The Borland Database Engine (BDE) is the database engine provided by Borland (now Inprise) for access to Paradox and dBase databases s well as a few other formats. It provides the database interface for Borland products such as Borland C++, Borland C++ Builder, Borland Delphi, and Borland J Builder.Borland provides library files and header files to facilitate direct access to the BDE API. Borland also provides fairly extensive documentation of each API function, usually including samples in C and Pascal. Borland compilers, such as Borland C++ 4.5 and 5.0 also include example programs using direct API calls.

IDAPI32.DLL is a dynamic link library for the Borland Database Engine. ChemPoint and ChemStat both use the Borland database engine (BDE). When you install the programs, the BDE is installed as well. Normally, the BDE is installed in  C:\BDE on your local drive. However, if you have previously installed another application that requires the BDE, it may already exist on your computer in some other location.

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Windows 7 and 8 can be very restrictive towards applications written for the previous versions of Windows. This is the case with the Borland Database Engine (BDE), which is not capable of running in Windows7/8 unless one setting has been changed: A permission for the BDE must be given in the windows registry database.

I'm getting a message that says: Error Occured when trying to initialze the Borland database engine. ( or the $2109 BDE error). What do I do?The Borland Database Engine (BDE) provides support for data access throughout the program. In general, problems occur if there has been trouble with Windows or when another software program (that also uses the BDE) is causing a conflict with EstiMate.

There are two possible solutions: The first (and easiest) is to re-boot your computer and see if it works. If not, then you will need to re-install the BDE.

1.If you can get into the software at all, click Management->Backup/Restore data files and back the data files up to a floppy disk (so you won't lose any of your work). 

You, or your computer manager, can also back these up manually by backing up the c:/program files/estimate/data folder, which contains all your data files. Manual Backup instructions are given at the end of this article and are also available at: _entry.php?id=383

2. Next to re-install the BDE insert your EstiMate 1.5 - 1.91 cd-rom in the cd rom drive and proceed through the installation wizard. When you get to the screen that asks you what you want to install and place a black dot next to the 'install BDE only' option and continue with the remainder of the installation. 

Users who are running EstiMate 1.92 or above will need to uninstall the software, delete the EstiMate directory, and re-install.

After uninstalling the software via add/remove programs in control panel, then open windows explorer and delete the EstiMate directory. The EstiMate directory is a folder that is usually located at C:\Program Files\EstiMate however if you have moved the folder you will want to delete it from wherever it is located.

Note: You should only delete the directory if you are sure your data is backed up. Deleting the directory will also delete all the data in the directory.

NOTE: If you downloaded your upgrade from the website then you will need to search for it on your computer and then run the installation again, or re-download the fille from website.

Once you have completed the BDE installation, you can now restore your data by using EstiMate's backup/restore utility under the management icon or if you backed it up manually replace the new datafolder that was created with the one you backed up.

You can also download the latest BDE update directly from the inprise website at the following address:



If you cannot open EstiMate to backup your data directly through the program(preferred method), you will need to backup your data manually. The procedure is as follows:


Note: This procedure assumes you have EstiMate

installed in the default location of C:\Program Files\EstiMate\

however if you have your data stored elsewhere you will need to modify the instructions below accordingly.


1. Right-Click on your Start Icon and select ?Explore?. Windows Explorer will appear.

2. In the left hand column open the C drive icon, if it is not already open, and find the ?Program Files? file folder. click the plus sign to the left of ?Program Files? to open it. Find the EstiMate folder and open it. TIP: If you do not see the EstiMate folder, make sure you are looking in ?Program Files? and NOT simply ?Programs?.

3. Once you have found the EstiMate folder and opened it, right-click on the data folder and select copy. This will copy the data folder and all its contents.

4. Minimize windows explorer.

5. Right-Click on your Windows desktop and select the ?paste? command. The data folder will now appear. Optional: For added safety you may wish to also save a copy of the folder to a high-capacity drive like zip or jaz, or write it to a CD-Rom.

BDE is object-oriented in design. At runtime, application developers interact with BDE by creating various BDE objects. These runtime objects are then used to manipulate database entities, such as tables and queries. BDE's application program interface (API) provides direct C and C++-optimized access to the database engine, as well as BDE's built-in drivers for dBASE, Paradox, FoxPro, Access, and text databases.

First, my sympathies to anyone who still has to deal with Paradox databases. I recently setup Microsoft Access 2007 on a Windows 7 64-bit computer to manipulate data in an old Boreland Paradox database (from a limited user account). I consider this to be the computer equivalent of putting the engine from an old VW Beetle into a new Porche 914 (rather than the other way around)... but nonetheless, it has been done. The only serious problem was the following error message, which appeared upon opening the database from Access:

As computer hardware, network protocols, database engines, applications, application servers, and desktop productivity tools, proliferate the enterprise, integration of disparate applications from disparate vendors is becoming an all too common problem.

A Data Source Name is a logical reference that exposes database to standards compliant or native data access drivers. DSNs provide a flexible naming and binding service for database driven applications developers and end-users alike. Applications no longer need to be inextricably linked to specific database names or specific database engines.

The Microsoft JET Engine lies at the heart of Microsoft Access, it is the piece of technology that allows you to link external and typically remote database tables into your local Access space via ODBC Data Sources. Once this link process has been completed, Access allows you to build Queries, Reports, Forms etc. using these external database tables as though they were Local Access tables. JET can also link to external tables hosted within desktop database engines via native interfaces.

The Borland Database Engine (BDE) from Inprise like the Microsoft JET Engine also facilitates external table linkage via ODBC Data Sources. The BDE also lets you link to external database tables via native database interfaces and there is no restriction to desktop database engines when you adopt this approach.

A VDB may also be a Native Database Interface Client, making use of database engine vendor provided data access interfaces. Native interfaces are based upon Embedded SQL, an older format Low-Level data access interface that preceded the X/Open SQL CLI. It is important to note that ODBC from Microsoft, JDBC from JavaSoft, and UDBC from OpenLink Software are all derived from the X/Open SQL CLI.

Transaction Isolation - describes the ability of a database engine to provide transaction process partitioning options called Isolation Levels, that offer different ways of managing the effects of multiple and concurrent transactions affecting the same underlying data.

This category of VDB exposes its services to clients via Native and Proprietary high-level data access interfaces. Data I/O is achieved via native, proprietary, and data source specific low-level data access interfaces. This category of VDB does not possess a complete set of traditional database engine components.

This category of VDB exposes its services to clients via Native and Proprietary high-level data access interfaces. External data I/O is achieved via native, proprietary, and data source specific low-level data access interfaces. This category of VDB possesses a complete set of traditional database engine components.

This category of VDB exposes its services to clients via Native and Proprietary high-level data access interfaces. Data I/O is achieved via Open, Standards based, and Database Independent low-level data access interfaces. This category of VDB does not possess a complete set of traditional database engine components.

This category of VDB exposes its services to clients via Native and Proprietary high-level data access interfaces. External data I/O is achieved via Open, Standards based, and Database Independent low-level data access interfaces. This category of VDB possesses a complete set of traditional database engine components.

This category of VDB exposes its services to clients via open and standards based high-level data access Interfaces. Data I/O is achieved via native, proprietary, and data source specific low-level interfaces. This category of VDB does not possess a complete set of traditional database engine components. 9af72c28ce

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