
Day 1 |11-15-21|

We started this project off counting our materials trying to figure out if we had enough Lego pieces to start building our robot. While doing this we had a looming issue, "how do we connect the mind system to our laptops?". By the end of class we ended up finding the solution to our problem and also made our first robot design.

Day 2 |11-18-21|

We had two plans today. The first is to start the logical thinking process. The second is to finish our robots design by modifying the first design. By the end of class we were able to make the modifications that finished the design of our robot, along with this we were able to create a basic plan on how to solve this puzzle like maze. We plan to use a timer to be able to tell the robot when to move to the following squares, a method that allows the robot to make a map based off of were it has been, and the ability for the robot to turn around and start on a new path if it receives a code from a obstacle in the maze.

Next class our goal will be to start the coding process .

Day 3 |11-22-21|

While we began the coding process, we figured out how to run the demo code. Once that was accomplished our thoughts began to revolve around using the demo code to give us insight on how we program this robot. Crazy enough from the demo program we were able to understand some of the commands and given functions that made the robot move. Along with doing this we have started to refine our logical plan that will allow our robot to solve the challenging puzzle.

Day 4 |11-29-21|

Today was a day of even more progress. logic that could be put into code and basic elementary movements were established. For movement, we implemented the movement so that it can detect when it crosses a white line and then move to the center of the next square. In addition, the robot can now turn and adjust so that the robot is able to cross the line while still moving in a straight line. This was done by setting if statements to check if one sensor is on black and if the other is on white. Also added a little bit of weight to the right side to hopefully reduce the tires from slipping as much.

Day 5 |12-2-21|

We began to race towards the finish. Today the goal was to translate our logic into Python code. It was a hard task at hand and honestly we were not able to accomplish it. Not only was translating the logic into python difficult but also being able to have our robot understand the boundaries and the game board in python. Even though our logical programing was not reliable we were able to program movements for our robot today.

Link to IA*d completing a figure eight.

Day 6 |12-6-21|

Today is show day! We were not able to figure out how to code our logic, but our robot can move fluently and our logic is really solid. If a person was to use our reasoning to attempt a Wumpus maze challenge they would succeed if the maze is indeed solvable.