Botswana. Stop The Killing.

Tweet Sheet: Page 2


.@OfficialMasisi #Botswana's elephant population has remained stable at ~130,000 for 15 yrs. Migration induces variability. @BWGovernment must support the claim of population explosions, justifying trophy hunting 272. #BotswanaStopTheKilling


.@OfficialMasisi How strong is Africa’s last elephant stronghold? "Newly published aerial surveys—out just weeks after the country lifted its hunting ban—indicate that poaching is on the rise in Botswana." Is @BWGovernment doing anything about ++poaching?


"Migratory routes for animals that are not considered beneficial to Botswana’s conservation efforts will be closed, including an antelope migratory route into South Africa." Canned hunts? #BotswanaStopTheKilling. @BWGovernment @OfficialMasisi


.@OfficialMasisi @BWGovernment Hunting versus eco-tourism: A 2004 study said eco-tourism on game reserves generated "more than 15 times the income of livestock or game rearing or overseas hunting". Stop misleading your people. #BotswanaStopTheKilling


February 7, @SenatorLesniak is delivering an inspirational keynote at Embassy of Botswana in DC — for endangered species & against the unnecessary ‘trophy’ killing of 272 African #elephants: @lesniakinstitut #BotswanaStopTheKilling


February 7, take a stand — noon @ Embassy of Botswana in DC — for endangered species & against the unnecessary ‘trophy’ killing of 272 African #elephants: #BotswanaStopTheKilling @NatGeo @thedodo @africageo @OneGreenPlanet


#BotswanaStopTheKilling @XposeTrophyHunting STOP the issuing of 272 licenses to kill elephants in Botswana in 2020 @rickygervais @PeterEgan6 @_AnimalAdvocate @RobRobbEdwards @OfficialMasisi @BWGovernment


#BotswanaStopTheKilling 272 elephants will die for fun and trophy hunting selfies @AnimalWatch @Protect_Wldlife @emsfoundationsa @OfficialMasisi @BWGovernment


#BotswanaStopTheKilling It is not sporting, it is not even exciting, it is murder @VitalErth @BBCWorld @OfficialMasisi @BWGovernment


#BotswanaStopTheKilling How about you stop letting insecure people hunt for sport, its a disgusting, inhumane hobby for the VERY rich from the USA @VeganAdvocate1 @WildThingsInitv @OfficialMasisi @BWGovernment


#BotswanaStopTheKilling Botswana says they have had enough of colonialism, but its rich powerful westerners killing their heritage @WildThingsInitv @yashar @paulakahumbu @OfficialMasisi @BWGovernment


#BotswanaStopTheKilling @XposeTrophyHunt @elisetempelhoff Stop the reopening of the hunt to kill Botswana elephants @OfficialMasisi @BWGovernment


#StopTheHunt #Botswana @LewisHamilton Can you believe that Botswana has invited westerners in to kill their elephants? @CBTHunting #BotswanaStopTheKilling @OfficialMasisi @BWGovernment


#StopTheHunt #Botswana #BanTrophyHunting @CBTHunting @domdyer70 @AnimalsWorld Calling for a global ban on trophy hunting, stop the killing of 272 Botswana elephants NOW!! #BotswanaStopTheKilling @OfficialMasisi @BWGovernment


#StopTheHunt #Botswana This is a shame, a dishonor @AnimalDefenders @RoarWN @DailyMirror @Labour4Animals #BotswanaStopTheKilling @OfficialMasisi @BWGovernment


#StopTheHunt @liamgallagher @SirRanulphAus @BillBailey @CBTHunting STOP THE HUNT OF 272 elephants in Botswana NOW #BotswanaStopTheKilling @OfficialMasisi @BWGovernment