3 Best Ways to Create A Fabulous Book Cover

Are you intrigued to acquire the bestselling shelf for your new book? A great writing style and captivating characterisation skills might make your next paper-based book or eBook a hit but you should acknowledge the immense impact enforced by a great book cover even when you boast on self publish my book.

Go forward to find and hire an illustrator, recognised in the book industry for their artistic exuberance portrayed on the covers of different bestselling books and eBooks.

If you would like to know more about creating a fabulous book cover, we have got the 3 best ways to do it

Hire a Book Cover Illustrator

With the professional assistance of creating the most appealing covers by the strongly recommended book cover designers, you can quickly move a few steps forward to convince more readers to buy your book.

Focus on the genre

Considering the genre, the theme of the book, and by focusing on the primary protagonist- the designers often use an image. For instance, the new book by Barrack Obama- A Promised Land features his picture as this book is Obama’s Biography. The image of the heath on the cover of Wuthering Heights explains the rugged nature and how it directly affects Heathcliff- the primary protagonist or antagonist.

Professional eBook Illustration

For more readers, always go for ebook conversion of your book and for that also, hire an illustrator for designing the cover of your eBook layout. Often the covers of eBooks differ from that of paperbacks or hardcovers.

Remember that today’s genre-loving readers create an instant psychological connection with the book covers much before they create a tactical connection.

Source: https://bookcoverdesignersuk.blogspot.com/2021/07/3-best-ways-to-create-fabulous-book.html