. McCormick J, Grunfeld AM, Ertas YN, Biswas AN, Marsh KL, Wagner S, Gloeggler S, Bouchard LS, Aqueous ligand-stabilized palladium nanoparticle catalysts for parahydrogen induced 13C hyperpolarization, Anal. Chem. 89, 7190-7194 (2017) Download
67. Yang S, Yuan Y, Jiang W, Ren L, Deng H, Bouchard LS, Zhou X, Liu M, Hyperpolarized 129Xe MRI sensor for H2S, Chem. Eur. J. 23, 7648-7652 (2017) Download
66. Ertas YN, Bouchard LS, Controlled nanocrystallinity in Gd nanobowls leads to magnetization of 226 emu/g, J. Appl. Phys. 121, 093902 (2017) Download
65. Zheng Q, Guo Q, Yuan Y, Yang Y, Zhang B, Ren L, Zhang X, Luo Q, Liu M, Bouchard LS, Zhou X, Mitochondria targeted and intracellular biothiol triggered hyperpolarized 129Xe magneto-fluorescent biosensor, Anal. Chem. 89, 2288-2295 (2017) Download
64. Chen J, Lourette S, Rezai K, Hoelzer T, Lake M, Nesladek M, Bouchard LS, Hemmer P, Budker D, Optical quenching and recovery of photoconductivity in single-crystal diamond, Appl. Phys. Lett. 110, 011108 (2017) Download
63. Youssef K, Jarenwattananon NN, Archer BA, Mack J, Iruela-Arispe ML, Bouchard LS, 4-D flow control in porous scaffolds: toward a next generation of bioreactors, IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng. 64, 61-69 (2017) Download
62. Jarenwattananon NN, Bouchard LS, Jarenwattananon and Bouchard Reply, Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 249702 (2016) Download
61. Koumoulis D, Scheifers JP, Touzani R, Fokwa BPT, Bouchard LS, Pseudogap formation and vacancy ordering in the new perovskite boride Zr2Ir6B, Acta Materialia 120, 32-39 (2016) Download
60. Koumoulis D, Scheifers JP, St. Touzani R, Fokwa BPT, Bouchard LS, Direct chemical fine-tuning of electronic properties in Sc2Ir6-xPdxB, ChemPhysChem 17, 2972-2976 (2016) Download
59. Yang S, Jiang W, Ren L, Yuan Y, Zhang B, Luo Q, Guo Q, Bouchard LS, Liu M, Zhou X, Biothiol xenon MRI sensor based on thiol-addition reaction, Anal. Chem. 88, 5835-8840 (2016) Download
58. Guo Q, Zeng Q, Jiang W, Zhang X, Luo Q, Zhang X, Bouchard LS, Liu M, Zhou X, A molecular imaging approach to mercury sensing based on hyperpolarized 129Xe molecular clamp probe, Chem. Eur. J. 22, 3967-3970 (2016) Download
57. Gloeggler SG, Grunfeld AM, Ertas YN, McCormick J, Wagner S, Bouchard LS, Surface ligand-directed pair-wise hydrogenation for heterogeneous phase hyperpolarization, Chem. Comm. 52, 605-608 (2016) Download
56. Youssef K, Jarenwattananon NN, Bouchard LS, Feature-preserving noise removal, IEEE Trans. Med. Imag. 34, 1822-1829 (2015) Download
55. Ertas YN, Jarenwattananon NN, Bouchard LS, Oxide-free gadolinium nanocrystals with large magnetic moments, Chem. Mater. 27, 5371-5376 (2015) Download
54. Koumoulis D, Chasapis T, Leung B, Taylor RE, Stoumpos CC, Calta NP, Kanatzidis MG, Bouchard LS, Site-specific contributions to the band inversion in a topological crystalline insulator, Adv. Electr. Mater. 1, 1500117 (2015) Download
53. Koumoulis D, Morris GD, He L, Kou X, King D, Wang D, Hossain MD, Wang KL, Fiete GA, Kanatzidis MG, Bouchard LS, Nanoscale β-nuclear magnetic resonance depth imaging of topological insulators, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 112, E3645-E3650 (2015) Download
52. Chasapis TC, Koumoulis D, Leung B, Calta NP, Lo SH, Dravid VP, Bouchard LS, Kanatzidis MG, Two-band model interpretation of the p- to n- transition in ternary tetradymite topological insulators, APL Materials 3, 083601 (2015) Download
51. Gloeggler SG, Wagner S, Bouchard LS, Hyperpolarization of amino acid derivatives in water for biological applications, Chem. Sci. 6, 4261-4266 (2015) Download
50. Jarenwattananon NN, Bouchard LS, Motional averaging of nuclear resonance in a field gradient, Phys. Rev. Lett. 114, 197601 (2015) Download (selected, PRL Editors' Suggestion) Erratum: Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 219903 (2016) See also: Jarenwattananon and Bouchard Reply, Phys. Rev. Lett. 117, 249702 (2016) Download
49. Brown JW, Jarenwattananon NN, Otto T, Wang JL, Gloeggler S, Bouchard LS, Heterogeneous Heck coupling in multivariate metal-organic frameworks for enhanced selectivity, Catal. Commun. 65, 105-107 (2015) Download
48. Gloeggler SG, Grunfeld AM, Ertas YN, McCormick J, Wagner S, Schleker PPM, Bouchard LS, A nanoparticle catalyst for heterogeneous phase para-hydrogen-induced polarization in water, Angew. Chem. Intl. Ed. 54, 2452-2456 (2015) Download
47. Alexandrova AN, Bouchard LS, Sub-nano clusters: the last frontier of inorganic chemistry, Adv. Chem. Phys. 156, 73-100 (2015) Eds: SA Rice, AR Dinner, John Wiley & Sons Inc., Hoboken, NJ. ISBN: 978-1-118-94969-6. Download
46. Brown JW, Nguyen QT, Otto T, Jarenwattananon NN, Gloeggler S, Bouchard LS, Epoxidation of alkenes with molecular oxygen catalyzed by a manganese porphyrin-based metal-organic framework, Catal. Commun. 59, 50-54 (2015) Download
45. Otto T, Jarenwattananon NN, Gloeggler S, Brown JW, Melkonian A, Ertas Y, Bouchard LS, Effects of multivariate linker substitution, metal binding, and reactor conditions on the catalytic activity of a Pd-functionalized MOF for olefin hydrogenation, Appl. Catal. A: Gen. 488, 248-255 (2014) Download
44. Koumoulis D, Taylor TE, King Jr D, Bouchard LS, NMR study of native defects in PbSe, Phys. Rev. B 90, 125201 (2014) Download
43. Koumoulis D, Leung B, Chasapis TC, Taylor R, King Jr D, Kanatzidis MG, Bouchard LS, Understanding bulk defects in topological insulators from nuclear-spin interactions, Adv. Func. Mater. 24, 1519-1528 (2014) Download
42. Waxman A, Schlussel H, Groswasser D, Acosta VM, Bouchard LS, Budker D, Folman R, Diamond magnetometry of superconducting thin films, Phys. Rev. B 89, 054509 (2014) Download
41. Compton R, Osher S, Bouchard LS, Hybrid regularization for MRI reconstruction with static field inhomogeneity correction, Inverse Probl. Imag. 7, 1215-1233 (2013) Download
40. Jarenwattananon NN, Gloeggler S, Otto T, Melkonian A, Morris W, Burt SR, Yaghi OM, Bouchard LS, Thermal maps of gases in heterogeneous reactions, Nature 502, 537-540 (2013) Download See also: Editorial (Nature) C&E News Chemistry World SpectroscopyNOW Physics Today
39. Zurbuchen M, Lake M, Leung B, Kohan S, Bouchard LS, Nanodiamond landmarks for subcellular multimodal optical and electron imaging, Sci. Rep. 3, 2668 (2013) Download
38. Taylor R, Alkan F, Koumoulis D, Lake M, King D, Dybowski C, Bouchard LS, A combined NMR and DFT study of narrow gap semiconductors: The case of PbTe, J. Phys. Chem. C 117, 8959-8967 (2013) Download
37. Koumoulis D, Chasapis TC, Taylor RE, Lake MP, King D, Jarenwattananon NN, Fiete GA, Kanatzidis MG, Bouchard LS, NMR probe of metallic states in nanoscale topological insulators, Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 026602 (2013) Download
36. Budker D, Ledbetter MP, Appelt S, Bouchard LS, Wojtsekhowski B, Polarized nuclear target based on parahydrogen induced polarization, Nucl. Instr. Meth. Phys. Res. A 694, 246-250 (2013) Download
35. Mack JJ, Youssef K, Lake MP, Noel O, Wu A, Iruela-Arispe ML, Bouchard LS, Real-time maps of fluid flow fields in porous biomaterials, Biomaterials 34, 1980-1986 (2013) Download
34. Taylor RE, Leung B, Lake MP, Bouchard LS, Spin-lattice relaxation in bismuth chalcogenides, J. Phys. Chem. C 116, 17300-17305 (2013) Download
33. Sharma R, Bouchard LS, Strongly hyperpolarized gas from parahydrogen by rational design of ligand-capped nanoparticles, Sci. Rep. 2, 277 (2012) Download
32. Youssef K, Mack JJ, Iruela-Arispe ML, Bouchard LS, Macro-scale topology optimization for controlling internal shear stress in a porous scaffold bioreactor, Biotechn. Bioeng. 109, 1844-1854 (2012) Download
31. Sharma R, Taylor RE, Bouchard LS, Intramolecular ligand dynamics in d15-(PPh3)-Capped Gold Nanoparticles Investigated by 2H NMR, J. Phys. Chem. C 115, 3297-3303 (2011) Download
30. Bouchard LS, Acosta VM, Bauch E, Budker D, Detection of the Meissner effect with a diamond magnetometer, New J. Phys. 13, 025017 (2011) Download
29. Michalak DJ, Xu S, Lowery TJ, Crawford CW, Ledbetter M, Bouchard LS, Wemmer DW, Budker D, Pines A, Relaxivity of gadolinium complexes detected by atomic magnetometry, Magn. Reson. Med. 66, 605-608 (2011) Download
28. McFadden C, Bouchard LS, Universality of cluster dynamics, Phys. Rev. E 82, 061125 (2010) Download
27. Robson SA, Peterson R, Bouchard LS, Villareal VA, Clubb RT, A heteronuclear zero quantum coherence Nz-exchange experiment that resolves resonance overlap and its application to measure the rates of heme binding to the IsdC protein, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 132, 9522-9523 (2010) Download
26. Acosta VM, Bauch E, Ledbetter MP, Waxman A, Bouchard LS, Budker D, Temperature dependence of the nitrogen-vacancy magnetic resonance in diamond, Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 070801 (2010) Download
25. Franck JM, Demas V, Martin RW, Bouchard LS, Pines A, Shimmed matching pulses: Simultaneous control of rf and static gradients for inhomogeneity correction, J. Chem. Phys. 131, 234506 (2009) Download
24. Bouchard LS, Anwar MS, Liu GL, Hann B, Xie H, Gray JW, Wang X, Pines A, Chen FF, Picomolar sensitivity MRI and photoacoustic imaging of cobalt nanoparticles, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 106, 4085-4089 (2009) Download
23. Demas V, Franck JM, Bouchard LS, Sakellariou D, Meriles CA, Martin R, Prado PJ, Bussandri A, Reimer JA, Pines A, 'Ex-Situ' magnetic resonance volume imaging, Chem. Phys. Lett. 467, 398-401 (2009) Download
22. Bouchard LS, "Shimming pulses" in Magnetic Resonance Microscopy: Spatially Resolved NMR Techniques and Applications, Wiley-VCH, 2009; Ed. Joseph D. Seymour and Sarah Codd.
21. Kelso N, Lee SK, Bouchard LS, Demas V, Muck M, Pines A, Clarke JC, Distortion-free magnetic resonance imaging in the zero-field limit, J. Magn. Reson. 200, 285-290 (2009) Download
20. Paulsen JL, Franck J, Demas V, Bouchard LS, Least squares magnetic-field optimization for portable nuclear magnetic resonance magnet design, IEEE Trans. Magn. 44, 4582-4590 (2008) Download
19. Paulsen JL, Bouchard, LS, Graziani N, Bluemich B, Pines A, Volume selective magnetic resonance imaging using an adjustable, single-sided, portable sensor, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 105, 20601-20604 (2008) Download
Pre-UCLA (publication date prior to UCLA appointment)
18. Bouchard LS, Burt SR, Anwar MS, Kovtunov KV, Koptyug IV, Pines A, NMR imaging of catalytic hydrogenation in microreactors with the use of parahydrogen, Science 319, 442-445 (2008) Download
17. Bouchard LS, Sushkov AO, Budker D, Ford JJ, Lipton AS, Nuclear-spin relaxation of 207Pb in ferroelectric powders, Phys. Rev. A 77, 022102 (2008) Download
16. Verpillat F, Ledbetter MP, Budker D, Xu S, Michalak M, Hilty C, Bouchard LS, Antonijevic S, Pines A, Remote detection of nuclear magnetic resonance with an anisotropic magnetoresistive sensor, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 105, 2271-2273 (2008) Download
15. Jachmann RC, Trease D, Bouchard LS, Sakellariou D, Martin R, Schlueter RD, Budinger, TF, Pines A, Multipole shimming of permanent magnets using harmonic corrector rings, Rev. Sci. Instr. 78, 035115 (2007) Download
14. Bouchard LS, Kovtunov KV, Burt SR, Anwar MS, Koptyug IV, Sagdeev RZ, Pines A, Para-Hydrogen-enhanced gas-phase magnetic resonance imaging, Angewandte Chemie Intl Ed. 46, 4064-4068 (2007) (ranked Very Important Paper). Download
13. Anwar MS, Hilty C, Chu C, Bouchard LS, Pierce KL, Pines A, Spin coherence transfer in chemical transformations monitored by remote detection NMR, Anal. Chem. 79, 2806-2811 (2007) Download
12. Bouchard LS, Anwar MS, Synthesis of matched magnetic fields for controlled spin precession, Phys. Rev. B 76, 014430 (2007) Download
11. Bouchard LS, Unidirectional magnetic-field gradients and geometric-phase errors during Fourier encoding using orthogonal ac fields, Phys. Rev. B 74, 054103 (2006) Download
10. Bouchard LS, Warren WS, Multiple-quantum vector field imaging by magnetic resonance, J. Magn. Reson. 177, 1-13 (2005)
9. Bouchard LS, Wehrli FW, Chin CL, Warren WS, Structural anisotropy and internal magnetic fields in trabecular bone: coupling solution and solid dipolar interactions, J. Magn. Reson. 176, 27-36 (2005)
8. Ledbetter MP, Savukov IM, Bouchard LS, Romalis MV, Numerical and experimental studies of long-range magnetic dipolar interactions, J. Chem. Phys. 121, 1454-65 (2004)
7. Bouchard LS, Warren WS, Tensorial character of magnetization diffusion in periodic lattices, Phys. Rev. B 70, 224426 (2004)
6. Tang XP, Chin CL, Bouchard LS, Warren WS, Wehlri FW, Observing Bragg-like diffraction via multiple couple nuclear spins, Phys. Lett. A 326, 114-25 (2004)
5. Bouchard LS, Warren WS, Reconstruction of porous material geometry by stochastic optimization based on NMR measurements of the dipolar field, J. Magn. Reson. 170, 299-309 (2004)
4. Shannon KL, Branca RT, Galiana G, Cenzano S, Bouchard LS, Soboyejo W, Warren WS, Simultaneous acquisition of multiple orders of intermolecular multiple-quantum coherence images in vivo, Magn. Reson. Imaging 22, 1407-12 (2004)
3. Chin CL, Tang XP, Bouchard LS, Saha PK, Warren WS, Wehrli FW, Isolating quantum coherences in structural imaging using intermolecular double-quantum coherence MRI, J. Magn. Reson. 165, 309-14 (2003)
2. Bouchard LS, Rizi RR, Warren WS, Magnetization structure contrast based on intermolecular multiple-quantum coherences, Magn. Reson. Med. 48, 972-9 (2002)
1. Bouchard LS, Bronskill MJ, Magnetic resonance imaging of thermal coagulation effects in a phantom for calibrating thermal therapy devices, Med. Phys. 27, 1141 (2000)