Turns out that because I had a previous boost installation from a manual installation (before I upgraded to 20.04 LTS) and had deleted those files manually, further re-installs via apt were not recreating the files in usr/include/, due to other packages relating to boost still installed in the system.

The recovery was to run apt list --installed '*boost*' and then uninstall any of those linked packages.After doing that running sudo apt install libboost-all-dev recreated the /usr/include/boost directory with all the header files.

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UPDATE: Since I think that PulseAudio Equalizer is not being maintained anymore and it has some nasty bugs for years (Volume is set to 100% on login) I have found an alternative. The alternative is PulseEffects. It has more options and it's even better than PulseAudio Equalizer.

I'd like to add few details to Vladimir's comment about PulseEffects. On Android I've been using V4A audio effects application which greatly increased audio quality, especially bass boost. Unfortunately, I've been missing this kind of app on Linux for years and here it is - PulseEffects.

In order to get a powerful and clean bass boost in PulseEffects app, you need to manually reduce audio output in order to compensate bass boost (otherwise your speakers will sound like trash). Do the following in PulseEffects app:

You can open a terminal and run grep MHz /proc/cpuinfo. Then open a second terminal tab and run a loop like while :; do :; done. In the first terminal, run grep MHz /proc/cpuinfo again. You should see one of the cores has a higher frequency now:

You can also try powertop and turbostat from the linux-tools-common package (run sudo modprobe msr before sudo turbostat). The Git version of i7z is supposed to work for Sandy Bridge (and it works for me with a desktop i7).

Use sudo turbostat for this. The output of cat /proc/cpuinfo does not always show the real current CPU frequency but instead the maximum non-turbo frequency even when Turbo Boost is enabled and active.

Below you can see frequencies for CPU Number 0. To see all CPU's replace 0 with *. The frequency is expressed in MHz with three decimal places. So 1000000 = 1000 MHz = 1 GHz. This Intel Skylake processor is rated to 2.6 GHz or 3.5 GHz with Turbo Boost enabled.

Other answers mention alternate methods to the basic CLI (Command Line Interface). I like to use Conky to do this. In the example below the Skylake CPU has a regular frequency from 800 MHz to 2600 Mhz. With turbo boost enabled the frequency can jump to 3500 MHz under heavy load.

Now you can see the turbo boost is working by looking at the real-time CPU frequency. In the following screenshot, for example, the base speed of my i5 processor is 2.5GHz, but you can see the turbo boost is kicking in and giving more than 3GHz.

In addition, htop can display how much percentage of the core is used along with the temperature as well and htop displays the statistics more graphically in the terminal window itself. The advantage of using htop over other tools mentioned in this question, we can see which process is taking more resources in terms of CPU used and memory used. Users can kill the process if they want to.

For me everything was set properly so none of the answers were applicable. After wasting a couple of days I found out that my CPU governor was set to powersave and would never go above the base frequency. Had to switch it to performance

Search in specific suite:[focal][focal-updates][focal-backports][jammy][jammy-updates][jammy-backports][mantic][mantic-updates][mantic-backports][noble][noble-updates][noble-backports][oracular]Limit search to a specific architecture: [i386] [amd64] [powerpc] [arm64] [armhf] [ppc64el] [riscv64] [s390x] You have searched for packages that names contain libboost- in all suites, all sections, and all architectures.Found 100 matching packages.

I am having trouble installing boost library completely it fails/skips several things that seem to be key for me to continue on to compiling a program with it. Here is what I get when I install boost,

I installed boost 1.54 libraries on ubuntu 12.04, and it seems to conflict with my installation of libboost-all-dev, so i want to uninstall boost 1.54 libraries completely. How to uninstall the one installed from source?

I untar the boost library, started to bootstrap.sh , in order to ready the system to compile a copy of the boost libraries that I can use on the NICRio i have... but I am having trouble getting bootstrap.sh and corresponding b2, to tie into the NI provided gcc... anyone have some tips? System is Ubuntu 18.04 LTS if it matters.

After much gnashing of teeth, I successfully got the NICrio provided gcc cross compiler to arm... working with compiling the Boost Library (only dynamically at this moment, not yet gotten static builds of the library yet)

full disclosure, I think some of those parameters are for the regular gcc, which has great support from Boost library and it's default build system.. but I am unsure and not confident that they work when you misdirect the build to use the NICrio cross compiler for ARM... that being said, it worked.. albeit I cannot seem to invoke options like static

We are using ROS noetic on Ubuntu 20.04, and we have a ROS package(Slamtec's mapper) that was developed and tested on previous ROS distribution and required a boost library version of 1.53 to function properly. The package includes precompiled static linked libraries(boost, eigen, json, and rpos). The program will give 'Segfault' it is linked to Boost 1.71 in the system of Ubuntu20.04. But whenever I build the package, the executable is always linked to the system library(1.71) instead of the libraries provided in the package.

SEGFAULTs are typically a result of mixing different Boost versions, and you seem to have observed those (it's not limited to Boost of course: (transitively) linking different versions of the same library often doesn't work).

I believe the only robust way to avoid this is to build Noetic from source against the same Boost version you're bringing in from the SLTC_SDK_LIB_DIR. But seeing there are quite some differences between 1.53 and the Noetic native 1.71, that will most likely be problematic, if not impossible.

If you don't actually absolutely need to run this all natively under Noetic, I would suggest to use some sort of container technology to run just this one node in an isolated environment (fi: a Docker container). That environment would pack just this node and its dependencies (which probably includes ROS Indigo (?), which I assume is where the Boost 1.53 comes from).

I am using Jetson Agx Orin , with following configuration, attached in the screen shot.

I am working on an Exoskeleton which is operated in CANOpen protocol and the packages for that is not suited with 1.71 boost present in the Jetson.

yes , i have tried manually installing the boost and adding the library path in bash.c file but nothing seems to work.

also the 1.71 boost is available in the lib>aarch linux 64 folder where the permisiions cannot be changed to update the boost .

I had wsjtx 2.1.2 running fine on ubuntu 18. Then I went to update to 2.3.0 and it just never launched, although icon was there. I did uninstall and try several "tricks" but never launched. In the software center I had weird record saying I had 2.3.0 uninstalled and 2.1.2 installed. I did format my HD and install Ubuntu 18 from scratch to delete any inaccurate license record. Now with a clean fresh updated ubuntu 18, wsjtx 2.4.0 wont install (a bunch of dependency problems).

I have also noticed something else strange, when I import the pygmt module I get no errors. However, if I import this after importing pygplates, I get errors. This does not occur with any other module. I have included this below:

As we discussed offline just now, your initial seg fault is now fixed (the problem mentioned in this post above: libgdal.so.29: undefined symbol: opj_encoder_set_extra_options). By compiling pygplates in conda, both pygplates and pygmt use the same version of GDAL (thus avoiding the conflict).

So I created an anaconda environment with Python 3.8 and followed all of the instructions, editing the build files etc to make sure the correct version of GDAL is found. The build and installation ran without any errors, however when trying to import pygplates the following error comes up:

You can try removing the CMakeCache.txt file (as that caches all the build references, like libboost_python39.so.1.72.0). And then run 'cmake .' again. Then you can then double-check that the new CMakeCache.txt file no longer references Python 3.9 in any way. Then run make. That should compile quite quickly.

Boost is a tool for C++ programmers. It is available for free and works on both Windows and Linux Distributions including Ubuntu 22.04. The Boost is widely used for C++ programming. It also improves the performance and functionality of C++ programming, especially in Ubuntu. This post will provide you an insight into the installation and configuration of Boost libraries and dependencies on Ubuntu 22.04.

To get the source file, you need to open the official website of Boost. Then locate the Boost file with tar.gz extension e.g. boost_1_82_0.tar.gz and click to start downloading the source file.

If the Boost package is causing issues or is no longer needed, then can easily remove the package along with its libraries and dependencies. The apt purge command will help to remove all the files related to the Boost package from your Ubuntu 22.04. The command is as follows;

Alternatively, you can use the source file such as boost_1_82_0.tar.gz, to install and configure the Boost on your Ubuntu machine. This article has provided you with different methods for installing and uninstalling Boost packages on Ubuntu 22.04.

The easiest way to get Conda is having it installed as part of the Anaconda Python distribution. A possible (but a bit more complex to use) alternative is provided with the smaller and more self-contained Miniconda. The conda source code repository is available on github and additional documentation is provided by the project website. 152ee80cbc

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