The BR-80 also has 64 V-tracks and eight simultaneous playback tracks. A wide library of built-in backing and drum patterns are also included. For extra recording and editing capabilities on your PC, included is the SONAR X1 LE program for Windows. All for one low price, here now at Gigasonic.

Our first job is to first get the ACID drum loops you are interested in using onto theBR-1600CD. To do this we will follow the instructions on page 180 of the BR-1600CDuser’s guide: “Using wave data on a CD-ROM/R/RW disc (Loop Phrase Import)”.  Place your CD containing your drum loops into the BR-1600CD drive.

  Press the CD-R/RW control button “Loop Phrase Import”.  Press the F1 (IMPORT) key or move your cursor to the IMPORT icon and press ENTER. 

  Select the directory containing the drum loops you want to import using the cursor keys and pressing ENTER. You can use the F2 (PREVIEW) key to preview any of the loops before you import it. Note that the Boss BR-1600CD only displays 8 characters of all file names... this can make it difficult to distinguish between different loops with similar names. Use the PREVIEW button to distinguish the loops audibly. Very important: Before doing anything, make sure you cursor to the right and change the To: A001 to the bank you want to import the loop phrase(s) to (i.e. E001). The first time I did this, I overwrote the preset drum patterns that are built into the BR-1600CD, causing me to have to restore these preset drum patterns from my backup.  The F3 (ALL) key will cause all loops in the directory to be selected. A maximum of 50 loops can be imported at once.  Press F4 (GO) to start the import process. Loops that are very short are rejected by the BR-1600CD and you will receive a message concerning this. This is a limitation of the BR-1600CD that is documented in the user manual. Creating a Song Using the Drum LoopsHere’s how I went about creating the demo drum loop and bass arrangement that Iput together to test this procedure.  Create a new song (Press UTILITY then find the SONG Function Key (usually F2 on the first menu page), then find the NEW Function Key (usually F3 on the first menu page). I selected BASS+LOOP PHRASE as the Track Type for my new arrangement. The press the GO (F4) function key.  Make sure the PROGRAMMABLE RHYTHM [ARRANGEMENT/PATTERN] is lit (you’re in Arrange Mode). 

  Now click the PROGRAMMABLE RHYTHM [EDIT] button to go into edit mode.  Move the cursor to the rhythm arrangement number to create a new arrangement. Use the TIME/VALUE dial to select the number. For my arrangement I set it to U001.  Set the tempo you want using the down cursor key and the TIME/VALUE dial, for our example we set it to 115 bpm.  The track buttons for Tracks 11/12 (Loop Phrase) and 13/14 (Bass) should already be flashing green, if they are not push them until they do.  Make sure the faders for Tracks 11/12 and 13/14 are raised appropriately, and that the master fader is raised as well. The first thing we’ll do is arrange the drums, then we’ll add the bass. For our arrangement, lets do a 2 bar intro, a 3 bar verse, 1 bar fill, a 3 bar 2ndverse, 1 bar fill, a 4 bar chorus, and an 2 bar ending.

Boss Br-80 Drum Patterns Download


Let’s add a bass arrangment now. I’m going to just use the built inbass patterns of the BR-1600CD for this example. Since the drum loops we’reusing are of the fairly funky variety, I’m going to select some of the R&Bpatterns that Boss ships with the unit. For chords, I’ll keep it simple. Just some standard chords in the key of C.  Press EXIT to exit Loop Phrase mode.  Press F3 (BASS) to enter Bass arrangement edit mode.  Press ZERO to return to the first measure.  Press down cursor to select the bass pattern, we’re starting with P388 (R&B 01-V1).  Set the LENGTH field set to the number of measures you would like the pattern to play.  Use PLAY, REW, and FF to listen to what you’re composing.  Repeat steps 4-6 until your arrangement is completed. But what about chord changes? You might ask. I intentionally left editing chordsfor last, because it requires switching edit modes, and easier to write about if I made itone more step. 2351a5e196

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