Book Week Minecraft Competition 2020

'Curious Creatures, Wild Minds'

The Challenge!

Your challenge is to create a Minecraft world based on the setting of your favourite book! The more detail you can include, the more impressive the world will be.

Include quotes from the text in your world that describe the setting; extra points will be awarded for this! You can even include the characters and events that happen in your book. Don't forget to give your world the title of the book and mention the author too.

To record your your world, you will need to take a video explaining your creation. You will need to use the screen record function on you iPad. Don't forget to talk us through what you have created. Details on how to do this are below. Submit your video by uploading it to Padlet at the link at the bottom of this page. Make sure you video is no more than two minutes long.

The last day to submit your video will be on Wednesday the 9th of September. Winners will be announced on Friday the 11th of September. There will be four winners chosen from across the school.

Let's get mining and crafting!

How to screen record with audio...

The information at this link will help you to record your world. Don't forget to turn your microphone on when you record!

Upload the video of your world at this link. Instructions listed below.

  1. Write the title and the author in the title section.

2. Write you name and room number underneath.

3. Click the three dots in the bottom corner of the square and click the orange upload button. Select your Minecraft video to upload.

4. Your video should appear like this and you will know it is there!