I noticed that in the same properties under the Java tab, there is "Java Classpath" but it's value wasTomcat-Dir\bin\bootstrap.jar (I think). Then I changed this to jdk-15.0.1\bin (and variations thereof).

The problem you are describing (immediate service start failure, nothing in Tomcat's logs and a short line in commons-daemon.log) happens when there is a mismatch between the architecture of the Procrun service application (installed as bin\tomcat10.exe in your Tomcat installation) and the architecture of the jvm.dll: a 32-bit executable cannot load a 64-bit library and viceversa.

Bootstrap.jar Tomcat 8 Download

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To solve this you need to download the complete Apache Commons Daemon distribution for Windows (cf. download area) and replace tomcat10.exe with the appropriate prunsrv.exe executable (there are two versions in the zip archive).

I am trying to use Tomcat 6.0 as a web development server within SpringSource Tool Suite 2.7.1. I create a runtime, download tomcat, create a server, etc as per these instructions -eclipse-tomcat/index.html#N10148

The trick here was that the location of the jar was inside the Eclipse/STS project directory. STS stores its server configurations inside the /Servers folder and I had decided to store the tomcat runtimes here as well for neatness. Placing the runtimes elsewhere and trying again solves this issue.

Delete Servers from explorer tab, delete Tomcat from server explorer window, delete server from Window > Preferences > Server > Apache tomcat, delete it, also delete servers folder inside EclipseProjects.

If you have unzipped downloaded Tomcat archive into Eclipse Servers folder, User Entries in classpath have relative path (e.g. /Servers/....) of bootstrap.jar and tomcat-juli.jar which path I guess is not accessible as a relative path.

The error is quite unusual.

Can you share the list of files in this directory: camunda-bpm-tomcat-7.15.0\server\apache-tomcat-9.0.43\lib

Further to that what is your operation system? Do you have option to try to run the server on other machine? Also have you tried to start the tomcat from here:


Works, but when I invoke tomcat-start from my build.xml in the command line, the build.xml never ends and the server console appears to be dumping out to the window I invoked my build.xml from. The last thing I see (if I do not access my app) is Server startup time in the window. Any ideas?

thx for this easy solution, but i have still a problem. I want ant to delete the old webapp before deploying a new one. So its necessary the tomcat is stopped. How check the status and then go on with the deleting task? thx a lot

But do you really need this? The way I normally work is I start tomcat from ant within eclipse and it occupies a console. When I double-click on another ant target to stop tomcat, the original console will gracefully end with the build complete message etc.

Great blog..Just looking for ..I want to stop appservers in tomcat but is there any way to check the running process ( PID) and if there is any running process can we kill it to make sure the app server really stops

I have installed tomcat9 in /opt/tomcat9 folder .

after execute /opt/tomcat9/bin/startup.sh , I able to access the tomcat mainpage, manager /host-manager page . but when i try to enable it as systemd service I get error when i try to access the mainpage

Note that the Commons-Daemon JAR file must be on your runtime classpath to run Tomcat in this manner. The Commons-Daemon JAR file is in the Class-Path entry of the bootstrap.jar manifest, but if you get a ClassNotFoundException or a NoClassDefFoundError for a Commons-Daemon class, add the Commons-Daemon JAR to the -cp argument when launching jsvc.

As someone who is not very familiar with creating web servers, is apache server built into tomcat to do that? Is there any documentation that can explain how to configure this without having to use another application to host a web server? Is IIS the easiest way to spin up a web server?

I tried putting the Atlas folder contents in the directory where the war file is, but keep getting a 404 error. Plus I am also getting a warning here that the Apache tomcat native library failed to load. It is weird because I have a 64 bit platform. Is this an issue?

This is the recommended way to install on Debian-based system but then you should have looked at where you can see that the right configuration file for Tomcat is /etc/default/tomcat8 and not /usr/share/tomcat8/bin/setenv.sh.

I have a problem starting tomcat from terminal. I installed tomcat using - sudo apt-get install tomcat7, few days back. Now when I'm starting it using the below command, I'm getting the following error:

When installed using the tomcat7 package, it is intended that you start and stop Tomcat using upstart (service tomcat start) or the /etc/init.d/tomcat script. If you start it using the startup.sh script then it is likely to have its environmental variables incorrectly configured.

my tomcat server in my mac ,the terminal is showing tomat started,but when is run the local host in the browser it says webpage not found ,but when I try to shutdown the tomcat it is throwing following errorwhen i start the tomcat i get the message:\n

Delete any cached files from the container. For example, on Tomcat, files are cached in a folder named after the deployment path, such as /path/to/tomcat/work/Catalina/localhost/deployment path. Use a command such as the following to delete these cached files:


John had me think about this more and I think he is right. On my VM I removed the java link in /usr/bin and restarted tomcat container. And it started fine. Thus as he stated it must be using the jvm within the container.

Spring Boot tries as much as possible to expose common settings, but this is not always possible.For those cases, dedicated namespaces offer server-specific customizations (see server.tomcat and server.undertow).For instance, access logs can be configured with specific features of the embedded servlet container.

I'll try to repeat this with the tomcat service installer and then the jboss one. As soon as I know anything else I'll post something else. For now I'm stuck accessing it remotly since I proposed we run hornet stand-alone and as a service. I wish I could use Linux, but that's not an option here sadly. I'm beginning to wish we went down the JBoss as road instead.

"C:\Apps\HornetQ\Wilsons\Taten\tomcat6.exe" //IS//HornetWT --Environment "HORNET_HOME=C:\Apps\HornetQ\hornetq-2.1.2.Final" --Classpath "C:\Apps\HornetQ\Wilsons\Taten;C:\Apps\HornetQ\hornetq-2.1.2.Final\schemas\;C:\Apps\HornetQ\hornetq-2.1.2.Final\lib\hornetq-bootstrap.jar;C:\Apps\HornetQ\hornetq-2.1.2.Final\lib\hornetq-core-client-java5.jar;C:\Apps\HornetQ\hornetq-2.1.2.Final\lib\hornetq-core-client.jar;C:\Apps\HornetQ\hornetq-2.1.2.Final\lib\hornetq-core.jar;C:\Apps\HornetQ\hornetq-2.1.2.Final\lib\hornetq-jboss-as-integration.jar;C:\Apps\HornetQ\hornetq-2.1.2.Final\lib\hornetq-jms-client-java5.jar;C:\Apps\HornetQ\hornetq-2.1.2.Final\lib\hornetq-jms-client.jar;C:\Apps\HornetQ\hornetq-2.1.2.Final\lib\hornetq

-jms.jar;C:\Apps\HornetQ\hornetq-2.1.2.Final\lib\hornetq-logging.jar;C:\Apps\HornetQ\hornetq-2.1.2.Final\lib\hornetq-twitter-integration.jar;C:\Apps\HornetQ\hornetq-2.1.2.Final\lib\jboss-jms-api.jar;C:\Apps\HornetQ\hornetq-2.1.2.Final\lib\jboss-mc.jar;C:\Apps\HornetQ\hornetq-2.1.2.Final\lib\jnp-client.jar;C:\Apps\HornetQ\hornetq-2.1.2.Final\lib\jnpserver.jar;C:\Apps\HornetQ\hornetq-2.1.2.Final\lib\netty.jar;C:\Apps\HornetQ\hornetq-2.1.2.Final\lib\twitter4j-core.jar" ++JvmOptions "-XX:+UseParallelGC;-XX:+AggressiveOpts;-XX:+UseFastAccessorMethods;-Dhornetq.config.dir=C:\Apps\HornetQ\Wilsons\Taten;-Ddata.dir=C:\Apps\HornetQ\Wilsons\Taten\data;-Djava.util.logging.config.file=C:\Apps\HornetQ\Wilsons\Taten\logging.p

roperties;-Djava.library.path=C:\Apps\HornetQ\hornetq-2.1.2.Final\bin" --StartPath "C:\Apps\HornetQ\hornetq-2.1.2.Final\bin" --StartMode jvm --StartClass org.hornetq.integration.bootstrap.HornetQBootstrapServer --StartParams hornetq-beans.xml --StdOutput auto --StdError auto

This is the command which is passed to tomcat. As you can see, the entire classpath is in there just like the batch script that comes with Hornet. Actually, I borrowed the part which assembles the classpath from there.

By default, Spring Boot uses Tomcat 7. If you want to use Tomcat 8, just say so! You need only override the Maven build's tomcat.version property and this will trigger the resolution of later builds of Apache Tomcat.

I have CentOS 6.4 installed on VMware. Recently installed Java SE8 and Apache Tomcat server but I cant't connect to the server by using `localhost:8080' browser says Unable to Connect. I have also tried changing the connector port in the tomcat server config but still unable to connect.

java -Djava.endorsed.dirs="C:\jakarta-tomcat-4.1.31\common\endorsed" -classpath "c:\j2sdk1.4.2_05\lib\tools.jar;C:\jakarta-tomcat-4.1.31\bin\bootstrap.jar" -Dcatalina.base="C:\jakarta-tomcat-4.1.31" -Dcatalina.home="C:\jakarta-tomcat-4.1.31" -Djava.io.tmpdir="C:\jakarta-tomcat-4.1.31\temp" org.apache.catalina.startup.Bootstrap start

I have installed thingworx 7.4 and Postgresql on separate servers. Tomcat was running prior to installation of Thingworx 7.4. However, after installing and running tomcat again it no longer start the logs are as follows

I tried running tomcat as a service but it was not working. Therefore, I am starting it manually for now. I will now create a setenv.sh file and try. Tomcat was working fine but then when I installed Thingworx 7.4 it no longer runs. But when I remove Thingworx.war file, tomcat starts normally again.

There don't appear to be any errors in that log that are interesting other than the reference to the shared library libFlxCore... That could be causing it to crash, but it doesn't look to me like it is. A second place to check is ThingworxStorage/logs/ApplicationLog.log. I have occasionally seen nothing of interest in the tomcat logs but will find an error in ApplicationLog.log that indicates the Thingworx webapp has terminated (licensing issues being the primary problem) 006ab0faaa

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