Shinkendo Boston Fake YELP Scandal

Shinkendo Boston Fake Yelp Reviews!

Just when you thought that moron from Boston Shinkendo Shoshinkan dojo did about every stupid thing in the book, we see him manipulating Yelp reviews, to mask and obfuscate what people think of his shitty dojo and idiotic teaching,

Check out these two photos:

1. Fake Yelp Review from some “made up person named Anne D”

If you beleive that review is real then you are as dumb as he is!

2.) Now we see the real reviews hidden from the Yelp page:

You can also read the real reviews here: Boston Shinkendo Real Yelp Reviews

What an absolute Boot Licker that guy is!

Yukishiro Soke, you must be proud of Boston Shinkendo!