
Ordering a Commission

To order a commission send me an email at or use theĀ  commission form provided in the post you originally came here from!

I always use email to communicate so be sure to check in on your inbox for updates or feedback!
You must be 18 or older to order from me!

You can ask a specific body range or give the usual "Fulbody" or "Halfbody" and I'll work with that!

Adjusting a commission to your preferences/needs/budget:

All of my commissions (except chibis/icons) are adjustable to your needs!

Each adjustment will affect the final quote! Feel free to ask about any specific changes or styles that comes to mind!


Character complexity is a possible fee, but I will let you know if it would apply! Sometimes what might seem complex to you, is fairly normal to me. This additional fee is for the super crazy designs.


What about NSFW?

I am open to artistic/tasteful nudity in any amount, but do not offer full on sexual themes or interactions between characters at this time.

What might count as "Character Complexity?"

Well, neither of the pieces on the left and right would have any extra fees.

Lots of horns? That's fine.
Lots of hair? That's a-okay.
Many many colors? Still fine.
Tongues, tentacles, spikes? Used to them.
Swords? Bows? Guns? The normal stuff is fine and dandy.
All that at once? Depends.

I'm used to working with characters that are considered quite complicated, so a bit of complexity doesn't intimidate me much! However, if your character is a biblically accurate angel with 8 wings, 6 floating arms, dozens of eyes everywhere and a dress patterned like the Sistine Chapel ceiling, then you will see a fee come up in the final quote.

When in doubt, just ask me!

Prices and Examples


Busts are always in sketch form, but the cleaner the finish the cleaner the sketch. Colored and Rendered wil have cleaner sketching as lines, with Rendered having the cleanest, painterly finish. Busts usually range from shoulders and up depending on composition.

Hatching Style $55

Sketch with some monochrome tones.

Backgrounds in this style will be loosely sketched and range in simple-medium styles.

Colored $75

Colored with some simple shading.

Rendered $100


Fully colored with rendering. Dynamic lighting up to the buyer.



Fullbody piece of your character(s) in varying styles up to your choosing. Most of the options are adjustable, don't be afraid to ask! All backgrounds follow the final polish style; so a sketch will get a sketched background, a polished style gets a polished background, so on so forth. Speed style can be a mix of clean and mildly sketchy.Ā 

In certain scene compositions, a fullbody might look more like a shin-up/knee-up. (I.e. the character is standing in something that conceals the feet.) This is something we discuss before final quote and I begin the commission process!

Hatching Style

Fullbody: $150
Halfbody: $100

Monochrome clean sketch with hatching.
Cleanliness may vary!

Clean Style

Fullbody: $230
Halfbody: $180

A colored and shaded style.

Polished Style

Fullbody: $300
Halfbody: $240

Clean, with full rendering.


Specialty Styles

For anthro/feral/closed-species characters

Sketch Icon $55

Square Thin sketch with color and quick shading.

Sharp Icon $65

Square Sharp lined with color and shading and final detailing.

Standard Chibi $45+

Regular Chibi
Simple Shading.

Feral Chibi $35

Simple chibi
Quick with Simple Shading.


Gilded Tarot Card $55+

2.75x4.75in card design made in gold on a black card by default. You can choose a different color scheme.

Price is per card, but when buying in bulk, if all cards are in the same 'deck' with a matching border design, the following cards after the initial one may be discounted.


Comics $100+


7 large panels
2 Characters, Colored with Shading
2 Simple/Copied Backgrounds

13 panels
7 Characters, Colored with Simple Shading
5 Detailed Backgrounds

Ordering a Comic

Comics are a very customizable commission type and the price will vary for most comics.
Each comic will always be in a Speed Style finish for the characters, with flat color by default. No shading or backgrounds are provided for the base.

Comics are NOT for commercial use. I am NOT for hire for commercial projects.
These are only for personal characters/use.

Comic base: $100

Comic Add-Ons: Price discussed