Welcome to PlamoManuals, if this is your first time around here. then please read the welcome section at the bottom of this page, thanks.

In Era+ / SNAA

Motor Nuclear

Hi fellowship of the build,

                         Welcome to Plamo Manual, I created this website out of the need to help others find a manual they don't have to complete their kits, I mostly find this problem with 3rd party kits so this site is centered towards those, check out dalong.net for Bandai's kits or I could add them if enough people are interested, let me know.

I  have no intentions nor do I need to benefit monetarily from this so this website is free of charge to anyone, therefore please understand that I had to look for a cheap version to do this and most likely the website will become very slow as more and more pdf files get added to it. Google only allows me to add up to 15GBs worth of files for free but if this website ever flourishes then I will probably look into paying for more storage up to whatever I can afford. if you ever see someone charging for it then it is simply not the right website. 

With that out of the way. I obviously can't possibly have every single kit available but our community is amazing and the beauty of this is that I'm not the only one that can help, everyone can put their little grain of salt to help our fellow builders, so If you would like to share a manual you do not see available or even if it is, but you believe you have one with better resolution, then please send it to gunplamanual@gmail.com  please include the name and brand of the kit you are sending in a PDF file with 300 or 600 dpi resolution preferably (please look at the Supernova wing kits for reference on how I scanned them). Also include in your email any tips such as a piece having a different letter and/or number in the runner (A10 is really B10 etc.) and either your name or nickname so that I can credit you for your submission, if you don't, then I will just assume you prefer not to be credited. I will credit every single person that submits a manual even if their version is not used or it is replaced due to having a better version for the same manual available. In addition, if you need a manual that is not available on here then by all means send me an email as well and I'll try to get it on here for you. 

Please keep in mind that I'm only trying to help and I am a rookie at these type of things but if you have any feedback you would like to share, you are welcome to do so. thank you so much for visiting the website and hopefully you don't have a need for it too often, but if you ever do then on behalf of everybody that has helped with this website: we are glad we all could help each other.

I know this was a long read but it think it was all neccesary so thank you for taking your time, Sieg ZEON.