Art and Music


A search engine for works of art, browseable by movement, medium, subject or nationality; searchable by artist name.

Art Teacher on the Net

Art lessons, art history, after school projects, and much more is included in this site.

Classical Music Archive

Over 9000 classical music files in midi format. Excellent!

Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art

Guggenheim Museum

Tour the Guggenheim Museum and look at the archives and upcoming programs.

Instrument Encyclopedia

A wide ranging collection of musical instruments, searchable by type or by geographical location, providing basic information, a bibliography, and a picture.

The Louvre (Paris)

Can't get to Paris? View the collections of the Louvre online!

The Metropolitan Museum of Art

A wonderful site with a new art fact and featured painting every day, over 3500 works viewable online, and information and images from special exhibitions. Searchable by keyword.

The Museum of Modern Art

Take a look at the area of the collection you're most interested in -- painting, sculpture, archictecture, photography -- or read about the current exhibitions. Includes educational resources.

National Gallery of Art

Look at the current exhibitions, take an online tour, or browse the collection.

National Gallery of Art Online Tours

View the exhibits at the National Gallery of Art, while listening to the commentary of museum guides. Choose the featured tour of the week, or search the archives for a particular artist.

The State Hermitage Museum, St. Petersburg, Russia

Browse the digital collection of painting, furniture, sculpture, costumes, and much more, or look at the highlights of the collection from antiquity through the time of Peter I as housed in St. Petersburg.

The Symphony: An Interactive Guide

Audio files, biographical data, and a timeline make this a great site for students of classical music.


Take a tour of the Winterthur Museum and Garden, or browse the gift shop.