

Doctor of Philosophy (2022)

Civil Engineering

- Structural Engineering

Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati

Research: Seismic Analysis and Design of Confined Masonry Buildings

Bachelor of Engineering (2014)

Civil Engineering

College: Royal School of Engineering and Technology (RSET), Guwahati

University: Gauhati University

First Rank Holder in Gauhati University


Theory Courses 

    CEE022C801: Construction Engineering and Management

    CEE5022C401: Engineering Geology

    EVS982A203: Environmental Sciences-II

    CEE024S20S1/CEE024S20W1: Disaster Management

Laboratory Courses

    CEE022C413: Materials, Testing & Evaluation Lab

    CEE022C411: Engineering Geology Lab


Development of E-Learning Courses

Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering

Project: National Mission Project on Education through ICT: Developing suitable pedagogical methods for various classes, intellectual calibres and research in e-learning

Under: Dr. Kaustubh Dasgupta, and Prof. Hemant B. Kaushik, IIT Guwahati

Development of EERI Earthquake Reconnaissance Team Report

M7.8 Gorkha, Nepal Earthquake on April 25, 2015 and its Aftershocks

Under: Prof. Hemant B. Kaushik, IIT Guwahati 

Teaching Assistant (IITG)

Undergraduate Level

Structural Analysis – I 

Postgraduate Level

Design of Masonry Structures

 Structural Engineering Lab