The directory boost_1_77_0 has two jam-files: project-config.jam and boost-build.jam. Which of these files is b2 looking for the rule in? And how do I define the missing rule? The b2 documentation is no help.

You are correct. Both Coverity and Fortify SCA use the same underlying C/C++ front end from Edison Design Group to perform the translation from source code to intermediate representation (abstract syntax trees). However, a few years ago Fortify adopted the clang compiler (from the open-source LLVM project) as its new C/C++ front end. IMHO, it is more robust and easier to maintain and update.

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The particular error you described does not look familiar. I even searched our internal bug tracker for the keyword "BOOST_PP_FILENAME_1" but couldn't find anything. I'm not sure an easy workaround is possible. If you wish, I can take a closer look if you can provide me a reproducible sample.

Do you get an error with the sample you provided? If so, have you added "C:\Library\Boost\boost_1_77_0" and "C:\Library\Boost\boost_1_77_0\libs" to the list of include directories in the project configuration in VS2022?

Yes Boost is added to the include directories. Could you try again with the following includes? I realized I reproduced the error using powershell with the single boost include, but I can only reproduce it in the VS2022 command prompt with both of these includes.

With string.hpp, I am now able to reproduce the error. I looked through some of the header files and it seems the front end is unable to properly evaluate some of the preprocessor directives. It might be a bug or a limitation of the front end version (4.8). I also looked through some of the preprocessor-related options in the front end documentation (p. 10), but nothing jumped out at me. 152ee80cbc

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