Windows displays a start-up animation during the Windows portion of the boot process. This animation can only be seen when you are connected to the virtual machine console, and requires additional vSphere resources to display, which is why it should be disabled. The following steps outline how to disable the Windows boot animation:

So I have recently updated to Windows 7, again on my laptop and gotta enjoy the application compatibility freedom is back for me. Applied a Vista theme and make a few tweakings to confuse the hell out of me, but I was thinking: is it possible to modify authui.dll to add the Pearl post-boot animation, after the bootscreen and before the Windows logon screen appears? I do remember in early beta builds of Windows 7, they kept the Pearl animation.

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This is where the trouble started. I initially thought it had something to do with the drive clone and was second guessing myself that I even made sure it booted OK after so I did the typical boot troubleshooting in the Windows Recovery console, but ended up undoing it all because I realized it was not the issue so all that should be able to be ignored. Additionally, the symptoms are somewhat inconsistent which makes this very annoying.

So, the immediate issue was that my computer wouldn't get past the Windows 10 boot animation. It seems like a display only issue as the drive activity light still appears normal and I still hear the small pop of my speakers that usually happens right before the login screen appears so I believe that the OS is still running (though since I don't have the startup sound enabled I can't be sure). Regardless, what happens is that the display (or perhaps the entire computer) will freeze with the new windows logo and the dots circling right before the transition to the login screen. After rebooting a time or two to make sure it wasn't a fluke I tried booting into safe mode which worked and still works consistently. Then I checked the control panel to make sure the old drivers were gone, which they were (other than the crap that is always left behind, registry entries, etc.). I then downloaded the latest Nvidia drivers and checked off the "Clean Install" option to make sure everything from before was taken care of. After the install I rebooted. This time the screen did not freeze, but rather when the animation finished I simply got "No Signal" on both monitors and they turned off.

Both of these issues (the freezing and screens turning off) are usually tell tale signs of a graphics driver issue so I rebooted into safe mode and uninstalled the drivers using the device manager (though I did not check "Also delete drivers from the system"), hoping I could work from there. Note that I didn't touch the Nvidia control panel or any of the other software installed by the driver package. Upon restarting I was able to get into Windows on a normal boot and login. As expected, the resolution was not correct or anything due to the lack of drivers, but moments after logging in Windows detected that the card was "new" and installed drivers for it automatically. This fixed the resolution and for once everything seemed normal and completely working. I only used my computer a little bit for the rest of the night and then slept it. The next day I woke it up, did some monitor calibration, and then attempted to run the game. The game kept crashing before the main menu would fully load (my guess is there is an issue when it tries to render the 3D objects on the menu because it crashes before they appear). It might be an issue with the resolution settings as it is a pretty buggy game, but I figured that it might have been because I hadn't actually done a reboot since Windows installed the drivers for the card. So, I rebooted and lo and behold I got the freezing on the boot animation problem again. Then I basically repeated what I did before to make sure what I said above was correct, and it seems to be the case. It seems I can go into safe mode and uninstall the driver via the device manager, reboot normally and have Windows install the driver and then get the boot screen freeze with a 100% reproduction rate over and over. While trying various reboots and driver manipulation I also ran back into the issue of the screens turning off a time or two even though I don't think I really did anything differently.

I tried re-seating the card and cleaning out the slot but that didn't work. I also tried booting with each monitor separately (Display Port) and even my TV in the same room (HDMI). I then tried putting my old card back in since again, the drivers should work for both, and surprisingly the issue remained. The last thing I did was put the 1080 Ti back in, go into safe mode and used DDU to completely uninstall everything ("Clean and reboot") figuring I'd try some more stuff after starting on a fresh slate. This should have let me boot in normally with no drivers but the bizarre and really frustrating thing is that I still got the boot animation freeze upon rebooting. I went into safe mode just to make sure the drivers were gone and there were no remnants of them in the control panel and the device manager showed "Microsoft Generic blah blah" under display adapters instead of "Nvidia 1080 Ti". This is where I've left it for now.

For most of this process this was seeming like an incredibly stubborn driver issue, but now that I couldn't boot after using DDU I am getting worried that something is wrong with my 16x slot. I am not familiar enough with how PCI-e works to be sure though. I would imagine that if it was an issue with the slot that the card wouldn't work at all and I would get nothing on display, but I also figured it is possible that only some of the lanes have an issue that isn't apparent when in safe mode without drivers since the card is only working as a basic display adapter. However, this wouldn't explain how I was able to use the machine with the automatically installed drivers (before a reboot of course), but then again the game I tried did crash so it wasn't perfect.

Starting too look like my PSU might be failing. The behavior is possibly getting slightly more inconsistent/bizarre. I installed a totally new OS on a seperate drive and at first had the same issue. Then I tried resetting my BIOS to default (which I hadn't done before because I didn't change anything other than the SATA mode since I put the new card in so I figured there was no reason) which let me into the new windows with the drivers installed as well as my original install. The only thing that really would have changed from the reset is my moderate overclock being removed, so it is possible it is just now starting to fail. Going to play around some more.

Another way to test is to disconnect all but the boot drive (and the Windows drive if it's separate from the boot drive). That way you don't have to test all the drives, only the one's that are left connected.

Drive 4 is an external USB drive that is self powered but runs behind its own firmware (WD MyBook) so it possible its just something silly with the drive fully coming online at boot and not an actual problem.

When I turn on my computer I get the three options (boot windows, boot SUSE, two methods). In addition there is this awful animation. It reminds me of cockroaches crawling around on my monitor. (Little penguin images.) How do I get rid of that?

It seems like the Windows installation got corrupted due to Windows Updates and/or a update/removal/installation of .NET by a developer. When we restore a 1 month old backup - and reboot it - the same thing happens.

So we need to either repair the VM - or reinstall.

We have tried that (attached the VHD to another VM on another Hyper V host - same thing happened (I misunderstood dubbfx earlier, sorry). So we really believe this is an OS error/corruption.

I just ran another round of chkdsk /F /R now - some errors were fixed - but it's still not booting right..

A self-taught designer with a degree in English literature, Ebeling never held a software job until he came to Microsoft. Along with developing the startup animation for Windows 7, he also helped with the appearance and functionality of the calculator.

You can now enable the Windows 10X boot logo animation in Windows 10, in regular desktop versions. The boot animation in Windows 10X looks different from what we have these days in desktop OS editions. It features a WinUI 3 spinning circle instead of Win8-like style circles.

A registry script is a file that applies registry modifications. You can set up a registry script that enables the progressive ring animation in Windows 11, which is a slightly more automated method. This is how to set up a script that changes the boot animation:

Winaero Tweaker also includes some other interesting boot and login options worth noting. For instance, you can disable the boot animation ring altogether. To do that, click Boot Options to view the settings below. Unchecking the Enable loading circle checkbox will disable that animation. You can also remove the Windows 11 logo from the boot sequence by deselecting the Enable Windows logo box above that setting.

So, how do you like the new 10X progressive ring boot animation in Windows 11? Some users will probably love the more stylish ring, but others may prefer the old one. Try enabling the progressive ring animation with one of the methods above to see which one you prefer.

Windows has become synonymous with its modern blue-tiled logo. It can be seen in the black backdrop whenever PC is powered on. Windows gives tons of customization abilities to its users which include changing the default boot logo to any other picture. In this article, we bring to you a helpful guide that will teach you how to change Windows 10 boot logo, edit Windows startup and also look into Windows 10 boot screen changer.

If your Windows PC is running UEFI then you will need to disable Secure boot to change Windows 10 boot logo. Secure boot ensures that the device boots using only system-manufactured trusted software. If enabled, it will prevent the third-party applications from running and changing the boot logo. Follow these steps to check whether it is enabled. ff782bc1db

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