Call for Book Chapters

Smart Cities: A Data Analytics Perspective

Topics of Interest

The topics covered in the edited book will include, but not limited to:

  • Smart Cities and Data complexity
  • Data sharing platform for Smart Cities
  • IoT Solution Reference Architectures and Instances for smart cities
  • Smart buildings, smart homes, smart energy grids and Data Management
  • Big data technologies for smart cities
  • Mobility and Smart Transportation
  • Machine Learning Approaches in Smart Cities
  • Data Analytics Tools and Technologies for smart cities
  • Data oriented Case studies of applying IoT in smart cities
  • User modelling and smart cities
  • Middleware for Utility-based Provisioning of Smart City
  • Uses case for Smart Cities
  • Privacy and Social Issues in Smart Cities
  • Cloud Computing (IAAS, PAAS, SAAS) for Smart Cities
  • Open Platforms for Smart Cities
  • Sensor and RFID applications of Smart Cities
  • Cloud computing based approaches for smart city engineering
  • IoT based developments for smart cities engineering
  • Modelling and analysis of smart city technologies and systems
  • Mobile applications for smart cities

Chapter Organization:

Chapters of this book chapter are organized as following:

Part – I: Past, Present and Future of Data in Smart Cities

Part – II Smart Architecture, Technology and Algorithms

Part – III Data Complexity in Smart Transportation and Mobility

Part – II Data Management in Smart Environment

Part – IV Smart Services, Education and Governance

Part – IV Smart People, Living and Economy

Important Dates :

  • Proposal Submission Deadline : Feb 28, 2020
  • Proposal Acceptance Notification: Mar 15, 2020
  • Full Chapter Deadline : Apr 30, 2020
  • Full Chapter Acceptance : May 15, 2020
  • Camera Ready Submission : May 31, 2020
  • Expected Release Date of Book : Nov 2020