The Nook Club (KS2)

The Nook Club - Key Stage 2

We are excited to welcome you to The Book Nook's Key Stage 2 Book Club!  This club is specifically curated for children in Key Stage 2, which generally includes children between the ages of 7-11 years old.  If your child is an avid reader or simply loves to explore new worlds, characters and stories, then they're in for a treat!  Every Thursday, our engaging book club offers a variety of literary experiences, from reading and discussion to fun literary games and activities.  Our book club provides a unique space where children can express their thoughts and insights in a friendly and inclusive environment.  Our aim is to foster a lifelong love of reading and literature by offering an enjoyable and stimulating experience that will leave children feeling inspired and engaged.  So, we encourage all young readers with a passion for storytelling and a desire to learn to join us and let's embark on an incredible journey together.

Books Read

October '23

November '23

December '23

January '23

February '24