Services For Authors

What We Offer

Authors, if you need help with any of the following services, please let us know. We strive to provide authors with affordable ways to manage their publishing careers from start to finish. You should only worry about creating those magical stories-- leave the rest up to us!


Authors, if you need an editor who will offer you all of the amenities of a large editing service, but for a price you can afford, contact- to discuss how we can help you. 

Check out the Facebook page for reviews and clients we have helped!

Virtual Marketing

Authors, need help promoting your books? 

Let us find readers and do the marketing for you so you can spend more time creating stories!

Check out our services and reviews- Here

Synopsis Creation

Authors, you've written your story and now you need to create a catchy synopsis to let readers know how incredible your work is. 

Let us hook your readers with a synopsis for you. Click Here to sign up.