I've managed to get datepicker and timepicker working but I lack some of the functionality of my old timepicker - the ability to control the steps in minutes. I wish to only allow the user to increase the minutes of the timepicker in 15 minute intervals. This worked flawlessly with jQuery UI using the following syntax:

You can set your custom icon to input. If you will add the icon, the main icon from the input will be replaced with yours. You have to add class .timepicker-toggle-button to your element with data-mdb-toggle attribute and .timepicker-icon to your icon.

Bootstrap Timepicker Download

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MDB Timepicker allows you to configure the input without an icon. You can achieve this by setting data-mdb-with-icon attribute to false or using the withIcon option with a value of false when initializing the timepicker with JavaScript

Using the Timepicker component doesn't require any additional JavaScript code - simply add data-mdb-timepicker-init attribute to .form-outline and use other data attributes to set all options. For ES format, you must first import and call the initMDB method.

I have a select tag in HTML with 3 different options, each option should change the datatimepicker's options I have next to the select tag. Is there a function that resets the datetimepicker options when a new select is chose.

What should happen is on each selection option certain days should be disabled in the datetimepicker, but I can only get the datetimepicker to change once when the page is loaded and I have chosen a select option. If I chose a different one again the datetimepicker does not change its options at all.

Where are you executing your javascript code (it should be probably Controller js code of the modal). As you may know Angular does not works well with jQuery code. You should follow some principles to make it work properly.Your code may not work because $('.timepicker-no-seconds') can not find the input element since the View (HTML) is not initialized when js code is executed. There are some methods to make it work. Simple one is to use ui-jq directive.

I faced similar kind of error in bootstrap date-time picker for adding a time picker.It seems you would also like to add a time-picker in the visualforce page.I also added a timpicker in my visualforce page and no doubt it will work for sure.

This django widget contains Bootstrap 3, Bootstrap 4 and Bootstrap 5Date-Picker, Time-Picker, DateTime-Picker, Month-Picker and Year-Picker inputwith date-range-picker functionality for django version >= 2.0.The widget implements bootstrap-datetimepicker v4to show bootstrap-datepicker in django model forms and custom formswhich can be configured easily for date-range selection.

With Bootstrap 3With Bootstrap 4With Bootstrap 5Getting StartedFollow the Getting Started doc.Head over to Usage section to see how to use it in forms and views.Read detailed Documentation on ReadTheDocsLooks complex to get started? Follow a Quick Walkthrough TutorialGetting errors? See Troubleshoot instructionsUsageUsage in Generic View# File: views.pyfrom bootstrap_datepicker_plus.widgets import DateTimePickerInputfrom django.views import genericfrom .models import Questionclass CreateView(generic.edit.CreateView): model = Question fields = ["question_text", "pub_date"] def get_form(self): form = super().get_form() form.fields["pub_date"].widget = DateTimePickerInput() return formAdvanced UsageUsage in Custom FormUsage in Model FormUsage docTypes of DatePickersThe widget contains all types of date-picker you may ever need.

This project implements Eonasdan/bootstrap-datetimepicker to display date-pickers.The project was initially forked from pbucher/django-bootstrap-datepicker andlater reworked completely under MIT Licence.

To use jQuery Timepicker you'll need to include two files: jquery.timepicker.min.js and jquery.timepicker.min.css. Then, assuming you have an element in your document, with class timepicker, you can use the code on the right (or the code below, if you are reading on mobile) to initialize the plugin.

I am using Boostrap DateTimePicker (2) plug-in to have one date input in Editors bubble-editing mode. The versions of the external libraries used with the plug-in are bootstrap-datetimepicker 3.0.0 and Moment JS 2.5.1.

In this section, we are going to use our php application or html to add timepicker. In the previous section, we have learned the datepicker plugin to manage the dates, but many times our users want to select not only date but also time. But fortunately, our developers are successful in finding it and add many useful features to the Bootstrap framework. One of these features allows us to select time and date both using the DateTimePicker.

If we want to find a timepicker by just copying and pasting the code, the following code will be useful for us. The following code shows the full code to find the timepicker. If we want to use this code, we are not required to install anything. If we want to find a timepicker, we have to use the very popular library that is the datetimepicker library. Using this library, we can also set datepicker. This library is used to enable the input field for the entry of date and time.

If we want to select the date and time, this library will very useful because it provides a very user-friendly way. If we want to add DateTimePicker in our input field and our application uses the Bootstrap framework, we can easily add this by using the jQuery plugin of Bootstrap DateTimePicker. With bootstrap DateTimePicker plugin's help, we can easily add DateTimePicker in the form's input element by jQuery. In order to select the date and time from the form field of our websites, this plugin will provide us an instant solution to add the popup of datetimepicker. The user can select use the DateTimePicker dropdown, and with one click, they can easily get an hour, minute, year, month, day, seconds, etc.

Using the datetimepicker, we don't have to manually enter the input field to find the date and time. We will use the Datetimepicker dialog and select the date and time. If our code is required to build timepicker and datepicker, we could set them by using the datetimepicker library. In our example, we have set the "HH:mm" format, which is our custom format. If we want to add another format such as "HH:mm:ss", we can also do it.

Plugin documentation at -datetimepicker. This plugin is great however seems to have fallen out of maintenance - originally forked from another project which with regards to dates and excluding times is well maintained. In saying that, am still using this plugin myself because of its ability to pick times

Ng Bootstrap is developed from bootstrap and they provide all bootstrap 3 and bootstrap 4 native Angular directives like model, pagination, datepicker, timepicker, buttons etc. Ng Bootstrap will help to easily use bootstrap ui.

With bootstrap timepicker plugin, one can select time similar to datepicker (we select date, month, year from datepicker). With bootstrap timepicker plugin, we can select hour, minutes and meridian. In the following screenshot, you can understand, what timepicker does:

1. Set selectable time slots according to different requirements.

2. Disable showing of the timepicker widget on clicking of time symbol of textbox.

3. Enable showing of time picker widget on clicking of time symbol button of textbox using jQuery.

Suppose select input and timepicker textbox are made read-only and we cannot edit anything. When textbox is readonly, it means our requirement also mandates that time picker widget should not be opened when user try to click on time symbol button at end of the textbox.

Now, I have already disabled opening of timepicker widget on document load function. In the documentation of timepicker plugin, it is not clearly explained how to open widget and set time etc operations using jQuery later on: e24fc04721

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