You may also utilize dropdowns in your navbar nav. Dropdown menus require a wrapping element for positioning, so be sure to use separate and nested elements for .nav-item and .nav-link as shown below.

When using offcanvas in a dark navbar, be aware that you may need to have a dark background on the offcanvas content to avoid the text becoming illegible. In the example below, we add .navbar-dark and .bg-dark to the .navbar, .text-bg-dark to the .offcanvas, .dropdown-menu-dark to .dropdown-menu, and .btn-close-white to .btn-close for proper styling with a dark offcanvas.

Bootstrap Download Menu

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The WAI ARIA standard defines an actual role="menu" widget, but this is specific to application-like menus which trigger actions or functions. ARIA menus can only contain menu items, checkbox menu items, radio button menu items, radio button groups, and sub-menus.

However, Bootstrap does add built-in support for most standard keyboard menu interactions, such as the ability to move through individual .dropdown-item elements using the cursor keys and close the menu with the Esc key.

Heads up! Dark variants for components were deprecated in v5.3.0 with the introduction of color modes. Instead of adding .dropdown-menu-dark, set data-bs-theme="dark" on the root element, a parent wrapper, or the component itself.

By default, a dropdown menu is automatically positioned 100% from the top and along the left side of its parent. You can change this with the directional .drop* classes, but you can also control them with additional modifier classes.

Present even more content and make navigation more powerful with this free mega menu template design. You can preview it first, hit the download second and put it into action third. Enjoy the process.

Instead of sticking to the traditional navigation positioning on a website, this free left sidebar menu template goes slightly against the grain. It is also fully mobile-friendly, offering an off-canvas menu for a better user experience.

Keep things minimal while at the same time bold with this free full-screen menu overlay template. The navigation goes straight to the point, and you can also add a company logo or leave it out completely.

If I have anything on the page with position: relative (like jquery ui accordion, or a google chart) then the drop down menu shows behind it. Tried changing the z-index of the dd menu and of the nav-bar, but doesn't make any difference.

I'm late to the party here but for anyone using the bootstrap sticky-top class beware that it's z-index is higher than what is defined for the dropdown so anything within it will bleed through the dropdown's menu.

It has always been that way. The Nav menu in a Navbar does not trigger the Navbar collapse to close the Navbar when a Nav-link is clicked, for that you will need Javascript or jQuery.

Thank you so much for making this short video and helping me get started with the NAV menu, as I was thinking Sage had all Bootstrap stuff but after some googling and your helpful post and video I am able to fix only issue I faced on first try of Sage i.e. the nav markup.

That is it! You will have working Bootstrap based menu with dropdown support. Thanks to Sage developers for awesome starter theme and thanks to Jimmy for making my first day with Sage/Roots awesome with his short video guide!

On the other hand, Bootstrap's dropdowns are designed to more genericand application in a variety of situations. For this reason we don'tautomatically add the menu roles to the markup. We do implement somebasic keyboard navigation, and if you do provide the "menu" role,react-bootstrap will do its best to ensure the focus management iscompliant with the ARIA authoring guidelines for menus.

By default, autoClose is set to the default value true and behaves like expected. By choosing false, the dropdownmenu can only be toggled by clicking on the dropdown button. inside makes the dropdown disappear onlyby choosing a menu item and outside closes the dropdown menu only by clicking outside.

For those that want to customize everything, you can forgo the includedToggle and Menu components, and create your own. By providing customcomponents to the as prop, you can control how eachcomponent behaves. Custom toggle and menu components must be able to accept refs.

I've just noticed that in the latest snapshot builds (from 2 weeks ago I guess) the LuCI menu (bootstrap theme) is now aligned to the left, while in the past it was aligned with the rest of the user interface (center of the browser window).

Dropdown supports various positioning such as left and right aligned, dropdown and dropup, and supports auto-flipping (dropdown to dropup, and vice-versa) when the menu would overflow off of the visible screen area.

By default, dropdowns are visually constrained to its scroll parent, which will suffice in most situations. However, if you place a dropdown inside an element that has overflow: scroll (or similar) set, the dropdown menu may - in some situations - get cut off. To get around this, you can specify a boundary element via the boundary prop. Supported values are 'scrollParent' (the default), 'viewport', 'window' or a reference to an HTML element. The boundary value is passed directly to Popper.js's boundariesElement configuration option.

Note: When boundary is any value other than the default of 'scrollParent', the style position: static is applied to to the dropdown component's root element in order to allow the menu to "break-out" of its scroll container. In some situations this may affect your layout or positioning of the dropdown trigger button. In these cases you may need to wrap your dropdown inside another element.

By default, renders the menu contents in the DOM even when the menu is not shown. When there are a large number of dropdowns rendered on the same page, performance could be impacted due to larger overall memory utilization. You can instruct to render the menu contents only when it is shown by setting the lazy prop to true.

The is typically used to create a navigation link inside your menu. Use either the href prop or the to prop (for router link support) to generate the appropriate navigation link. If neither href nor to are provided, a standard link will be generated with an href of # (with an event handler that will prevent scroll to top behaviour by preventing the default link action).

Historically dropdown menu contents had to be links (), but that's no longer the case with Bootstrap v4. Now you can optionally create elements in your dropdowns by using the sub-component. does not support the href or to props.

Clicking buttons inside of a will not automatically close the menu. If you need to close the menu using a button (or via the form submit event), call the hide() method on the instance, as is shown in the above example.

The hide() method accepts a single boolean argument. If the argument is true, then focus will be returned to the dropdown toggle button after the menu has closed. Otherwise the document will gain focus once the menu is closed.

The default ARIA role is set to menu, but you can change this default to another role (such as navigation) via the role prop, depending on your user case. The role prop value will be used to determine aria-haspopup attribute for the toggle button.

When using components in the dropdown menu, it is recommended to add an id attribute to each of the headers, and then set the aria-describedby attribute (set to the id value of the associated header) on each following dropdown items under that header. This will provide users of assistive technologies (i.e. sight-impaired users) additional context about the dropdown item:

The dropdown menu is rendered with semanticĀ  andĀ  elements for accessibility reasons. The .dropdown-menu is theĀ  element, while dropdown items (items, buttons, text, form, headers, and dividers) are wrapped in anĀ  element. If creating custom items to place inside the dropdown menu, ensure they are wrapped with a plain . e24fc04721

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