The first season finale in this historical drama series set in Renaissance Italy about the notorious Borgia family and its patriarch, Pope Alexander VI. In this episode, a statue of the Trojan priest Laocon and his sons is discovered buried in the ground, and Rodrigo takes it as a good omen. Goffredo returns to Rome with his pregnant wife Sancia, and Virginio Orsini is finally captured and brought before the Pope to be punished. Lucrezia spends time with her lover Pedro, but is upset to learn from her mother that her lady-in-waiting Pantisilea was in fact Giulia's spy all along. Juan angrily confronts Corella and orders him to follow through on murdering Cesare, and Lucrezia pretends to believe Pantisilea's apologies and accepts her back as her maid. Cesare follows Juan to Vannozza's tavern at night, observed by Corella, and the brothers fight, with Cesare gaining the upper hand. Later, he staggers home and ends up in bed with Sancia, and in the morning both brothers are absent when Cordova receives his ceremonial golden rose for finding Orsini. Juan's horse is then found without its rider, and Cesare immediately organizes a search, first accusing the Jews of harming him. Juan's manservant is found beaten nearly to death, and a river merchant confirms that he saw a body being dumped on the previous night. Juan's corpse is indeed found in the water, and Cesare quickly realizes that it was not a robbery but a deliberate murder.

Cesare breaks the news to Rodrigo and prepares his brother's body for burial, though he makes it clear that he has no true love for him. Carafa notes that Vannozza does not weep at the funeral and Cesare begins an investigation, though Riario-Sansoni points out that Cesare himself is a suspect and cannot conduct the interviews alone. Sforza recounts how Rosalina's father and fianc angrily confronted Juan about his part in her death, but declares that they and he are innocent, adding that he himself felt no need to defend his cousin Giovanni's honor. Cesare frets that Corella, his sole alibi, has vanished, and Lucrezia and Giulia attempt to rouse Rodrigo from his incoherent grief. Gianbattista explains that Juan demanded a bribe to release his brother, but Virginio refused to apologize and was left in his cell. Cesare then asks Guidobaldo about Juan and his murder of Pedro Luis, and Guidobaldo suggests that France is to blame. Briconnet, still furious about Cesare's murder of his son, declares that Cesare himself could have killed Juan out of jealousy over Lucrezia, as both brothers are widely suspected of an incestuous relationship with her. Fabrizio Colonna, who killed his wife Nannia after her affair with Juan, also denies guilt, and Marcantonio's uncle agrees that his nephew deserved his fate for his rape of Cesare and that he sees no need to avenge him. 

Cesare then accuses Riario-Sansoni himself, as he is della Rovere's cousin, but Riario-Sansoni swears that his main allegiance is to the church. Goffredo complains about his unfaithful wife, sure that her child is Juan's, but also states that he did not kill him. Vannozza in turn agrees that Juan deserved punishment, but vows that she herself is "no Medea." Cesare and the others then find Rodrigo in a state of utter devastation, and he struggles to tell his cardinals of his extreme grief and absolves the Colonnas, Orsinis and Sforzas of the crime. He then declares that he will finally keep his campaign promises and truly devote himself to God, and proves this by immediately sending Giulia away. He then denies Lucrezia's request to marry Pedro and orders her to become a nun after all and a caretaker for Juan's children, much to her displeasure. Cesare informs his father that Juan killed Pedro Luis, and a stunned Rodrigo orders him to depart Rome and finally fulfill his duties as Archbishop in Valencia. Cesare is further outraged when Rodrigo forgives della Rovere and invites him back to Rome, and Alessandro promises to "make new allies" and to rescue Giulia from her exile. Cesare finds Lucrezia and confesses that he is genuinely unsure if he is Juan's murderer, and she explains that she saw Juan that night after the brawl with Cesare and that he confessed not only to Pedro Luis' murder but to Maria's as well. She then reveals that she herself killed Juan with Pedro's help, and Cesare is awed by her strength. 

They begin to give in to temptation and fulfill the rumors of incest, but Cesare discovers Pedro hiding in the bedroom and chases him out with a sword. They burst into the throne room and Pedro begs for sanctuary, but Cesare murders him with the Spear of Longinus in front of the shocked cardinals and a horrified Lucrezia. He wildly declares that he will be remembered for his greatness, and Alessandro and Giovanni try to make sense of the bizarre events. Pantisilea's murdered body is then found in the river as well, and Rodrigo orders the statue of Laocon buried, now totally disillusioned about his family's true destiny.

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